Iowa Old Press

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Friday, August 3, 1906

Resume of Local Events By Times Correspondents


     BUFFALO, Ia., Aug 1-Miss Emma Zieher, who is attending the Normal school in Muscatine, spent Sunday at home.
     Mr. and Mrs. A. Murer spent Sunday in Muscatine with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Swartsfeger.
     Miss Norman and Florence Kautz and Hazel Gadd spent Monday at the home of their cousins, Misses Ella and Clara Kautz.
     Mrs. Tillie Kautz of Rock Island spent Sunday with relatives.
     Mrs. J. Porstman and children departed for Fort Scott, Kan., Sunday where they will make their home.
     Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moore of Blue Grass spent Tuesday at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Metzgar.


     WALCOTT, Ia., Aug 1- Mrs. Gus Stueben visited a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hinz, last week.
     Miss Hertha Moeller visited with relatives in Maysville on Sunday.
     Miss Norma Hinz is visiting her sister, Mrs. Gus Stueben, in Davenport for a few weeks.
     Mr. and Mrs. John Dommann returned home from their trip up north on Saturday evening.


     DIXON, Ia., Aug 1- Mrs. Geo. Paustian, of Davenport, after a pleasant visit here with her husband's sisters, Mrs. Ed Klahn, Miss Otto Carstens, departed for home.
     Att. E.B. O'Neill, of Davenport, was in town Thursday en route for the city. He had just come home from visiting his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth O'Neill, of Allen Grove.
     Mrs. Liddie Kindred of Sabula is here visiting with her brother, W.H. Hickson and family.
     Miss Ruth Everson was a passenger for Big Rock Thursday and helped Miss Golda Terry celebrate her thirteenth birthday.
     Benjamin Padgham, after an absence of two weeks at his sister's, Mrs. Laura Belle at Bennett, returned home.
     Mrs. Mattie Hummell, of Davana, Ill., is here visiting with her aunts and uncles, the Hicksons.
     Miss Maggie Meyers of New Liberty was in town to help her sister, Mrs. Manda King, celebrate her 23d birthday Thursday.


     M'CAUSLAND, Ia., Aug 1- Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Rasch are the proud parents of a little son born July 22.
     We are all glad to learn that Mrs. J.J. Martin, who has been on the sick list, is slowly improving.
     Mrs. A.J. Wright, son Loyal and mother, Mrs. W.G. Swartz, were Princeton callers last week.
     Mrs. D.M. Allison of Maquoketa, Ia., is here visiting her husband, D.M. Allison.

MAQUOKETA [ Jackson Co.]
     MAQUOKETA, Ia., July 31- Mrs. R.G. Grant reached home Saturday morning from New Hampton, where she had been the past week being called there by the serious illness of her sister.
     Richard Benton, George Tompkins, and Will Coverdale left this morning on a two weeks' outing along the Wapsie down near Noels. They will camp at Buzzard's Roost.
     Al Smith and family went to Davenport yesterday morning to see the Ringling Bros. shows and visit for a day or so with relatives. Fay Pain took charge of Mr. Smith's barber shop during his absence.
     Chas. Gallagher reached home Saturday morning from a ten days' stay in Detroit, Mich. to which place he was suddenly called by the serious illness of his father,who showed signs of improvement at the time of his son's departure.
     Frank Cowing, proprietor of the North Main street second hand store, is again at his place of business after being ill ten days.
     Elmer Bowman one of the young farmers south of town, lost the end of his thumb while trying to get a stick out of a mowing machine.

STOCKTON [ Muscatine Co.]
     STOCKTON, Ia., Aug 1- John Lutze sold his 80 acre farm north of town to Herman Thede of Durant for $130 per acre. Mr. Lutze will build a modern residence in town on the old Mishie property which he purchased.
     E.E. Moeller has exchanged his property in Muscatine for the old Kistenmacher place and the Witte property in the west end of town.
     E.E. Moeller has disposed of his threshing outfit to H.F. Bierkamp of Durant.
     Mr. and Mrs. William Banks of Durant were in town visiting at the Moeller home. Miss Edna Moeller returned with them for a week's visit in Durant.

LETTS [Louisa Co.]
     LETTS, Ia., Aug. 1- L. Van Horn, J.A. Thompson, Mart Ellison and E.E. Hadley have arrived home from their trip to southern Texas. Several of these gentlemen purchased land in the vicinity of Brownsville, Tex.
    Mrs. F. Rhyner and children departed last Friday evening for Weiser, Idaho, where they will join Prof. Rhyner. The professor has charge of the Weiser band and intends locating permanently at that place.
     W.H. Ellis departed Monday for Watertown, Ill, where he has purchased a grocery stock. The family will follow in a few days and will make their future home in Watertown.
     James H. Dutton is home from Iowa City at which place he had been taking some special work in chemistry.
     Miss Fiege, who has been visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. James H. Dutton, returned to her home in Des Moines Saturday morning.
     Thos. Meeker fell through a hay rack a few days ago and broke a rib with the result that he is unable to work.


Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Tuesday, August 7, 1906

Resume of Local Events By Times Correspondents

     BUFFALO, Aug. 4- Mrs. John Bell and family of Jamestown spent Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Achsner.
     Mrs. Worth Rowan of Muscatine is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Rowan,.
     Mrs. Theo Kautz, Mrs. Wm. Moorhead, Mrs. Theo. Porstman and Mrs. A. Westendorf spent Thursday at the home of Mrs. Kautz' daughter, Mrs. John Murphy.
     Mrs. A.H. Dorman and daughter Daisy were Thursday shoppers in Davenport.

JAMESTOWN [Now abandoned town]
     JAMESTOWN, Aug. 3- Mr. and Mrs. George Gardner took a load of chickens to Davenport Friday.
     Andrew Murray and daughter Mrs. Albert Dyer went to Davenport Wednesday. Mrs. Murray's son, Harry, who had been in Mercy hospital for the last three months, came home. Dr. Barewald thinks he soon will be entirely well.
     Ed James' new shaft has caved in and he will sink another where the roof is more solid and the coal thicker. There is a great demand for coal at present as the farmers are getting ready to thresh.
     An ice cream social will be given by Mr. and Mrs. Sam James on the lawn at their home on Friday evening for the benefit of the church.
     Mrs. Addie Greenwood, who has been visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. George Gardner, has returned to her home at Centerville.
     The Misses Hattie and Julia James of Kansas City are visiting at the home of their brothers, Ed and Sam James and other relatives and friends here and in Davenport.
     Henry Barner, Jr., of Durant, is visiting at the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sass.

    NEW LIBERTY, Ia., - Aug 4- Dr. Stoltenberg, Dr. Hell, Theo. Jurgens, Henry Lackman and E.T. McDonald, drove to Davenport Monday to take in the circus.
     Peter Bargmann, an old resident of this vicinity, died Sunday morning.
     Peter Stoltenberg of Blue Grass was here Wednesday to attend Mr. Bargmann's funeral.
    Mrs. H.C. Lamp, who has been on the sick list for the past few weeks, has improved.

     PLEASANT VALLEY, Ia., Aug 4- Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Stiff of Rochester, Ia., and their daughter, Mrs. Wm. Shelden of Witchita, Kan., visited several days with their son and brother, Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Stiff. Mrs. M. Madin and two grandsons, Arthur and Sidney Brockhage, accompanied them home and will stay this week.
     Mrs. F.B. Blackman returned to her home in Buena Vista after spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. H. Moeller.
     Wm. Watkins expects to start building his new house on the river road next week.

MAQUOKETA [Jackson Co.]
     MAQUOKETA, Ia., Aug 4- Dr. Isbell and wife of Clinton have been in town the past few days the doctor looking after his patients while she visited friends.
     Mrs. J.L. Dolph and son, Simon, left Thursday evening for Mitchell, S.D., where they will remain for an indefinite period visiting Mr. and Mrs. Will Hammell.
     Martin Godard and family of Guthrie, Okla. are here visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs. L Godard on West Platte street, Martin for many years was a valued assistant at the Cundil photograph gallery, but has changed from that line of work and is now employed by a large iron manufacturing company and is well and prosperous in his new home in the southwest country.
     Mrs. Harry Calisnay and daughter of Chicago are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs J.S. Biliups.
     Mrs. Jacob Glaser has gone to Clinton where she will remain two weeks attending the spiritualists' camp meeting.

CAMANCHE [Clinton Co.]
     CAMANCHE, Ia., Aug 4- Mrs. Ervah Geise, who resides in Chicago, came to Camanche Tuesday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mr. E.G. Bodie.
     Mr and Mrs Martin Hoyt of Council Bluffs, Ia., are visiting their parents, Mr and Mrs Theo. Hoyt in Camanche this week.
     Myron Howard has returned from Wabash, where he has been clamming this season. He brought with him some valuable pearls.
     Relatives of Rev. and Mrs. H.L. Steele gave them a surprise Friday, the occasion being Mrs. Steele's birthday.
     W. Drennen of Princeton, Ia., visited his sister, Mrs. I.R. Piersol in Camanche recently.
     Clinton A Case, resideing at Council Bluffs, Ia., who has been a visitor at his cousin's, Milton Westgate, in Camanche, for two weeks, started for his western home Wednesday evening.

TIPTON [Cedar Co.]
     TIPTON, Ia., Aug 3- R.A. Marton of Tipton and Mrs. Mary Marton of California were united in marriage Saturday, July 21 by the Rev. W.G. Beard at the Red Oak parsonage.
     Ned Van Metre has gone to Canada to assist his father in the business of the American Loan and Land company.
     Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McCormick and daughter, Grace, left this morning for a weeks' visit at Marengo. They were accompanied by an aunt, Mrs. Margaret McCormick, of Mt Pleasant, who has been visiting at their home.
     Mrs. L.L. Hoge left Tuesday evening on the Rock Island for Hardy, Ia., where she will make a visit at the home of her son, U.S. Hoge.
     Mrs. Emerson and children of Illinois are visiting at the home of her father, D.M. Graybill.
     Some anxiety was felt here this week when word came to town that Bob Sproat, Garrett Perry, John Smith and Frank Brown were afloat somewhere on the raging Cedar river and their whereabouts unknown. Tired of the monotony of camp life on the banks of the river near Buchanan, the boys built a raft and loading up their camp paraphernalia, they turned the prow down stream Tuesday morning. Whoever was at the pilot wheel deserves considerable credit for the craft dodged the sand bars and navigated the stream successfully. A message from Rochester said the boys arrived safe at that point.
     TIPTON, IA., Aug 4- Mrs Potter of Chicago is here to visit her mother, Mrs Amos Wisener and other relatives.
     The Misses Mildred Bassert, Essie Welman, and Clara Oven are home from Cedar Falls where they have been attending the state normal school.
     R.F. Witmer, the coroner was called to Lowden Tuesday to hold and inquest over a citizen of that place, who was killed by a train Tuesday morning.
     Mrs. Daniel Fleagle of Marshalltown is visiting her sister, Mrs. M.J. Hall of this city.
     Mrs. Richard Large who lives near West Branch and her sister, Mrs. Florence O. Moelier were in Tipton Friday.
     George Ross died Wednesday at his home in Wilton after a brief illness caused by inflammation of the bowels.
     Miss Rose Ried of Chicago is visiting her cousin, Mr. Litinger of this city.
     Mrs. Anne Chambers, widow of Dr. C.L. Chambers, died at her home in Des Moines Monday. Mrs. Chambers was well known in Tipton as she made her home here over 35 years. She probably will be buried at Cedar Rapids by the side of her husband, who died in 1894.


Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Wednesday, August 8, 1906

     George Martin, aged 76 years, 2 months and 4 days, an old resident of Scott county who farmed for years in Lincoln township, died at 6 o'clock this morning at this home, 514 West Seventeenth street, Davenport, after an illness of about two months. The infirmities incident to his advanced age were the cause of his death.
     Mr. Martin was a native of Ireland, born June 4, 1820. In 1850 he came to American and lived for two years in New York, coming then to Davenport. After residing  in this city for sometime, he settled in Lincoln township on a farm about four miles east of Eldridge, and lived there until seven years ago when he came to Davenport and has since been making his home with his daughter, Rose Martin, on West Seventeenth street.
     Nine children survive to mourn his death. They are Mrs. David Robinson, of Calamus, Ia., Mrs. Charles McDonald of Shelby, Ia., Mrs. Robert McKinney of Davenport, Rose and Florence Martin of Davenport, Theresa Martin of Des Moines, Belle Martin of Council Bluffs, George and Thomas Martin of Eldridge, Ia.
     The funeral will take place Friday morning from the late residence with services at 9 o'clock at St. Anthony's church, and interment in St. Margaret's cemetery.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Friday, August 10, 1906

     BUFFALO, Ia., Aug 7- Inez Gadd of Davenport is visiting at the home of her cousin, Lewis Kautz.
     A. Dorman who is traveling for the Hammond Packing company, Davenport, spent Sunday at his home.
     Mr. Arnold and Florence Schwartzfeiger of Muscatine spent Saturday and Sunday at the house of the latter's sister, Mrs. A. Myer.
     The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gadd of Perry, Ia., was brought here for burial Saturday evening. Services were held at the home of Mrs. J.C. Myers Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Interment was made at Blue Grass cemetery.
     Mrs. Theo. Porstman and Mrs. Ben Pagal returned home Monday after a brief visit in Moline with relatives.
     Hazel Gadd returned to her home in Davenport Monday after spending the past two weeks at the home of her cousins, the Misses Kautz.
     Mr. and Mrs. George Egle of near Blue Grass and Miss Emma Zieher who is attending normal school in Muscatine spent Sunday at home.

     ELDRIDGE, Ia., Aug 7- Miss Alma Zabel, who is attending Duncan's Business college at Davenport, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Zabel.
     Mrs. John Finley of Davenport was here visiting with her sister, Miss Addie McDowell on Saturday.

     LECLAIRE, Aug 7- Jesse Graham who resides near Princeton, had quite a narrow escape in a runaway here Sunday evening. Mr. Graham had Miss Anna Pollock with him, and was driving down Wisconsin avenue, the horses began to run opposite Dr. Bailey's office, ran down the hill which is quite steep and in trying to turn up Second street, through Mr. Graham managed them admirably, the buggy upset, throwing him and Miss Pollock out on the walk, they both received numerous cuts and bruises requiring assistance of a doctor to patch them up.
     The team was caught a few blocks up the street, put into a stable, and Mr. Graham was obliged to remain over night to repair damages, which were not great. Monday morning he made a start for home, taking with him his uncle, Chas. Bickel, to assist him. After going a short distance, the horses again became unmanageable and in spite of all that the two men could do, ran with all their might, throwing both men to the ground and making kindling wood of the buggy. The men escaped with a few minor scratches and bruises.
     The Sabbath school of LeClaire will have a union picnic at Black Hawk Watch Tower next Wednesday, Aug. 8th, going to Rock Island on the steamer Eclipse, through the generosity of Captain E.J. Lancaster, then to Black Hawk by way of electric cars.

Council Orders Engine and Complete Outfit
Will Be on Hand Within Thirty Days and Danger of Loss Will be Greatly Lessened.

     The LeClaire town council at the regular meeting last evening decided to purchase a Waterours gasoline fire engine, as protection against fire in the town in the future. The new engine with cart and 1500 feet of hose will arrive within 30 days and it is expected that then a volunteer fire company will be formed and drilled and ready to prevent disastrous losses in the future such as were incurred in the big fire there recently.
     For all fires on Second street or below, the engine will draw water from the river. Above that, it will be necessary to use water from  wells and cisterns. The new outfit is complete in every particular and is ordered from a St. Paul company.

MAQUOKETA [ Jackson Co.]
     MAQUOKETA, Ia., Aug. 7- Charles Romer of Belden, Neb., has been visiting relatives here the past few days. He was suddenly called here by the serious illness and death of his sister-in-law, the late Mrs. Otto Romer.
     A son of Henry Johnson, residing near Manning town was overcome by heat while in this city Saturday. He was taken to the hospital and given prompt medical attention and at last reports had improved sufficiently to be removed home.
     The Leland Giants, a colored baseball team will play the locals at the Athletic park in this city Thursday and Friday.
     Miss Bernice Allen has reached home from an extended stay in California and stop at Ft. Worth, Texas on her return trip to visit her mother for a few days. She has resumed her position as stenographer in the J.C. Murray law office.
     Will Waters has returned from Norway, Ia., where he has been for the past month acting as relief agent for the Northwestern at that point.
     A.S. Wendel arrived from Sioux City this morning and will visit a few days at the home of his mother, Mrs. Chas. Wendel.
     Roy Whipple, accompanied by his sister Carrie, left Saturday evening for Belden, Neb., where they will visit relatives.
     Al Reynolds, residing south of town, was overcome by the extreme heat Friday afternoon about 5 o'clock while threshing at a neighbor's, Jeff Bowman's. Dr. F.V. Johnson of this city was called and remained with the patient a number of hours. Not until about 10 o'clock did Mr. Reynolds recognize those about him. At last accounts he was resting easy and indications point to a complete recovery.

TIPTON [Cedar Co.]
     TIPTON, Ia., Aug. 7- Daniel Schultz of this city is suffering from a severe carbuncle on his back.
     Chas. Hawkins of this city has purchased the Bagley restaurant and will take possession Aug. 14.
     Mr. and Mrs. E. Crispin leaves on leave Tuesday evening for Minnesota to visit their son and daughter.
     Mrs. Grant Baker and son, leaves Tuesday evening for Minnesota to visit her sister, Mrs. Dan Rightmann.
     Wm. Mahoney died last evening after a lingering illness.
     The drying sheds at the Kettell brick and tile factory collapsed Tuesday, while the men were at work and some of them had a very narrow escape from being caught in the wreckage.

MARENGO [ Iowa Co.]
     MARENGO, Ia., Aug. 7- Joseph Nick, Sr. went to Wellman Monday for a several days' visit with his daughter, Mrs. Fred Schroeder, and husband.
     Born to Mr and Mrs. Joseph Nick, Jr., Wednesday, a son.
     Miss Anna Cronin and sister Frances returned home the latter part of last week from Davenport after a two week's visit with their sister, Mrs. Bruce Hedges.
     Miss Inez Knapp went to Rock Island Saturday for a few weeks' visit with her aunt, Mrs. Blair.
     D. Gode and wife departed Saturday for a visit at the home of their son Carl. While there Mr. Gode will purchase the fall stock of cloaks and fall suits for the Henry Gode dry goods store.
     Emmett Cronin of Wilton arrived Saturday evening for a visit at the home of his uncle, P.J. Cronin.
     Miss May Clapper of Omaha is here for a visit at the home of her uncle, Frank Clapper.
     Miss M. Ellis went to Chicago Saturday to purchase her fall stock of millinery. Miss Frances Beem has charge of her store during her absence.
Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Friday, August 17, 1906

     BUFFALO, Ia., Aug. 16- Mrs. Henry Frick of Rock Island, Miss Julia Sunday of Detroit, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Tiche of Newton, Ia., and Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Kautz of Walcott spent Tuesday at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christ Kautz.
     Messrs. Wm. Bishop, Karl Rauch and George Davis departed for North Dakota Wednesday, where they will spend the remainder of the summer.
     Mrs. W.J. Eggar, Mrs. Harry Eggar and children and Miss Mary Eggar spent Tuesday in Muscatine with relatives.
     Mrs. C. Rowan and Mrs. F. Logan departed for Des Moines Wednesday where they will visit with the former's daughter, Mrs. Colony.

     DIXON, Ia., Aug 15- Miss Veronica Ketelsen of Big Rock was in town Friday calling on old schoolmates.
     C.D. Mills of Cedar Falls was in town Friday and paid a brief  visit to his wife's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Binford and his bother-in-law, Dr. W.S. Binford and Chas. Ludwig.
     W.M. Christie representing J.H. Dole & Co was in town calling upon the grain merchants Friday.
     Henry Stahff of Davenport, after a pleasant visit here with his wife's daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Doney, departed for home Friday.
     Christian Hahl?an of Garvin after a pleasant visit with his aunt at Buena Vista took his departure for home on Thursday.
     Douglass Huster who has been spending the past nine months in Illinois came back to Dixon to work during the threshing season.
     Miss Anna Yale one of the teachers at Zion City, Ill., came home to see her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Yale.
     Miss Maude Binford of Detroit, Mich., was here to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Binford, Saturday.
     Mrs. Martha Jensen of Davenport after a very pleasant visit with her mother, Mrs. A. Wright at Buena Vista departed for home.
     F.G. Engelhart left for Winsor, Mo., in search of land for entry.
     J.C. Shearer of Tipton, Mrs. C. S. Hawkins and Mrs. Dilley visited the Hawkins-Dilley camp on the Wapello Thursday.

     LECLAIRE, Ia., Aug. 15- Quite a number took the Burlington train among the number being S.W. Kylor and J.D. Barnes of this place, Geo. Leamer and wife, Samuel Banner and wife of Argo. Several others went Monday night.
     T.B. Stone has completed preparations for putting a furnace in his house. Furnaces are becoming quite popular in LeClaire, several having been put in during the last two years, besides several in the adjoining country.
     Frank Sanders and family of Iowa City are visiting with Mr.s Sanders' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Moore.
     W.K. Johnston, after a long illness, is able to be out again.
     D. Zimmerman is getting some fences built around his property in the lower part of town. Chas. Green and Grant Hatcher are doing the work.
     Mrs. Vandeburgh is very sick at this writing.
     Lewis Gardner has returned to his farm in Sterne, S.D.
     There was an exciting runaway up at Sleepy Eye corner, the horse ran and jumped over a grade into the crack of a tree. The horse and buggy belonged to Mrs. M.R. Williams. No one was hurt.
     Lewis D. Marshall has resigned his position at Williamson store and accepted a position as traveling salesman for Henry Darts & Sons, grocers, Rock Island.
     Mrs. Edith  Brown is getting her farm buildings brightened up with a new coat of paint. Joe Walker of Princeton is doing the work.
     L.C. Stockwell is still very ill.
     Miss Nan Quick of Albany has accepted the position as pharmacist at the Cordova pharmacy.
     Mrs. Jared Sexton has been very ill but is better at this writing.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Tuesday, August 28, 1906

     Mrs. Sarah O'Bryan, who died at Mercy Hospital Saturday was buried this afternoon at 3 o'clock from the family home 1311 Union street. The funeral was private and burial was in Fairmount cemetery. Mrs. O'Bryan was 71 years old at the time of her death. She was born in King's County, Ireland, May 14, 1835. She is survived by her husband, Martin O'Bryan, one son Thomas and one daughter Cecelia of South Dakota.


     BUFFALO, Ia., Aug 24- On Saturday French's Floating Palace will be at Buffalo. Mr. French was here last year, and being so well pleased in the manner in which the people of the town and surrounding country patronized him, decided to make another landing here this season. The show last season was one of the best that visited this town for some time and the people here will no doubt take advantage of the company's return date.
     Mrs. A. Murer and Miss Sabina Murer spent Wednesday evening in Muscatine at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Schwertfeger.
     John McCulley of Cotter, Ia., has accepted the position as agent at the C., R.I. & P. depot. Mr. Bowers, the present agent, has resigned and will locate at some point in Missouri.
     Miss Ella Kurtz is visiting with her sister, Mrs. J. Murphy, of Little's Grove.
     Capt. W.L. Clark will dispose of his livestock by public sale Saturday.
     Mr. and Mrs. L. Winters of Rock Island are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Kautz.
     Mr.and Mrs. O. Greene on Thursday returned from Oswego, N.Y., after having taken the remains of the latter's mother for burial to that place.
     Capt. W.C. Collins was a passenger to Davenport Wednesday.
     The K. of P.'s will give an excursion on the Helen Blair Saturday, Sept. 1 Everybody come and have a good time.
     Mrs. J. Teufil returned from Davenport Thursday. She was accompanied by her sister, Miss Mollie Flemming.
     Mr. and Mrs. J. Myer and children of Davenport are visiting at the home of the latter sister, Mrs. Henry Neumeister.
     The Buffalo Stars will play at the Benadom Maroona Sunday afternoon, Aug. 26, at the home ball park.

     JAMESTOWN, Ia., Aug. 24- The Chapple Sunday school joined forces and went to Linwood last Thursday for an all day picnic. Everyone took a well-filled basket, enough for dinner and supper. The time was spent in sociability and in renewing old acquaintances. Music, singing, and boat riding were part of the program. All report a good time.
     Charles Fortner has bought John Blackwell's house and is moving into it today, and a man by the name of Jack Miller, who has been keeping a saloon on Front street in Davenport has bought the house where Mr. Fortner lived with six acres of ground and is moving there today. The place belonged to some man in Davenport. He paid $1,200 for it. It is one mile west of Jamestown, and is right across the road south from the James farm and Joins John Murray on the west.
     George Garned and son Lloyd took a load of peaches to Davenport Monday.
     Mrs. Hiram Dyer, who has been confined to her bed with symptoms of typhoid fever, is improving slowly. Dr. Ficke of Davenport is attending her.
     Mrs. John Bell and children are visiting at the home of her cousin, Mrs. Hamp Ladner, on the Blue Grass road.
     John Benhoof and family from Hazel Dell came up to visit at the home of Mrs. Benhoof's sister, Mrs. George Gardner, returning in the evening.
     Isaac Secoy has transferred a lease he had on a coal mine here to Steven Dyer. It will now be called the Dyer & Ross bank.

    ELDRIDGE, Ia., Aug. 24- Misses Alice and Anna Fellner of Mt. Joy and Miss Emma Koch of Davenport were here visiting with their aunt, Mrs. Aug. Lemp on Tuesday.
     Miss Lila Munter left Friday morning for a month's visit with friends and relatives at Geneseo, Ill.
     Miss Hulda Wamser of Maysville was here visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Henry Grave.
     Dan Fedderson of Cleveland, O., was here visiting with relatives last week.
     Mrs. Henry Hahn was hostess to the Thursday Afternoon Cinch club this week at her home. Two tables were surrounded in the game and the gift for high score was presented to Mrs. J.B. Crouch, while Mrs. Henry Greve was awarded the booby favor. After the cards refreshments were served. The next meeting of the club will be with Mrs. B.A. Zabel.
     John Sievers of Everet, Wash., is here visiting with friends and relatives.

     LECLAIRE, Ia., Aug. 24- Mrs. J.D. Barnes left this morning for Des Moines, where she will spend a week visiting with her son, Raymond Barnes and family.
     J.V. Pollock, Jr., left Thursday for Keokuk where he has accepted a position of engineer on the Silver Crescent.
     Miss Lillian Bandy, of the Soldiers Orphans Home, Davenport, is in LeClaire this week caring for her uncle, William Fowler, who has been quite ill.
     Ellsworth Bissick and Lee Suiter left Monday for Canada where they will engage in the threshing business.
     Mr.s B.P. Lancaster left Wednesday morning for Mercy hospital where she will undergo an operation.
     Mrs. Fred Stone entertained the Dorcas society Tuesday afternoon.

    DIXON, Ia., Aug. 24- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Connor of Red Wing, Minn., and family, are here for a few days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor and old friends and neighbors of years gone by.
     Katie Porth of Davenport, who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Chas Porth of Buena Vista was in town Saturday on her way home.
     Adelia Mohr of St. Louis, Mo., departed for her home Saturday afternoon after a pleasant visit with her parents, Mrs. Joachim Mohr.
     Miss Meta Paustian is here visiting with her sisters, Mrs. Carstens and Mrs. Klahms.
     Harold Warner was a passenger for Davenport where he visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Riefe.
     Dr. Henry Hell of New Liberty was in town calling on old friends Saturday.
     Mrs. Fred Firch and children, of Geneseo, Ill, were in town on their way home from Buena Vista where they were visiting Mrs. Firch's brother, Gus Vatter.
     John King was a passenger for Fowler, Kan., where he will visit his uncle, James King.
     Arthur S. Olsen left Wednesday for Gaspon, N.Y., to see his sister, Mrs. Francis R. Day, while in the East he will attend school at Gasport.
     Joseph Hesse and Max Bunge returned from Canada Wednesday. Mr. Bunge bought a 160-acre farm while there.
     The famous Oscar Wylie, "steeple jack" of Davenport, stopped in town Tuesday on his way to Davenport.
     Wm. Puls of Davenport was in town and spent Sunday with friends.
     Mrs. C.E. Sheridan was of McCausland spent Sunday with her father, G. King, southeast of town.
     C.B. Snyder was a passenger for Davenport, calling on his daughter, Mrs. M.E. Bowling Tuesday.
     Mrs. George Walton of Tipton spent Sunday with her father, Geo. W. King.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Friday, Aug 31, 1906

     BUFFALO, Ia., Aug 29- Lulu Mounts of Muscatine is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Mounts.
     Mr. and Mrs. Gus Egger of Muscatine are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Egger.
     Miss Iva Theone returned home Tuesday after having spent several weeks with relatives in Montpelier.
     Miss Sabina Murer who has been visiting relatives here for the past two weeks, returned to Chicago Sunday.

MAQUOKETA [ Jackson Co.]
     MAQUOKETA, Ia., Aug 29- Bert Stengel, who is working at the jeweler's trade at LaCrosse, Wis., arrived yesterday for a visit with his family.
     Earnest Langridge, a Chicago telegrapher, came out from the Windy City Monday evening to make his mother and sisters a visit.
      Miss Anna Schuman, from south of town, is learning the dressmaking trade with Mrs. M. Williams.


Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Scott County