Iowa Old Press

Davenport Daily Republican
Davenport , Scott , Iowa
March 12, 1903

All Over The State  

Dubuque Pioneer Dead
Dubuque , March 11 – Geo. Wilging, one of the few remaining pioneers of Dubuque , died here, aged 80. Deceased had been a resident here for 57 years and was prominent in business circles until old age compelled him to retire. He is survived by his wife and seven children.  

Estate is Worth Millions
            Burlington , March 11 – Mrs. W.E. Tomlinson of this city is one of the heirs of a large Tennessee estate worth millions, now awaiting distribution. Just her exact share of the fortune is not known, but it will run up into large figures.
            In the year 1832 William Pegg, John R. Boyer, Robert Montgomery and Thomas W. Graham each obtained from the state of Tennessee a grant of land containing 5,000 acres. A few years later Israel Kineman also obtained four or five grants of 5,000 acres. Associated with the first named gentleman were John Rhodes, Robert M Dunlap, Daniel R. Leisenring and Jas. R. Sage. The men were all Pennsylvanians and during their lifetime the land did not amount to much. It was located on the great Cumberland plateau , upon which extensive coal deposits have been discovered and the development of these fields has made the land worth millions of dollars.
            The heirs to Daniel R. Leisenring in this part of the country are Mrs. Tomlinson of Burlington , W. Kase Lisenring, Geo. Leisenring and J.R. Leisenring of Chicago, Mrs. V.H. Shields of New London , Iowa and C.H. Leisenring of Ottumwa .  

Kicked a Tin Can Into Ditch
            Lewis, March 11 – Vernon Clements, a young farmer, three miles north of town, was severely injured by the explosion of an old can which he kicked while unloading a lot of rubbish into a ditch. What was in the can probably will never be known, as the family who formerly occupied the house have moved to Nebraska . His face and head were lacerated very badly and his eyes are affected to such an extent that he may lose one or both. He was taken to the Commercial Hotel, where he is under the care of physicians. His parents live at Lincoln , Neb.  


Washington , D.C. , March 11 – Michael Nessa has been appointed postmaster at Garden City, Hardin county, vice John E. Johnson, resigned.
- Edwin W. McCracken has been commissioned postmaster at Scranton .
- Patents granted – Frank Anderson , Davenport , teething nipple; Fred L. Brimer, Indianalo, trace carrier; Otto C. Eggers, Atlantic, clock key; Scott H Hull, Oskaloosa, horse collar fastener; Samuel Jones, What Cheer, pick; Edwin L. Madden, Kanawha, electric generator and distributor, for medical use; Robert L. McCartney, Ottumwa, trolley for electric railways; Gabriel F. Snyder, Abingdon, hog snout holder; Phillip Yeager, Otterville, draft equalizer.

Submitted by: C.J.L.


Iowa Old Press
Scott County