Iowa Old Press
Davenport Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
February 8, 1901
Buffalo, Ia., Feb 5- Mr. Eipper, of Port Byron, Ill.,
paid his brother,
August Eipper, a visit this week...Mrs. Mary Moritz spent
Saturday in
Davenport with friends...S.M. Reynolds and A. Von Koeckerts, two
Davenports well-known traveling men were doing business in this
city on
Monday...Miss Bessie Moorhead returned home yesterday after a
week's visit
with relatives in Davenport...Rudolph Wragge was a passenger to
this morning...The people here have begun to use the ice bridge
for crossing
with teams now. Louis Hoffbauer was the first to cross...The ice
still continues. Fourteen inches is the average thickness and
quality as
fine as it can be...Freddie Neumeister's delivery horse runs away
on an
average of about once a day this cold weather...W.H. Crawford is
agent for
the Davenport Times. If you want to subscribe for the paper pay
any back
dues or anything due connected with the Times, contact him. He
will attend
to your wants promptly and satisfactorily. Better subscribe now
and be in
Le Claire, Ia., Feb 7- C.S. Simpson returned Wednesday
from a business
trip in Newton, Ia. Mr. Simpson is the owner of some of the best
bred cattle
in the state at that place and reports them all in good
Hilbourn is in Davenport today...Will Shirk, Jr. has recovered
from his
recent illness, and has resumed his duties as mail clerk on the
Rock Island
road...Miss Lottie Graham is now a student at the Davenport
College...Willie Blasick came home from Des Moines Wednesday
evening for a
short visit...Miss Bessie Smith came up from Rock Island
Wednesday to attend
the home talent play...Mrs. A.H. Marshall has returned from a
pleasant visit
with Moline friends...Dr. Campbell will preach in the
Presbyterian church on
next Sunday morning...Invitations have been issued for the
Knights of
Pythias dance to be given Friday evening, Feb. 15...Mrs. Jennie
spent several days of this week with friends in Davenport...The
social was held last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.H.
Marshall...Will Davis of Valley City spent the day with his
brother, George
H. Davis, above town...Mrs. C.C. Hilman has just returned from a
visit with relatives in Davenport...Next Tuesday evening is the
meeting night of the K.L.G. P. lodge and it will meet in the city
hall as
usual...George Brown, Jr. was in Davenport on a business visit
Tuesday...Miss Helen Dayley is home from a weeks' visit with
relatives and
friends in Davenport...Sam Moore's little granddaughter, who is
here on a
visit from Iowa City, is having an attack of scarlet fever in a
mild form.
The house has been properly quarantined and there seems little
of the disease spreading...Great interest is being manifested in
the coming
Spinster convention at the rink on Feb. 13.
STOCKTON [ Muscatine Co.]
Stockton, Ia., Feb. 5- Everybody is either shoveling snow or
riding these days...The elevator company is adding to its sheds.
They are
now feeding bout 75 head of cattle now...The morning passenger on
the B.C.R.
& N. had quite a time getting through the drifts here on
Monday morning.
There was three feet of snow in the cut just east of the switch
on the
C.R.I. & P., but a snow plow cut through it about 11 o'clock
on Sunday
night. No. 2 was hauled by two engines on Monday
morning...Rudolph Warner is
getting to be a mighty hunter. He has killed 40 rabbits up to
date. He goes
armed with a stick and a little dog...If the ground hog had put
on his specs
last Saturday morning, he might for the space of a half hour
caught a faint
outline of his shadow...Miss Haller was unable to be at her desk
morning on account of sickness. So the pupils in room B had a
Jensen's house plants all froze on Monday night and undoubtedly
"there are
others"...The new Sunday school was started here last Sunday
and in spite of
the storm two sessions were held, one in the forenoon and another
in the
afternoon. The attendance was about 25...Read The Times. It comes
regularly. One dollar for three months daily by mail.
CAMANCHE [Clinton Co.]
Camanche, Ia., Feb. 7- Wm. Dunn, of Clinton, was in Camanche on
business Tuesday...Fred Evers is reported quite ill, threatened
pneumonia...Fred Horn, an ex-editor of Clinton county, is quite
ill at his
home in this city...Rev. J.K. Shiffer, pastor of the M.E. church
in this
place, is sick with the grip...Miss Anna Horn was in Clinton
Eckerman, Carl Kirk, H. Farnsworth and H.J. Steele were in
Tuesday...A genuine snow storm and blizzard prevailed here all
day Sunday.
Services were suspended at night at both our churches on account
of the
inclement weather...Our people were busy all forenoon Monday
sidewalks and making paths so as to be able to get around in our
Brown of Kilbourn City, Wis., who attended the funeral of his
brother, S.C.
Brown, last week, returned to his home last Saturday...Mrs. M.T.
Sweeny, of
Clinton, has sold her residence in that city, and will for
the time being
make her home with her son-in-law, John Sweeny, of this
city...Rumor has it
that our hotel is soon to change proprietors...Mr. and Mrs. R.
celebrated the 56th anniversary of their wedding last Wednesday,
Jan. 30,
when a goodly company gathered to participate in the festivities.
One person
was present, who witnessed the marriage ceremony performed 56
years ago. Mr
.Brown is in his 82nd year, but for all is still quite
active...Concert at
the Baptist church Tuesday, Feb. 12, under auspices of the
B.Y.P.U., Prof.
McArthur of Clinton to direct.
WELTON [Clinton Co.]
Welton, Ia., Feb. 6- Mrs. Wm. Smith, of Fayette, Ia., is visiting
friends here...Mrs. David Kindig who has been visiting relatives
here for
some time, returned yesterday to her home at Kingley, Ia...A son
arrived at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Van Horn yesterday. All are
well...The wedding mentioned last week at L.A. Loofboro's proved
to be a
double one. Miss Orpah Loofboro to Mr. Wells and Miss Sadie
Loofboro to
David Ring of Milton, Wis. Both couples left next day for their
new homes,
the former at Chicago, the latter at Milton, Wis., where Mr. Ring
principal of schools. Their many friends congratulate them...Mrs.
Potter, who has been visiting at Chicago, returned home this
week...An ice
cream social at the home of J.B. Davis, Thursday evening...There
will be a
grand ball at Paulsen's hall, Feb. 15. The holder of the lucky
number will
receive a top buggy...John Calahan and M. Sullivan are in Chicago
with stock
this week.
Davenport Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Thursday, February 14, 1901
DOES SMALL POX EXIST? - Interesting Session of
the Board of Health at the City Hall
CONDITIONS OF INFECTION - Detention Hospital Will Be Provided For
Suspects Near Stone Yard- Geo. Thuenen's Protest
"Does smallpox exist?" was the very pertinent question
discussed at a protracted board of health meeting which was held
at the city hall yesterday afternoon.
The discovery of six more cases of alleged smallpox since last
Monday occasioned the call of the special meeting. Frank Lee
Logan, who lives with William Hitchcock, at 1034 East Fourteenth
street, and 19 years of age, was found to be suffering with the
disease yesterday and was at once placed under quarantine. Then
the special meeting was called. The meeting was convoked at 4
o'clock and adjourned at 5:45 to meet next Tuesday afternoon in
regular session.
Mayor Heinz, in calling the board of health to order stated that
he wanted to find out all he could in reference to the smallpox
conditions. He wanted to know what had been done and what should
be done. He noticed that there was some contagious disease going
around which isn't smallpox, but against which people should be
protected. He asked the doctor how many of the cases existed at
the present time. "There are 11. We had 12, but we got rid
of the Brunn case," was the reply. "Then let us take
each up in order and see what is being done," said his
The Physician's Returns
The Helen Pauli case was taken up. The girl was getting well and
was around the house. Two guards had been placed on duty. The
eruptions on the child began on Jan. 24. As the return card
originally did not bear the name of Dr. A.W. Bowman, the
physician who discovered the case, the same had been taken to him
for his signature. This was the order made at the last meeting of
the board of health.
A letter from Dr. A.W. Bowman stating that as soon as he
discovered the case he sent a notice by private carrier to Dr.
Preston, which reached him 18 hours sooner than it would have
done through the mail. He had thought that he had done his full
duty in notifying the city physician. Dr. Rudolph, who attended
the Lewis cases at Hadlai Heights wrote in the same strain. Dr.
J.P. Crawford, who had been called to attend the Thuenen case had
telephoned the clerk to the same effect. Mayor Heinz emphatically
stated that hereafter he did not want any cards signed by the
city physician returned to the board of health unless he himself,
and without any attending physician being present, discovered the
case. "The doctor has troubles enough of his own,"
suggested the mayor, "and he shouldn't shoulder that
responsibility. We have to make out our bills to the county from
these returns and we must know who is reponsible."
No Attending Physician
Alderman Phillips stated that one of the smallpox guards at the
Schroeder place on Marquette street had come to his home and
reported that after the quarantine had been established at that
home the patient, who is an adult, was left for 48 hours without
an attending physician. Dr. Preston stated that it was not his
fault because he had notified the patient to send for him when
Dr. Preston suggested that one physician at a salary be employed
to care for all of the smallpox patients. He said the fee is
ordinarily $10 per visit in a smallpox case. He stated that
doctors did not care to take charge of such cases and could not
legally be compelled to do so. His duties obliged him to diagnose
the disease, establish and maintain the quarantine and not to
wait on the patient. Alderman Lindholm asked if a physician was
not compelled to go when called upon. "Not legally,"
replied the physician.
"I can understand and see where he can be held liable,"
said City Attorney Thuenen. "You can't let a man die through
neglect of assisting him." The doctor stated thereupon that
the fraternity was philanthropic and that forgetfulness of self
was characteristic of the cloth.
To Dispense with Guards
The question as to dispensing with the smallpox guards at the
Pauli place came up. There is a day and a night watchman employed
there, and it was thought that the night watchman's services
might be dispensed with. Alderman Bawden did not care to relax
the vigor of the quarantine. "Don't let us take down the
gates yet," he said. "We may have reason to regret
it." Dr. Preston stated that the quarantine should endure at
least until the 24th inst. which would be one month from the
appearance of the eruptions. Alderman Lindholm moved that the two
guards be retained at the Pauli place until Feb. 24. Seconded by
Alderman Bawden. Dr. Preston voted aye.
The Alma Thuenen Case
In the case of Alma Thuenen, reported by Dr. J.P. Crawford, Dr.
Preston reported two more infections, those of Mildren Thuenen, 3
years old, and Mary McMahon, the 15-year-old domestic, both light
cases. The case of Miss McMahon is post vaccination and according
to City Attorney Thuenen, the first child taken ill, Miss Alma,
is doing the work for the hired girl whose arm is painfully
swollen. The city physician stated that the diagnosis showed
varioloid in both cases. "What is varioloid?" was
asked. "It is the kind of smallpox you get after you are
vaccinated." replied the mayor. This provoked laughter.
Doesn't Believe It Is Smallpox
George Thuenen, through his brother, Henry Thuenen, the city
attorney, registered a protest. He contended that his children
did not have the smallpox, and therefore objected to Dr.
Preston's visit to his home on the ground that he had gone
directly to the Wards on Mount street to the Thuenen's thus
possibly distributing the infection. Mr. Thuenen insisted that
his children have not what is called the smallpox ,and has
authority for it, as alleged in he person of the old practicing
physician who served in the smallpox hospitals in the south when
the disease was virulent and the mortality great. Hence Mr.
Thuenen did not care to have the city physician come from a house
wherein smallpox may exist, into his own home, where he believes
it does not exist.
The Causby Guards
In reference to the retention of two guards at the Causby home on
East Locust street, it was suggested that the case was an
isolated one, and that the guard might be dispensed with. Upon
vote Bawden and Preston voted no and Lindholm and Phillips aye.
"I vote aye," said the mayor. Hence the night watchman
at the Causby place was ordered removed.
The Other Cases.
The cases of Thomas and Malvern Iles, of Wm. Bennett, Albert
Cook, Nettie Wirtz and the two Wards, and Mr. Schroeder, in
Northwest Davenport, and also of Frank Lee Logan, the latest
discovered, were all debated. No guards was deemed necessary in
the Bennett case, but ordered placed in the Cook, Wards and Logan
cases. The Wirtz case was quarantined but no guards placed. Dr.
Preston suggested that Frank Lee Logan be taken to the pest
house. Mayor Heinz vigorously object on account of the consequent
Source of the Infection
Dr. Preston stated that he attributes the source of the infection
to a tramp who possibly slept in school house No. 1 some 10 or 14
days prior to the infection of Helen Pauli. This, however, he
advances as a supposition.
Ten Dollars Out of Pocket
The doctor stated that he had vaccinated 136 school children at
school No. 1 and was out of pocket by $10 worth of virus. He
reiterated his former statements that vaccination was a safety
measure. Much discussion was had as to whether or not the
smallpox existed. The mayor considered it chickenpox, or smallpox
rash, and Alderman Phillips concurred in the diagnosis. Dr.
Preston insisted that it was smallpox though of a non-malignant
type. It was surely epidemic. It was a sort of natural
vaccination rendering one immune. Still he desired to be upheld
in his authority in the extirpation of the disease. Quoting from
the definition of the disease in the report of the state board of
health, the following is found which was pointed out to the
reporter: "There are still physicians in Iowa who call it
Cuban itch, yaws or chickenpox because some of the cases do not
present all the symptoms and signs of smallpox. There are other
physicians, who not being able to call it smallpox, claim that it
is a new disease, and do not pretend to name it."
A Detention Hospital.
Dr. Preston recalled the arrest of the deaf and dumb boy by
Officer Quinn recently and of how the policeman was told to take
the lad down to the river and keep him there until he could be
examined for smallpox. He said that it was cold weather and
dangerous to isolate a suspect on the river bank pending
diagnosis. He suggested the building of a small structure in the
patrol barn enclosure which could be filled up with a rapid
heating sheet iron stove and a cot for the reception of all
suspects such as was the negro Olliver. Alderman Phillips thought
one section of the old police station might be used, and an
entrance afforded through the great doors on the Main street
side. The matter was referred upon suggestion of the mayor to
Alderman Phillips. Thereafter adjournment.
Davenport Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Tuesday, Feb. 19, 1901
Eldridge, Ia., Feb. 18- George Clapp of
Long Grove, was in our town
Saturday...McDowell Bros. put their ice up last week...Hans
Denker got his
ice from Davenport... The masquerade ball Saturday night was
fairly well
attended...Miss Minnie Steffey spent Friday in
Davenport...Several from here
attended the concert at Jacobsen's hall Friday evening...Some
people are going to give an entertainment at Turner hall the
evening of Feb.
27...The smallpox patients west of town have about all
newspaper will be started here in the near future and will be
called the
Scott County News...James McDowell is in Davenport at present
from his recent illness...Mrs. W.I. Quinn was on the sick list
week...Miss Sadie Steffe has gone to Laurel, Ia., where she was
called by
the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. B.F. Quinn...Miss
Florence Duncan,
of California, is visiting in this vicinity at present...Peter
Wiese, of
Butler township, was here last week and purchased timber to build
a new
house early in the spring...Henry Bruhn was appointed justice of
the peace
to take the place of Peter Schwartz who resigned...John Kiolin of
Wapsie, was here last week and purchased lumber to build a new
house early
in the spring...Quite a number of farmers around here will move
west the
first of March...Some of our business men took a trip to the
Saturday...Gust Schultz will move onto the Brownlie farm next
Yocum of Summit was here Friday...If you want to know anything
about the
weather ask our new weather prophet...Last Friday morning there
were two
chickens rode from Noels station to Eldridge on the brake beam of
a freight
car. We have heard of men beating their way on a freight train
but that was
the first time we ever heard of chickens dead-heading their way.
But this
can be verified by several of our prominent citizens.
LeClaire, Ia., Feb. 18-J.A. Rolfs, now of Eldridge, came in last
Saturday to
spend a few days with his parents in this city...On Sunday
afternoon, while
a crowd of young men were boxing in the rear end of the
blacksmith shop at
the boat yard, Leo Vonhelm dislocated his hip. Dr. Bailey gave
him medical
attention...Mr. and Mrs. James Clark spent Sunday with relatives
Morrison, Ill...Hugo Lambach, jr. left today for Bozeman, Mont.
for an
extended visit...Miss Lillie Bandy, of Davenport, visited over
Sunday in
LeClaire...H.A. Horton was in Davenport Sunday visiting
Johnson, while at work in the stone quarry last Saturday, had his
hand badly
smashed. He will no doubt be laid up for several weeks...Miss
Minnie Moe
returned last Saturday from a visit with her parents in Horicon,
Wis., and
expects to spend a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. C.E. Lumburg,
of this
place...Mr and Mrs. George L. Gast were pleasantly surprised at
their home
last evening by a number of young people from town. The party
chiefly of the members of Mrs. Gast's Sunday School class.
Refreshments were
served during the evening and a good time was had by all
Heard returned home Sunday afternoon from a six weeks visit with
in Sturgeon Bay, Wis...Mrs. John Johnson died last Sunday morning
at her
home near Argo. The funeral services were held today, Rev.
Oliver, of Zion
Baptist church officiating...George Derwin, of Sterling, Ill.,
was calling
on old friends here last Sunday...Revival meetings begun here
last evening
at the M.E. church, and will continue during the week...Editor
Federson, of the LeClaire Advance, was in Davenport yesterday on
Damage Case Against John M. Thiel is Dismissed-The Junker Hearing
- From
Clerk's Files
At 9 o'clock this morning the case of
John Stoltenberg, appellee, vs.
Wiliam Fey, appellant, was again called before the petit jury
which was
impaneled yesterday afternoon. Attorneys Ruymann & Ruymann
represent the
defense, which has taken an appeal from the court of Justice
Hall, wherein a
judgment had been rendered against Mr. Fey. The litigants are
from New
Dixon, this county, and the suit was originally for recovery of a
Goes to the Jury
There were quite a few witnesses
examined this morning. The case is one
for the recovery of $129 upon a promissory note alleged to have
executed by the defendant.
The arguments were begun this forenoon,
but at the noon adjournment
they had not been completed.
Attorney F. W. Neal, representing
Lischer, Bawden & Neal, appeared for
the plaintiff and appellee. He made the opening argument this
this afternoon at 2 o'clock C.J. Ruyman concluded for the
defendant and
appellant. The case was submitted to a jury before 3 o'clock.
Divorce Granted.
Judge Bollinger entered a decree of
divorce in the case of William
Scott vs. Mary Scott. The grounds for the action are based upon
an alleged
desertion. The defendant is now a resident of Clinton with her
father and to
her is given the custody of the minor children.
The judge has also granted a divorce to
Mrs. Nellie Yunker. The entry
was made yesterday afternoon.
Thiel Case Dismissed.
The $5,000 damage suit filed by Mrs.
Daisy Deuel against John M. Thiel,
alleging defamation of character, has been dismissed. The
plaintiff of her
own volition caused the action to be taken. W.G. Mott represented
her in the
original action.
Asks for a Divorce
Mary J. Burke has filed an action for a
divorce against her lord and
husband, George Burke. Lischer Bawden & Neal are her
attorneys. As the gound
for her action she alleges habitual drunkenness, non-support and
cruel and
inhuman treatment. The plaintiff asks that the judgment , the
custody of her
minor child, Harold Burke, aged 15 months, and the privilege of
resuming her
maiden name, that of Mary J. Murray. The plaintiff was married to
defendant on June 15, 1899 and lived together until Sept. 1,
Davenport Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Thursday, February 20, 1901
Physicians Discuss Smallpox for Edification
Interesting Session of the Health Officers and How the Doctors
Describe the
That the epidemic now existing in the
eastern part of the city is
smallpox of a pronounced but not of a malignant type can not any
longer be
doubted since our physicians have emphatically stated it to be so
before the
alleged doubting Thomases of the board of health, at the meeting
of that
body yesterday afternoon.
All of the physicians who were present
at the session open invitation
were agreed upon the existence of the disease in this city as
also upon its
mildness of form and the general value, efficacy and necessity of
vaccination. Three of them stated that the disease produced a
of appetite and suggested that rigidity be made the feature in
the matter of
the enforcement of the quarantine laws.
The session of the board was a
protracted one. It was called to order
by Mayor Heinz at 3:15 o'clock and was adjourned upon motion of
Lindholm at 5 o'clock, after a two and a half hours interesting
upon smallpox, chickenpox, vaccination, quarantine laws,
citizens' protests
and other miscellaneous subjects.
Those Who Were Present
There were present besides the members of the board and the
representatives of all of the city papers, the following
physicians and
Dr. A.W. Bowman, Dr. Henry Mathey, Dr.
J.P. Crawford, Dr. Custavus
Hoepfner, Dr. Fred Lambach, Dr. Benjamin Carmichael, J.W.
Ballard, chairman
board of supervisors: George Causby, Claus Jipp, Henry Holm and
Henry P.
Claus Jipp's Request
The first matter which the board
considered was the request of Claus
Jipp, a contractor, who owns tow houses recently constructed down
on West
Fifth street, near Pine street. Being compelled to return to his
work at
once he was given the floor immediately after the meeting was
called to
Mr. Jipp stated that a sewer was being
constructed along West Fifth
street, and that since the lots which he owns as also those owned
by Mrs.
Claus Bischoff (four in number) and by Rudolph Rolfs (three in
number) were
lower than the street and therefore retains water which seeps
into the
cellar the parties named be allowed to connect spouts of their
houses with
the sewer. The necessary permission was granted subject to
revocation by the
board at any time.
Opinions Sometimes Diverge
Dr. Paul then stated to the board that since honest differences
arisen as to the nature of the disease which the board of health
was now
quarantining against, he had invited the doctors who had examined
the cases
and who had originally diagnosed them to be present at the board
with the request that they describe the said disease.
"Well, let's take them up in order
the same as we did at the last
meeting," suggested the mayor.
It was so done.
The first case was that of Ernst Bruhn,
but as that had already been
disposed of by the lifting of the quarantine, no attention was
paid to it.
The next case was that of Helen Pauli.
Pauli Quarantine Raised.
This case had been diagnosed by Dr. A.W. Bowman. According to the
quarantine laws of the state board of health the term of
isolation must be
40 days. However, 30 days for such a mild case was deemed
Seventeen days after recovery, was included with this term, and
upon motion of Dr. C.H. Preston, it was voted that the quarantine
should be
raised on the 24th inst., (next Sunday) This will relieve two
watchmen who
have been employed, one on at day and the other at night, at a
wage of $2.25
per day.
Dr. A.W. Bowman's Statement
Dr. A.W. Bowman was asked to tell about
the Pauli case. He stated that
he had been called there and found that smallpox oxiated. He knew
symptoms and diagnosed them. The vescular eruptions were
there. He at once
notified Dr. Preston, and thought by so doing he was notifying
the board of
health, and had therefore performed his duty. The intelligence of
existence of the disease had thereby reached the board 18 hours
sooner that
it would have done had he committed a return card to the mails.
The doctor had no doubt whatever as to
the nature of the disease first
diagnosed by him.
The Alma Thuenen Case.
Concerning the next in order, Dr. Preston reported that while
Thuenen was progressing nicely, and otherwise would soon be out
quarantine, the discovery of two other more recent cases in that
precluded the present raising of the quarantine.
Dr. J.P. Crawford, the family physician
of the Thuenens, had originally
diagnosed the case.
When asked to describe the case Dr.
Crawford said:
"I was called to the Thuenen home
and found Alma ill. She had been out
of school for several days. She had a high fever, a backache, and
symptoms which might indicate any disease. Two days later I again
the Thuenen home and then discovered a papular eruption on the
forehead and
face of the child, which indicated either smallpox or varioloid.
"I think I know smallpox when I see
it. Nineteen years ago, in 1882, I
had the privilege to take care of 30 or 35 cases of smallpox when
I was home
surgeon at the Mercy hospital. Some four or five of the patients
died. I saw
them constantly for I was there constantly and visited them
through all
states of their illness, had noted all from a clinical point of
view. I have
a right to my opinion as to what smallpox is.
" I reluctantly reported the case
to the city physician, because I am
the family physician of the Thuenens and I would have liked to
take care of
the case myself. However, the other patients I have, and my
duties to them,
forbade this."
The Sanford Case.
Next was the Sanford family. Here were different conditions. I
there only a few papules or eruptive spots, which were only in
the vesicular
stage. This has a slight similarity to chickenpox.
Therefore, I advised the
patient to be held as a suspect. I did this because I was not yet
certain as
to the true character of the disease.
"The child was therefore held on
parole and in due course of time a
marked eruption made its appearance. This was of varioloid.
Another Sanford
child was also infected.
What Chickenpox is.
"There is a question," continued the doctor, " as
to the situation, and
we must face it. I have been asked by the gentleman (Alderman
Phillips) for
the difference between smallpox and chickenpox. In chickenpox
there is no
pre-eruptive fever. The eruptions are a bleb, or bladder-like,
like a
blister, all the time. The vesicular stage does not reach the
pustular stage
as in smallpox.
The doctor also stated that
varioloid is a mild form of smallpox
resultant after vaccination.
The symptoms of smallpox were given as a
high fever, backache, papular
eruptions changing from the vesicular to the pustular stages, and
attended in severe cases by secondary fever and death.
Deaconness Stockwell.
"We have other evidences of the malignity of this disease
right here in
this city. A deaconess of the Methodist church, a sweet-faced
contracted the disease here in Davenport and she will now be
pit-marked for
life, her sweet-faced beauty converted into deformity.
"The strictest measures ought to be
taken that this disease which has
done this for her should be stamped out of this city. This
commends itself
to all. Quarantine is a hardship, but this is better than having
a scourge
in this city.
Reasons for Quarantine.
"Not having deaths every week is no reason for not enforcing
strictest measures to stamp out the disease. It is a fact that it
is in mild
form. The same might be said of the modified form of the scarlet
Several years ago the scarlet fever used to be the most dreaded
of all
diseases, even more so than diphtheria, which was prevalent among
Now we are having it in a mild form, but it still possesses the
danger of
becoming an epidemic.
Doctors Showed No White Feather.
Dr. Crawford took exception to the statement that after the
doctors had
diagnosed a case as one of smallpox they skipped by the light of
the moon."
He said emphatically that the physicians have not shown the white
They have done their duty and it remained the duty of the board
of health to
do the rest.
"There are ten to twelve cases of
smallpox in the city today.," said
he, " and if each case had its attending family physician
there would be all
the more danger of spreading the disease. If each of these
physicians had 15
families which he attended, just think of the possibility of
infection. By
the very supposition that the family doctor should take care of
each of the
cases diagnosed by him, the spirit of the quarantine law is
violated. The
disease should be treated and attended to by one doctor and not
by many.
This one physician should be one who relinquishes his practice
for the time
being for a remuneration."
Dr. Crawford made a statement in his own
behalf wherein he said that
when he found smallpox existed in the Thuenen and Sanford
families he
promptly vaccinated all of the members of those families,
procured medicines
himself for them and with their full and free consent turned them
over to
the city physician and supposed, and had reason to suppose, that
patients would then be taken proper care of by some physician
appointed to
or retained by the board.
What Dr. Cantwell Did
Dr. Crawford paid a tribute to the late Dr. A.W.C. Cantwell, the
eminent physician of the board of health. He said that during the
of 1882 Dr. Cantwell gave up his regular practice for a part of
two months,
and devoted himself entirely to the care of the numerous smallpox
at that time. he was ostracized by his regular patients. He
presented a bill
for something like $600 or $800 and it was paid.
"The citizens of Davenport,"
concluded the doctor," and public
sentiment is in favor of a strict quarantine. Our schools demand
it. Our
commercial and business and social interests also demand it. We
should not
advertise Davenport as the abode of continual smallpox
"Don't Let Down the Bars."
The doctor suggested that those who had been quarantined had been
encouraged from some sources to protest. He insisted that the
board of
health standing by the quarantine. Dr. Palmer and other
diagnosticians might
say this is not smallpox, but he could absolutely say that it
Henry Thuenen, city attorney
(interrupting), "Doctor, don't you think
that the quarantine is satisfactory?"
The doctor replied that it was
"Keep up the bars" said he, "Let the
taxpayers come up and assist these poor people who are
quarantined. They
will be in favor of paying these expenses if a scourge is saved
the city. Be
loyal to the situation."
Dr. Matthey's Experience.
Dr. Henry Matthey, a member of the Iowa
state board of health and a
local physician of much knowledge and experience, was called
upon. He spoke
for several minutes and furnished much interesting data
concerning the late
epidemic in Muscatine.
He stated that in his official capacity
as a member of the state board
of health he had visited many cities and investigated many cases
Notably he had visited at Muscatine last
year on Feb. 20 (one year ago
today) and diagnosed the cases he met with there as genuine
smallpox. The
mayor of Muscatine, himself a physician, opposed the diagnosis.
The doctor
had gone over the city with Dr. Schmidt of the Muscatine
board of health
and found very severe cases which without the least possibility
of doubt
were those of the genuine article. Both he and Dr. Schmidt then
made an
effort to get the newspapers of Muscatine to suppress ridicule of
the matter
and to warn the people of the peril. For five months, the mayor,
the board
of health, and the newspapers made a joke of it. There were 400
cases and
that was no laughing matter. Finally the board of health
took decisive
action and the disease was soon stamped out. But it cost
Muscatine county a
pile of money. The doctor did not care to see Scott county or
Davenport, go
through the same experience.
For himself, he would not look after a
smallpox patient less than $25 a
visit. He stated, however, that he had not yet been called by
Doctor Preston
to observe any of the cases existing here at the present time.
His charges
evidently had been considered too high.
City Attorney Thuenen asked Dr. Matthey
if he thought that even in a
mild case of smallpox such as exist here, it would be advisable
to leave the
patients without an attending physician. Dr. Matthey replied that
it was
very bad to do so.
The Mayor's Remarks.
When Dr. Matthey had replied to Mr.
Thuenen's question, Mayor Heinz
stated that without a doubt whether the prevailing disease was
smallpox or
chickenpox, the question remained as to what should be done with
the poor
people, who were infected, and whose houses were quarantined.
He was satisfied that the sufferers
ought to have all of the necessary
medical attention, and therefore he had prepared the following
which he thought embodied the opinions of the doctors on the
subject and he
submitted the same to the board as follows
The Text of the Resolution
"Whereas it appears to be a fact that it is not the duty of
the city
physician to attend to persons who are sick and quarantined, as a
"Whereas, it appears to be a fact
that no physician is legally bound to
treat professionally or personally any person who is sick or
quarantined and
as we believe that all persons who are quarantined should have
all necessary
medical attendance therefore be it
"Resolved that a committee of two
be prepared to find out whether some
competent physician can not be employed by this board whose duty
it will be
????????? to all sick people who are quarantined and who are
?????? own
means to procure the proper medical attention."
Upon motion of Dr. Preston the
resolution was adopted.
Aldermen Phillips and Lindholm were
nominated as that committee and
they were directed to enter into a contract and to report the
same at the
next regular meeting of the board of health which will be held on
March 5.
The Supervisors' Statement
J.W. Ballard chairman of the board of supervisors was present and
was asked to make a statement. He said that the board of
depended upon the board of health doing its own duty. He thought
that all
dangers of an epidemic ought to be diminished and suggested that
no half way
measures should be taken.
He stated that Dr. Preston and Hon. W.C.
Hayward, of the school board,
had appeared before the supervisors at the recent session and
asked that it
order general vaccination of the school children or second the
efforts of
the school board in that direction. This, he said, the board
could not do
because it was solely and simply within the province of the board
of health,
acting under the sate board regulations. The chairman of the
board of
supervisors, however, stated that the county would agree to pay
for the
vaccination of all those who desired to be innoculated and who
were unable
by reason of poverty to pay the fee.
Hoy! Prussia Made a Test
Dr. Henry Matthey then had some thing to say upon the subject of
vaccination, which Mr. Ballard had called up by his remarks.
The doctor stated that the Prussian
government had strong laws
regarding vaccination which dated from the '50s. There was an
epidemic of
smallpox at the time and vaccination was broached as a
preventive. The
government decided to make a heroic test. This was done in a fort
where two
regiments were quartered. One of the regiments was ordered to be
The epidemic spread to the two regiments. In the one innoculated
only two
members became ill with smallpox and none died. In the other
regiment all
were taken down with the disease and 55 per cent of the cases
were fatal.
This he said was the reason why the Prussian government took such
measures regarding vaccination. Now a certificate of vaccination
in that
country immediately follows the birth certificate.
What Salt Lake City Shows
Salt Lake City, Utah, according to Dr. C.H. Preston, is much like
Davenport. Not in the fact that she harbors Mormons but rather in
the fact
that she has smallpox. Salt Lake City, so says the recent issue
of the
Medical News, in the last three months had 334 cases of smallpox
out of
which number only seven patients had been vaccinated within the
last twenty
In Davenport, by comparison, he found 26
cases in the last six months
with only two patients out of the 26 who had been vaccinated.
Vaccination for 25 Cents.
The doctor thought that school No. 1 should not be the only
looked after in the matter of vaccination. Hence he desired to
report to the
board that he had secured the agreement of the Drs. Stiles, Peck,
Rodgers and Decker to vaccinate the school children all over the
city for 25
cents apiece, the usual charge being $1, although 50 cents was
charged in
times when epidemic existed. The doctor listed 753 vaccinations
made by the
five doctors at 25 cents each, all paid for and performed
principally at
schools Nos. 1 and 13 in East Davenport, where the infection was
likely, if at all, to spread.
The doctor also stated that he himself
had vaccinated 210 persons for
which he had not yet received a penny and for which he intended
to submit a
moderate bill, although he thought it was for the board of
supervisors to
pay the same upon order of the board of health "O.K"ing
of the same.
Dr. Hoepfner's Statement.
Dr. Hoepfner, who was called into the George Thuenen family after
Mildred and the hired girl had been infected, was the next
physician to make
a statement.
He said that he agreed with his
colleagues as to the identity of the
disease. He had ordered ventilation of the rooms of the Thuenen
home and
left disinfectants there. He said that one of the children,
Mildred, had
three vesicles or papules and that a child 2 years old and a babe
9 months
old were uninfected. The hired girl had the varioloid. He agreed
with Dr.
Preston's diagnosis.
Vaccination Certificates
Dr. Preston then asked that the board authorize him to have 1,000
blank vaccination certificates printed for distribution among the
whereon the medical fraternity members might place the name, day
and date of
the party and the innocula.
The doctor was authorized upon a motion
to have 2,000 instead of 1,000
of the blanks printed.
This action was taken in order to secure
uniformity in the text of the
Virus is Innocuous
Dr. Gustavus Hoepfner asked to say a few words about vaccination.
was granted the permission.
The doctor stated that the virus or
lymph which was now used was
innocuous. It was no longer secured from cows which might be
infected with
tuberculosis, but from especially bred calves which do not become
with that disease. There is no longer the arm-to-arm vaccination
used or
what is known as the human virus innoculation in vogue sometime
ago. Hence,
in vaccination there is absolutely no danger as to the
contracting of
syphilis or tuberculosis in the operation which he stated was a
sure and
safe preventative of the smallpox.
The Causby Case Next.
The next case considered was that of George Causby, Jr., who
resides on
East Locust street. Dr. Braunlich had attended the case but that
was not present at the meeting of the board.
Dr. Preston thought that the quarantine
established there might be
raised on the 24th inst. (next Sunday). A night watchman had been
with there at the last regular meeting of the board.
Upon motion it was decided that the
aforesaid quarantine be raised on
the date mentioned.
Mr. Causby's Statement.
Mr. Causby, the father of the
quarantined lad, was present at the
meeting. He asked permission to address the board and it was
granted. He
prefaced his remarks by asking Dr. Crawford if smallpox was
always preceded
by a fever.
"Always!" replied the
"That's all I want to know,"
said Mr. Causby. "Those who know me know
that I am a law abiding citizen. I know that Dr. Preston is a
gentleman. But doctors even make some mistakes. I honestly
believe that my
boy has not got the smallpox, because simply my boy has never
been sick. He
is the healthiest looking patient in the city. He never had a
fever. The
whole trouble is the boy was constipated and had a very bad cold
and his
mother gave him the old-fashioned remedy, sassafras tea and a hot
The next day he had eruptions.
"My boy simply has the chickenpox
and under the circumstances I think I
have been harshly treated.
"I've seen the real article in Old
England when it was rampant there. I
tell you, gentlemen, it is one of the most loathsome of diseases.
Fever Hard to Discover
Dr. J.P. Crawford, when Mr. Causby had concluded, arose and
stated that
it was difficult to detect fever without the physician's
thermometer which
is always carried by practitioners. He said that not even a
physician could
tell without the instrument and a variation of three degrees from
the normal
temperatures and this could only then be discovered by a morning
and evening
The doctor stated that we have today
typhoid fever in the "walking"
form, wherein the patient does not even have to take to bed, but
it is
typhoid fever just the same. Varioloid is a smallpox which does
not reach
the pustular stage. It is papular and vesicular, but not pustular
and hence
the distinction in the names. When the eruption is in a confluent
form a
secondary fever is apt to result which makes the disease grievous
A Big Appetite
Dr. Crawford, Dr. Lambach and Dr. Matthey stated that smallpox
who are suffering from a mild form of the disease are usually of
a voracious
appetite much similar to the "hard coal stove" appetite
alluded to in a
recent article contributed to the evening paper.
This stirred up Dr. B.F. Carmichael who
had diagnosed the case of Frank
A Logan who is now quarantined at the Hitchcock home on East
street. He said that the "hard coal stove appetite"
article had compromised
him. He defied any one to say that the Logan case was not a
genuine one of
smallpox. He registered his protest most emphatically.
Clerk Smith, however, had a letter on
hand from the author of the
published open letter in which apologies were made to the board
for the
"harshness" of the criticism contained in the published
Upon suggestion of the mayor this
effusion was not read.
Dr. Lambach stated that he had diagnosed
both of the Ward cases as
being smallpox and that his diagnosis was correct. The typical
were in evidence.
These Cases Yet Quarantined.
The following quarantines are still in force by reason of other
outbreaks of the disease in the place or by the recentness of the
Wietz case a recent development, the
quarantine obtained.
Iles case, another case having
developed, quarantine still obtaining.
Bennet case, a recent development.
Ward cases, recently developed.
Cook case, recent development, still
under quarantine.
Logan case, recently developed, must
obtain until March 13.
Second Thuenen cases (2) only recently
Upon motion it was ordered that the
quarantine rules obtain in all of
the above cases until next regular meeting of the board of health
which will
convene on March 5.
The city clerk then presented the
following payroll of the smallpox or
quarantine guards from Feb. 1 to Feb. 18, inclusive, which was
approved and
recommended to the board of supervisors for payment. The pay roll
over $170.
Henry Gardner, 18 days, $40.50.
Hans Jochim, 18 days, $40.50.
Jud Irish, 18 days, $40.50.
Chas. Carstens, 13 days, $29.25
Max Roege, 5 days, $11.25
Fred Schultz, 18 days, $40.50
Frank Connell, 18 days, $40.50
Joseph Cummings, 13 days, $29.25
Henry Ramm, 18 days, $40.50
Peter Vogt, 18 days, $40.50
Peter Brehmer, 12 days, $27
A.D. Fien, 7 days, $15.75
J. Vonder Geest, 6 days, $13.50
John Dwingle, 7 days, $15.75
Oliver Evans, 6 days, $13.50
Robert Oakes, 5 days, $11.25
Detlef Hafel, 1 day, $2.25
The total amount of the payroll is
Davenport Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
February 27, 1901
Buffalo, Ia., Feb. 26-Chas. H. Dorman
will shoulder two big grips next
Monday and start out selling candy and crackers for the Annen
Riscult and
Candy company of Green Bay, Wis....the supper and entertainment
given at the
Turner by the ladies of the Literary society was a grand success.
A fine
program had been arranged and the treasury of the society is a
few dollars
ahead now...Gust. Westendorf and daughter Gertie were passengers
for St.
Louis Monday to visit relatives...Willie Collins is confined to
his room
with a case of the grip...Miss Stella Moorhouse of Davenport has
visiting relatives here for a few days...The I-O-Do Medicine
company has
been offered $15,000 for its formula, trademark and the right to
manufacture...Mr. Hummell of Indianola is visiting at the Bold
Winters and Mrs. Frick, of Rock Island, were called her on
account of the
illness of their father, Chris Kautz, last Saturday...Dr.
practice seems to be extending into some other fellow's
territory. Last week
he was called to see George Albrand of 812 Second avenue, Rock
Lydia Hebner gave a coasting party last evening at the Moorehead
two and a half miles west of Buffalo. Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. H.J.C.
Dorman, Dr. and Mrs. C.L. Barewald, Mr. and Mrs. S.H. Moorhead,
Mr. and Mrs.
G.H. Sparks, Mrs. A.H. Dorman, Chas. H. Dorman and Miss Stella
After a couple of hours of coasting and good exercise climbing up
the hill
the supper announcement was made and it is needless to say that
all did
justice to the fine oysters that were served.
Davenport Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Monday, February 25, 1901
Charles Risler of De Sota Street Has Smallpox
Patient is a Member of a Family of Nine and Lives in House With
Two Other
Today another case of smallpox was
reported to City Physician Preston
by Dr. Ewell. The case is in the family of W.C. Risler, of 720
street. The son, 21 years of age, Charles Risler, has developed a
pronounced case of the disease. He was at once with other members
of the
family of nine, placed under quarantine regulations. The family
lives in the
middle rooms of a house which accommodates three families. It is
likely that
it will be quarantined for a time.
There is another suspected case in the
city, although it is not
definitely developed yet.
Davenport Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Thursday, February 28, 1901
They are Among People who Have Been Quarantined
Authorities Consider the Fact That No New Homes are Represented
as Very
There are three new cases of the mild
form of smallpox in the city,
although there are no new places to quarantine. The cases have
developed in
homes that were quarantined and for that reason there is no
indication that
the disease is spreading.
In the home of Mrs. Ed Larkins of 541
Mississippi avenue, there are two
little sufferers of the disease. They are Thomas, four years old,
and Fanny,
three years old. This is the home where Albert Cook was
quarantined. The
eruptions appeared on the faces of the children on February 24
and were not
reported until this morning. Both of these children were
vaccinated at the
time of discovery that Cook had the disease. They had never been
before. They have developed the disease just 16 days after they
were first
exposed to it. The form of the disease as developed is mild.
At the Bennett Home
The other one of the three cases
reported this morning is at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Bennett, 1118 East Thirteenth street, where
Bennett, the two year old son, has been taken ill with the
disease. He, too,
never was vaccinated until after he was exposed to the disease.
The case
developed is a very mild one.
There is no surprise that there are
additional cases developing in the
quarantined homes. The fact that the news cases are mostly
confined to the
quarantined homes is a good indication that the disease is not
spreading in
the city and that all danger of its spreading is past.
Its Disposition in the Police Court Today.
The case against Tillie Rothermel for
keeping a disorderly house and selling liquor to minors was
called for today, but had not been tried up to noon. The woman
was placed under arrest on Monday night on the charge of
disturbing the peace. Later it was learned that she had given
whiskey to "Babe" Smith and a boy named Welsh, which
caused them to become intoxicated.
As this was an offense against the
statute information was sworn out against her and owing to the
retention of Mr. Chamberlin on the Keller divorce case, the
hearing was indefinitely postponed.
Mrs. Rothermel operates a saloon on East
Second street.
In the City
Miss Emma Krone, who has been very ill,
is reported as recovering.
John Breede is lying very ill at his
home on Ripley street, suffering from erysipelas.
E.C. Wiese, undertaker, 420 w 2d.
The west end sewer will cost $2,300 and
be 800 feet in length. It will extend from Harris to Taylor
Otto's band gave an excellent concert
last evening at Claus Groth hall. The attendance was good. The
band is attracting more people each week to its regular
Wednesday evening concerts.
Hugo Toll, the well-known violinist,
will leave in a week or ten days for Chicago, where he will
establish his future residence. Mr. Toll desires a larger field.
He will remove from the city with his family.
William Gromoll of the Jersey Ridge road
is suffering with an attack of typhoid fever.
The amount of the costs assessed to Mrs.
Josephine Keller in her recently secured divorce is $95. She had
to pay the court costs out of money left to her in the settlement
of the alimony part of the case.
Hose Nos. 1, 2 and 3 and the hook and
ladder truck were called to 328 West Eighth street at 5:30
o'clock last evening, where a defective flue caused a fire in a
dwelling owned by C.A. Ficke. Happily no great damage was done.
Thomas Garvey, as chairman of the
committee on arrangements, has issued invitations to the first of
a series of dances given by the Wirless Check Rower club at the
Northwest Davenport Turner hall on Saturday evening of this week.
Mrs. Margaretha Plambeck, commonly
called Mother Plambeck, one of the best known German ladies of
the city, is today celebrating her 88th birthday.
A license to wed has been issued to Wm.
Grennels, of Mt. Joy, and Miss Frieda Buesing of Walcott.
S.A. Finger united in marriage at his
office in the city hall at 1 o'clock this afternoon, Wm.
Grennels, of Mt. Joy and Miss Frieda Buesing, of Walcott.
Rabbi Fineschreiber, of B'Nai Israel
congregation, has been granted two weeks' vacation on account of
illness and he has gone to his St. Louis home to recuperate.
Colonel Horton of Marshalltown, who came
here to attend the funeral of Henry Egbert, was a guest last
evening of Superintendent Cass of the Soldiers' Orphans' Home.
Bailiff Eggers returned this noon from a
trip to Mt. Pleasant whither he went with Fred Schumann, who was
sent back to that institution by the board of commissioners.
Master Perry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Perry, of 610 West Fifth street, who was badly injured by having
a horse fall on him, is reported to be recovering nicely.
Colonel J.R. Nutting is embellishing his
country home, which he recently secured by the purchase of the
old Lange farm. He will make it his summer villa.
The funeral of the late Christian Pahl,
who died at Mercy hospital Monday evening, was held from the
residence of J.F. Kautz in Buffalo township at 1 o'clock this
afternoon. The interment was made at the Buffalo cemetery.
A colored man by the name of Jas.
Wagner, is the holder of the winning ticket, which means the deed
to house number 2111 Brown street.