Iowa Old Press

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Wednesday, Oct 3, 1906


     JAMESTOWN, Oct. 3- Mr. and Mrs. George Secoy mourn the loss of their baby boy, aged 9 months, making two deaths in their family in seven months. Their second oldest little son, aged 19 months, having died last April. They have the sympathy of their many friends.
     The children of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Willy of Davenport were summoned to the parental home Sunday on account of the serious illness of their aged mother, who was not expected to live through the day.
     The Birthday club met at the home of Mrs. James Williams Thursday. There was a good attendance of the members, and the usual sewing occupied the hours of the meeting. Dinner was served by the hostess at noon.
     Mrs. Fortner and Mrs. Grabbe drove to Davenport Thursday to shop.
     Miss Rose Cooper after spending the summer with friends in Hanibal, Mo., and Quincy, Ill. returned to her home here Friday.
     Mrs. Lafe Stennett of Muscatine visited for a couple of days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dyer, going from here to Buffalo, where she will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simion Myers, and other relatives before returning to her home to Davenport Saturday.
     Mrs. Gardner and little son drove to Davenport to shop Saturday.
     Calvin Anderson and his mother were Davenport business visitors Saturday.
     Mrs. Clara Ord and two little boys called on Mr. and Mrs. Secoy Sunday evening.
    Mrs. Ed Winfield went to Davenport Monday to meet her daughter, Mrs. Sherwood of Canton, Ill. who is visiting relatives in Davenport.
     Mrs. Isaac Secoy passed her 68th milestone Monday, Oct. 1.
    Mrs. Stillman has sold her cottage to John Buchmier and moved to Canton, Ill. where her husband will work in the mines. Her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Will Peterson and daughter have gone there also.
    Mrs. Peter Wilby died Sunday evening at six o'clock.

    ELDRIDGE, Oct. 2-Mr. and Mrs. Ed Worthman are the happy parents of a baby boy, born Sept. 28.
     Blanche and Arott Calderwood who are attending high school at Davenport spent Saturday and Sunday at their home.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Friday, Oct 5, 1906

     BUFFALO, Ia., Oct. 5- Mrs. L. Ochsner and daughter Flora were Davenport passengers Wednesday.
     Mrs. J. Gadd and daughter, Inez, of Davenport spent Thursday at the home of C. Appel.
     Mrs. J. Prignitz and daughters Alice and Leona, who have been visiting relatives in Stockton, returned home Wednesday.
    Mrs. Petersen of Davenport is visiting Mrs. Mrs. C. Huber.
    Mrs. Galbraith of Boone, Ia., left Wednesday after a weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. J. Teufil.
     The funeral services of Mrs. P. Willi were held at 9:30 at St. Peter's church, Rev. Father Shannihan officiating.
     A "mission" will be held at St. Peter's church beginning Oct. 28. A Passionist Father from St. Louis will conduct the services. Everybody is invited to attend.
     A large crowd attended the services conducted by Miss B. Bachelor at the M.E. church Wednesday evening.

WEST LIBERTY [ Muscatine Co.]
    WEST LIBERTY, Ia., Oct 5- Mrs. George Mantle departed for Knoxville, Ia., Monday morning to visit relatives for a few days and then return to her home at Salt Lake City.
    Mrs. William Hardin, Sr., met with quite a painful accident Monday evening. She was at the station and on leaving the platform her ankle turned, causing a fracture of the fibula, with a partial dislocation of the ankle. She was taken to the home of Mrs. Hannah Kerr and Dr. Botley was called and he gave her medical attention. At the last reports she was resting easily.
     Mr and Mrs. Phin Bailey and Mrs. Sarah Whitacre left for Ryan, Ia., Saturday evening to visit the latter's sister, Mrs. Hickethier.
     Mr and Mr. Amos Whitacre, after an extended visit in Canada, returned home Tuesday evening.

OXFORD [ Johnson Co.]
     OXFORD, Ia., Oct. 5- Miss Pear Beard of Oxford and Mr. C.S. Ties of St. Louis were united in marriage Sept. 27 at the home of Mr. F. Beard in Oxford. The ceremony was performed at 7 o'clock in the evening by Rev. R.D. Poole of Columbus Junction in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends. The bridal party entered a room to the strains of a wedding march played by Miss Ethel Ties. Immediately after the ceremony an elegant wedding repast was served. The guests from out of town were: F.W. Ties and the Misses Ties of St. Louis; Mr. T. Beard and Miss Agnes Rankin of Iowa City; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bean of Ladora; Frederick Robert and Waldo Beard of Missouri; Mrs. Dean, Miss Martha Raller and Miss Norma Catter of North English; Mr and Mrs T. Ford and Mr. and Mrs. P. Ford of Tiffin, Miss., Miss Laura Clark of Riverside, Ia. Mr. and Mrs. Ties left the same evening for St. Louis where they will make their home.
     Carpenters are in great demand at present. Henry Marke has taken two assistants, Roy Hardy and Orville Albright, to enable him to  finish his contract before winter.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Friday, Oct 12, 1906

     JAMESTOWN, Oct. 10- Mrs. Stillman has sold her cottage to John Buckmeier and has moved to Canton, Ill., where her husband has been working in the coal mines. Her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Will Petersen, have moved there also as there is a very poor show for work here in the coal mines. The shafts that are running here now are about worked out. There are several veins of coal here yet that could be worked if some man with a little capital would come along and open up some of these places that contain coal. Mr. Brown has 40 acres of land with a good body of coal under it that could be worked to advantage and Messrs. Sam and Ed James and Mrs. John James have coal under their land also that could be worked with a profit to some men with a little capital.
     George Secoy has sold his cottage to his mother and has moved to Buffalo.
    Mr. Langwith has harvested his crop of onions and expects to have 1800 bushels.
     The funeral of Mrs. Peter Willey was largely attended, the cortege being a mile in length. She was an old settler, highly esteemed and respected by all who knew her.
     Eddie James, Jr., broke through into the old works in his new shaft and the water from the old mines came rushing in so fast that he has had to buy an engine to keep the water out before the men could get in to work.

TIPTON [ Cedar Co.]
     TIPTON, Ia., Oct. 10-Mrs. M. E. Rodebush, a longtime resident of Tipton passed away Thursday evening, the funeral services being held Friday morning at the home at 9 o'clock and the remains were taken to Mechanicsville for interment.
     L.L. Kennedy, the candidate for recorder, is the only veteran of the civil war who has a place on any of the tickets in the field.
     Mrs. H.R. Porter has gone to Sac City for a visit at the home of her brother, R.M. Lang.
     Bert Ochiltree has returned to Tipton and will engage in business. This is his former home town.
     Tipton friends of E.S. Templeton regret to learn that he is seriously ill at his home in Bennett. Owing to his advanced age there is but little hope for his recovery.
     Mrs. Nellie May, who has been making an extended visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Spear, left this morning for Cleveland, Ohio.
     Mike Robinson, assistant engineer of the Electric light plant and Miss Leo Timmons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Timmons, were married this week at the home of the latter's sister in Vinton. They arrived home Friday morning and will go to housekeeping at once in the Powell cottage in this city.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Friday, Oct 19, 1906

     JAMESTOWN, Ia, Oct. 17- Grandma Ord, who has been stopping with her granddaughter, Mrs. Joe Metzger, in Buffalo for the last two months, returned to her home here Sunday evening.
     Mrs. John Prignitz of Buffalo visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. Clara Ord, for a few days last week, returning to her home Sunday evening.
     Mrs. Rowan of Buffalo, Mrs. Rowan's sisters, Mrs. Johnson of western Iowa and Mrs. Thomas Ager of Montpelier, came out to Mrs. Logan's Thursday for a visit. Mrs. Rowan and Mrs. Ager returned home in the evening, while Mrs. Johnson remained for a few days' longer visit. She is an aunt of Mrs. Logan.
     The young people of this place went out to the home of Mrs. and Mrs. Egbert Garlock on the Blue Grass road for a surprise party, taking their lunch baskets and music with them, Saturday night. They report a fine time.
     Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Murray visited with the latter's sister in Davenport Sunday.
     Mrs. Secoy and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. George Secoy, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Thomas Thursday.
     Miss Tenna Lang of Northwest Davenport was married Saturday to George Hoyt of Jamestown. They will live here, where he will work in the coal mines. They have the best wishes of their many friends.

WEST LIBERTY [ Muscatine Co.]
     WEST LIBERTY, Ia., Oct. 17- The annual meeting of the Union District Agricultural society was held Saturday afternoon at the city hall; President W.P. Nichols in the chair and a quorum of members present. The minutes of the last annual meeting and subsequent meetings of the directors were read and approved. The finance committee was instructed to audit the reports of the secretary and treasurer and report at the first meeting of the board of directors. This committee consists of Eb Fogg, Geo. w. Gause and P.M. Schooley. W.P. Nichols was re-elected president, A.C. Whitacre, vice president and N.H. Shepman secretary unanimously by acclamation. A ballot for treasurer developed a close race between C.P. Worrell and O.H. Martin. The latter won and was declared elected. C.P. Gibson was re-elected marshal by acclamation. A ballot for directors for two years resulted in the re-election of Messrs. J. F. Yetter of West Branch, George Cornwall of Downey, A.J. Stonebarger of Lone Tree, F.F. Carl of Nichols and R.C. Wagner and W.W. Anderson of West Liberty. On motion of C.S. Barclay the date for the next fair was fixed for the week preceding the state fair. President Nichols was named as the delegate from the society to the annual meeting of the State Agricultural society with C.S. Barclay as alternate. Mention was made of the candidacy of W.H. Shipman for member of the directory of the State Agricultural society from the second district and upon motion of C.S. Barclay he was unanimously endorsed for the position.
     Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Watters left Tuesday evening for an extended visit with their son Allen W. in Dexter, N.M.
     Mr. and Mrs. A. Hardin after spending the past week here with relatives left for their home in Chicago Monday.
     D. Smith returned to his home in New Jersey Monday noon after an extended visit here with his father, David Smith.
     Mrs. Naftzgar, while cleaning house Saturday, accidentally stepped into an open register, causing her knee to be dislocated.
     Mrs. E. Harrison and daughter Miss Carrie returned home Sunday after an extended visit with relatives and friends in South Charlestown, O.
     Mrs. Haines left Monday for her home in Vinton after visiting here with her daughter, Mrs. J.D. Fisher.
     W.H. Scott and wife of Gundy Centre spent the latter part of the week with the former's mother, Mrs. E.A. Scott, of Fourth street.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Tuesday, October 23, 1906

     BUFFALO, Ia., Oct. 19- Mrs. Peacock, daughter Esther and grand-daughter Vera Egger returned Wednesday from a brief visit with friends in What Cheer.
     Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kohl of near Davenport attended the wedding of the former's brother Wednesday evening.
     Mrs. Orde who has been staying with her granddaughter, Mrs. J. Metzger for the past two months, returned to her home in Jamestown Sunday.
     Mr. Sidwell of Iowa City was here Thursday in the interest of the J.C. Telephone company.
     Chester Peacock, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Ed. Egger, for the past two weeks, returned to his home at Norris, Ill. Thursday.
    H. Springmier, who has been seriously ill, is recovering.
     Rev. A.H. Grief of Davenport will conduct English services at the M.E. church Sunday afternoon.

     BIG ROCK, Oct. 20- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hickson were passengers for Davenport to call upon a sister, Mrs. Sarah Nagel.
     Station Agent Frank Nye left Thursday a week ago for northern Wisconsin to visit with two brothers that he had not seen for over 23 years.
     Mrs. Lucy Heckard and Mrs. Emma Templeton of Wheatland called upon Mrs. Heckard's sister, Mrs. Bessie Hickson recently.

OXFORD [ Johnson Co.]
     OXFORD, Ia., Oct. 20- Mrs. E. D. Jones arrived home Wednesday after a two weeks' visit with relatives at Lone Tree.
     Mrs. Frank Riddle is visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Pichner, at Cedar Rapids.
     Cyril Bireline, who has been very sick for the last week, is some better at this writing.
     Most of the farmers around here are husking corn. All report good crops.
     Rev. Dr. Hancher, president of Iowa Wesleyan university will preach at the M.E. church in Oxford Sunday morning, Oct. 21.

MARENGO [ Iowa Co.]
     MARENGO, Oct. 18- Miss Norah Mannagh of Iowa City returned home this week, after a visit at the home of her uncle, Edward Franey.
     Court is going on this week. Judge D.A. Byington on the bench Tuesday. The case of the State of Iowa vs. James K. Sparrowgrove for the exposing of an infant under 6 years of age. The jury returned a verdict of guilty Wednesday. Jury trial State of Iowa vs. William Gilliam, illegal selling of intoxicating liquors.
     Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Glenn returned this week from a visit at Stuart with their son, Mike and family.
     Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Nowlen went to St. Paul, Minn., Tuesday evening to live.

MAQUOKETA [Johnson Co.]
     MAQUOKETA, Ia., Oct. 20- A.L. Alderman of Winthrop, Ia., is in the city in the interests of a woven wire fence company and is exhibiting it at the Greenbay lumber yards. Mr. Alderman was a former resident of this place, being at one time engaged in the grocery business.
     Miss Mae Bailey, who has been on the sick list for the past three weeks, is reported as somewhat improved.
     John Keegan, superintendent of the shipping department of the O. McCaffrey cigar house, left this afternoon for Davenport where he will combine business with pleasure for a few days.
     Mr. and Mrs. Will Brady have moved into the E. Raines residence formerly occupied by Earnest Harder and family.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Tuesday, October 30, 1906

     BUFFALO, Oct. 27- The pupils of the primary room of our school who received certificates of attendance, for the past school month, are Walter Suhl, Clifford Rostenbaugh, Floyd Bottomley, John Zuercher, Walter Neumeister, Eugene Westendorf, Elmer Wrage, Minnie Walters, Elsie Schomaker, Hazel Moore, Helen Frank, Ursula Zuercher, Esther Westendorf, Marie Fidlar, Zella Moore.
     Captain H.E. Hoffbauer was in Davenport on business Friday.
     Mr. H. Frick and daughter Maria of Rock Island drove down and called on relatives Friday.
     The Ladies Aid Society met with Mrs. Wm. Ochsner Thursday afternoon.
     Mrs. Nellie Hoffbauer returned to Muscatine Wednesday after a few days' stay with relatives.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Scott County