Iowa Old Press
Davenport Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
May 6, 1900
Activity at the Tile Works and its Flattering Prospects
There is a boom at Island City better
known as the tile works. As was
recently stated, the capacity of the tile plant is to be doubled,
but that
is not all. There is to be a three-story brick building built to
take the
place of the general store that was burned. A. Sargeant will
build the
building for a general store.
A movement is on foot to obtain a new
station for Island City. The
present flag station accommodations are proving inadequate for
the business
of the place which is one of the important shipping points on the
D.R.I. &
N.W. railway. That there were 15 cars of brick shipped out there
last week
and that arrangements for the shipment of 25 cars from Island
City this week
shows the importance of the place to the railway. Mr. Heavland
has offered
to donate the brick and it is said that the railroad has under
the building of the finest station between Davenport and Clinton.
Mr. Sargent says that there is a
petition in circulation for the
establishment of a postoffice at the general store at the Tile
works. He
expects to have the postoffice called Island City. The petition
will be
pushed through all the preliminary forms as soon as possible so
that the
postoffice may be established.
The other day a man from one of the
large cities was at the Tile works
and conferred with the owners of some of the land in regard to
establishment of a plant for the manufacture of the large sewer
tile that is
used in cities. Thus it will be seen that there is considerable
ground for
the assertion that there may soon be new life infused into the
of the Tile works.
Eldridge, Ia. May 7- Mrs. Porter, of Topeka, Kan., is visiting
here at present...Mrs. George Ramsey is recovering from her
illness...Mrs. Mary McDowell is adversely ill at this
writing...Lloyd Brown,
of Argo, passed through here Thursday...Quite a number of our
attended the entertainment at Long Grove Friday evening. The
proceeds were
given to the Long Grove band...Mrs. Finley of Davenport visited
here last week...The dance at Turner Hall Saturday night was
quite well
attended...Hugh Bryson Jr. is benind the counter at Henry Woll's
week...Jonathan McDowell of Davenport was here wrapping up meat
for McDowell
Bros. last week...Chris Jessen has completed the job of papering
painting the Summit church...George Steffe started for Minnesota
Tuesday. He will spend several weeks in Minnesota and Marshall
Ia...Vogt & Co shipped three cars of hogs and two of cattle
to Chicago last
week...Feeders are paying 40c per bushel for corn here. This is
the highest
price since 1894. Hurrah for McKinley...James Kuehl died at the
residence of
Mr. Johnson Thursday at noon. Mr. Kuehl has been in poor health,
for some
time, and together with the infirmities of old age, caused his
death. He was
born in 1825 in Germany, making him 75 years of age. He came to
Scott county
in 1847 and moved onto a farm near Eldridge in 1855, where he
resided until
a few years ago when he came to Eldridge to live. His wife died
years ago. Five sons are left to mourn his loss- Hugo, Carl,
Rudolph and
Adolph of Scott county and Theodore of Crawford county. He was
buried Sunday
morning in Pine Hill cemetery.
Walcott, Ia., May 7- Mr. and Mrs. Goettsch, of Davenport, were
guests of
friends here Sunday...Mrs. John Stouffer and child visited
friends in
Keystone, Ia. last week...Ed Stockdale is visiting relatives in
Park...Miss Hilda Mann entertained a few friends at lunch Sunday
evening...Mrs. Wm Schwarting, daughters Alma and Linda, and Miss
Schwarting, were shopping in Davenport Saturday....Mrs. H.W.
celebrated his birthday last Tuesday...Mrs. Thoms Byrius and
children, of
Durant, are guests of Mrs. Kegel...Conrad Dietz celebrated his
Tuesday. There were over 200 present and a most enjoyable time is
reported...Henry Buentz, aged 70, suicided by haning at his home,
four miles
north of here Saturday morning. The funeral was held from the
home of his
daughter, Mrs. Keohn, Monday at 10 o'clock with interment in
cemetery...Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dietz are visiting their children
in Hurlau.
WEST LIBERTY [Muscatine Co]
West Liberty, Ia. May 8- Misses Gertrude Cline and Wilma Hildeman
came in
from Indianola Saturday evening for a visit with friends and
relatives here.
Mrs. George Chesbrough and Miss Edith Smith were passengers to
Iowa City
Saturday...Fred Beeson spent Saturday with his brother in
Robert Clark, who has been visiting in Cedar Rapids, came home
evening...Miss Bertha Templeman has returned from West
Branch...Miss Edith
Dunlap was a passenger to West Branch Saturday...Little Paul
McCann has been
quite ill for the past few days...Rev. Fitzsimmons, of Nichols,
preached in
the M.E. church Sunday...J.H. Williams has been suffering for a
month with a
carbuncle on his foot but is better now.
The Davenport Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
May 16, 1900
Official Proceedings of the Last Session of the Board
May 7th, 1900
...Ordered that the following claims be allowed and warrants
issued for the
County Fund.
Cheek, J.F., clerk dist. Court...$183.33
Dopp, C.A., deputy clerk...75.00
Cheek, M.T., clerk...75.00
Jarchow, H.F., auditor...208.34
Jarchow, H.F., postage, etc...5.00
Fick, F.G., dep auditor...75.00
McManus, P.W., treasurer...125.00
McManus, P.W., clerk hire...125.00
McArthur, E.G., sheriff...208.33
Kuehl, Henry A. dep sheriff...83.33
Miller, A.A., school supt...125.00
Schmidt, Ignatz, dep recorder...75.00
Lischer, Julius, attorney fees...17.60
Struve, Henry, janitor...55.00
Werthman, A., janitor...50.00
Werthman, A., supplies....75
Murray, Thomas, surveyor...8.00
Times Co., The printing...25.40
Republican Co, The printing...30.80
Leder Pub. Co, printing...30.80
Democrat Co, printing...30.80
Lischer H, Pntg Co, printing...37.00
Gorman S & Son, printing...6.25
Egbert, Fidlar & Chambers, printing...95.20
Gaspard, H.J. printing...5.25
Wunder Bros, printing...5.00
Hanssen's Louis Sons, hdwe....80
Burr, J.H., clerk...19.16
Burmeister, E.M. , clerk...24.00
Hamann, Henry A, clerk...6.00
Meinbery, Fritz, clerk...14.00
Rathman, R, clerk...21.60
Schultz, Henry, clerk...21.60
Thede, J.H., clerk...22.00
Watts, W.A., clerk,,,32.00
Wunder, H.F., clerk...12.00
Zogg, C., clerk...2.00
Arp, Robert, trustee...6.00
Brown, S.M., trustee...12.00
Camp, J.H., trustee...30.00
Dittmer, Peter, trustee...30.00
Doehring, Henry, trustee...6.00
Gast, G.L., trustee...12.00
Goettsch, H.P., trustee...4.00
Greve, John, trustee...5.00
Kanis, J.F., trustee...2.00
Kylor, S.W., trustee...8.00
Laux, Val, trustee...30.00
Stewart, Chas. B., trustee...5.00
Steffen, J.H., trustee...4.00
Steenback, Joachim, trustee...4.00
Thode, Chas, trustee...4.00
Vilmont, J.H. trustee...5.00
Wilson, J.H. trustee...5.00
Wilson, J.H. trustee...6.00
Westphal, H., trustee...4.00
Allen, Alfred, col. tax...4.63
Bawden, Thos. J, col tax...3.00
Like, Chas., col tax...3.83
Logan, Frank T, col tax...9.29
Wuestenberg, Henry, col tax...12.86
Zogg, Chris. col tax...3.70
Rock Island Fuel Co., coal...47.90
Hasselman Co, stationery...2.70
Bryson, Lon, recording...1.00
Buck, John W, grass seeds...7.65
Corry & Werentin, plumbing...3.50
Schmidt, R. labor...14.25
Ewert, Chas. hauling...8.50
Brandt, Jacob, supplies...12.50
Paulsen, P.J. supplies...5.60
Wernentin, F., supplies...4.75
Crystal Ice Co, supplies...8.77
McArthur, E.G., jail bill...303.12
McArthur, E.G., criminal bill...237.67
McArthur, E.G., jury fees...36.70
High, H.J. baliff...50.00
Eggers, Henry baliff...52.00
Lage, P.G., baliff...34.00
Kaufmann, John, doorkeeper...28.54
Altman, J.S., justice...34.00
Finger, S.A., justice...67.00
Goldschmidt, W.A., justice...3.50
Holliday, M.H., constable...9.35
Atkinson, Tom, witness...2.35
Bluhm, C., witness...2.75
Balluff, J.B., witness...2.85
Connelly, J.M, witness...3.55
Engstrom, M., witness....60
Francis, A.G., witness...60
Froelich, Joe, witness...60
Gray, Wm, witness...4.10
Gorman, J.F., witness...60
Grapengeter, Fritz, witness...3.50
Hass, Henry, witness...3.30
Henzelman, Hy, witness...60
Huslander, Wm, wtiness...60
Hughs, J.T., witness...60
Hitchcock, F, witness...60
Jansen, J.H. witness...4.15
Langfeldt, C. J., witness...60
Lepper, Chas, witness...60
McManus, Jas, witness...15.20
Mullane, T., witness...60
McKowen, E.R. witness...60
Martens, H, witness...60
Monro, Wm, witness...60
Paasmore, John, witness...60
Quinn, J.J., witness...1.80
Raphael, Albert, witness...60
Sanders, D, witness...60
Tillbein, A.E., witness...60
Volz, J.F, witness...60
Containers, The Co light...31.20
Howe Plumbing Co, plumbing...5.30
Steffen, August, supplies...8.15
Trimpler, Gustav, repairs...1.05
Matthews, L.E. labor...15.00
Kaufman, F, repairs...6.45
Ruddy, F.B., reporter...172.75
Lambach, Dr. F, coroner...31.50
Trautwein, W.G., clk of grand jury...32.00
Scott, Geo. W, defending crime...20.00
Hubbell, C.H., defending crime...30.00
Lischer, Julius, tolls...84
Brown, Eugene, constable...6.94
Poor Fund
Allen, Harriet, rent...3.00
Adams, Mrs. Mary, rent...4.00
Boy, Mrs. Anna, rent...4.00
Brown, Mrs. Tillie, rent...2.50
Boldt, Margaret, rent...3.50
Bruenning, Louise, rent...4.00
Curley, Mrs. Jane, rent...4.00
Cornell, Mrs. Gusta, rent...4.00
Croak, Mary, rent...3.00
Dunkian, Mrs. rent...3.00
Davie, Mrs. Sallie, rent...2.00
Drew, W, rent...3.00
Driscoll, John, rent...3.00
Erdman, Trina, rent...4.00
Ehlers, Mrs. Anna rent...4.00
Evens, Mrs. Ida, rent...4.00
Eldridge, J.M., rent...8.00
Ebert, Lina, rent...3.00
Gallagher, Mrs. Nellie rent...2.00
Gillon, Mrs. A, rent...4.00
Griesing, Mathilda, rent...3.00
Gotine, Mrs. Sofia, rent...4.00
Hampton, Margaet, rent...4.00
Hanley, H.M. rent...3.50
Hartz, Mrs. Bertha, rent...4.00
Hansen, Mrs. Margaret, rent...4.00
Huss, Mrs. Anna rent...4.00
Happt, Mrs. Peter, rent...3.00
Hass, Mary A, rent...4.00
Hurto, John, rent...4.00
Inhelder, John, rent...4.00
Johnson, Edith, rent...3.00
Johansen, Christine, rent...3.50
Jaeger, Emelia, rent...2.50
Krambeck, Nick, rent...5.00
Kahl, Ernest, rent...4.00
Kurof, Mrs. rent...4.00
Koch, Mrs. Agnes, rent...3.00
Kerr, Lizie, rent...2.00
Kuster, Emma, rent...3.00
Kolmetz, John, rent...3.00
Lindgren, Mrs., rent...4.00
Lunskey, Mrs., rent...4.00
Larsen, Mrs. Anna rent...2.00
McPeck, Mrs. Mary, rent...4.00
McElroy, Anna, rent...2.50
Meyer, Mrs. Anna, rent...3.50
Mahoney, Mrs. Hannah, rent...3.00
Masury, Mrs. Hary, rent...4.00
Moldenscheidt, A, rent...3.00
Neumiller, Joe, rent...6.00
Oelrich, H, joe, rent...4.00
Ott, Fritz, rent...4.00
Petersen, A, rent...3.50
Pringle, Roy, rent...4.00
Peters, Sofia, rent...2.00
Plambeck, Eloise, rent...4.00
Petersen Bros, rent...2.50
Rux, Tillie, rent...5.00
Schmidt, Ehrig, rent...4.00
Sattig, Miss Theresa, rent...4.00
Stolly, C. rent...4.00
Stewart, Wm rent...4.00
Scott, Abney, rent...3.00
Schick, John, rent...4.00
Suehrk, Mrs., rent...4.00
Strohbehn, M., rent...3.50
Schipper, Geo, rent...2.00
Senjen, Anna, rent...4.00
Suttinger, Mrs.Geo, rent...5.00
Thams, Catherine, rent...2.00
Tiedge, Fritz, rent...3.00
Vogt, Mrs. Anna, rent...4.00
Vreeland, Mrs. Anna, rent...3.50
Vogt, Mrs. Mary, rent...3.00
Windsor, Dora, rent...3.50
Young, D.T., rent...3.00
Anderson, Mrs. Rena, relief...5.00
Allen, Harriet, relief...4.00
Backman, Adam, relief...6.90
Bluedorn, Carl, relief...3.00
Biller, Fred, relief...5.00
Bartels, Mrs. Alvine, relief...2.00
Brown, H.H, relief...2.00
Bartemeier & Sons, relief...4.00
Biller, L, relief...3.00
Basilin, Mrs. L, relief...6.00
Brophy, Bridget, relief...3.00
Blaine, Alex, relief...12.00
Collins, Elizabeth, relief...4.00
Clifford, Mrs.Anna, relief...4.00
Cunningham, Margaret, relief...4.00
DeBattie, Mrs. relief...3.00
Frank, Mrs. Catherine, relief...3.00
Sisther, Mrs. L, relief...5.00
Goetsch, Mrs. Sofia, relief...5.00
Guldenzoph, Mary, relief...5.00
Gilbough, Josephine, relief...3.00
Gruenland, Rebecca, relief...3.50
Bruenberg, Mrs., relief...3.00
Hensen, H, relief...4.00
Hitchcock, Mrs. James, relief...3.00
Hensen, Sofa, relief...4.00
Juergens, Claus, relief...4.00
Joen, Mrs. Catherine, relief...3.00
Koch, Henrietta, relief...12.00
Krohn, Mrs. Henry, relief...4.00
Knapper, Mrs. Hannah, relief...4.00
Karbatsch, Emma, relief...5.00
Kay, Mrs. Mary, relief...4.00
Kurof, John, relief...2.00
Killion, Mrs. Pat, relief...4.00
Lynch, Mrs. Mattie, relief...4.00
Loading, Anna, relief...3.00
McHenry, Mrs. relief...2.50
Meter, Mrs. Anna, relief...6.00
Neve, Geo, relief...4.00
Newton, Dora, relief...4.00
Ovens, Margaret, relief...3.00
Peters, Mrs. Anna, relief..5.00
Pitts, Mrs. Margaret, relief...2.00
Peters, Mrs. Margaret, relief...4.00
Pehrsman, Anna, relief...4.00
Ruge, Mrs. Anna, relief...5.00
Rolphs, Mrs. relief...6.00
Rabe, Henry, relief...3.00
Ryan, Mrs. Ellen, relief...3.50
Stoeckel, Mrs. Minnie, relief...3.50
Schebler, F, relief...4.00
Suttinger, Mrs. relief...5.00
Smith, Mrs. Mary, relief...4.00
Thomsen, Chris, relief...6.00
Thomas, T. Thomas, relief...6.00
Voss, Eddie, relief...4.00
Zensen, M. relief...5.00
Zarndt, Fritz, relief...4.00
Zerman, Mary relief...3.00
Ehlers & Hasch, groceries...82.95
Buckley, J, groceries...3.00
Baurose, L, groceries...3.00
Behrens, Carl, groceries...1.50
Danielson, Fritz, groceries...8.00
Eagal, M.J, Co, groceries...7.50
Eckhardt Bros., groceries...9.00
Eckmann, John, groceries...27.50
Gerisch, W, groceries...1.50
Goos Bros., groceries...7.50
Geest, John, groceries...4.50
Hohnsbeen & Arp, groceries...4.00
Hanik, Wm, groceries...20.50
Hollis, S.E., groceries...3.00
Hansen, Wm, groceries...3.00
Irish, J.E., groceries...4.50
Johannsen, John, groceries...4.50
Kelly, Thomas, groceries...4.50
Kaufman, Julius, groceries...3.00
Maus, N, groceries...4.50
Meier, Hans, groceries...9.00
Moore, M.A, groceries...4.00
Murray, O.G., groceries...7.50
Meuman, Wm, groceries...9.00
Ott Brothers, groceries...3.00
Paulsen & Moeller, groceries...6.50
Schlosser & Plagman, groc...4.50
Schroder & Brandt, groceries...22.50
Wahle Bros., groceries...11.00
Wiley Market, groceries...10.50
Kuehl, Chris, groceries...5.00
Asher, Mrs., board & lodging...12.00
Burmeister, Mrs. bd & ldg...2.00
Berg, Lina, bd & ldg...16.00
Christiansen, Peter, bd & ldg...5.00
Carstens, H, bd & ldg...4.00
Maas, G, bd & ldg...5.00
Kneeper, Luis, bd & ldg...4.00
Lloyd, Mrs. H, bd & ldg...4.00
Murphy, Mrs., bd & ldg...10.00
St. Vincent's Home, bd & ldg...42.00
Thorsen, Mrs. F, bd & ldg...8.00
Wakenfield, & ldg...8.00
Wigglesworth, Mrs., bd & ldg...15.00
Baldwin, B.S, care of sick...12.00
Conay, Mary, care of sick...10.00
Meier, H, care of sick...8.00
Roberts, Mrs, care of sick...8.00
Morbonia Hospital, care of sick...57.00
St. Luke's Hospital, careof sick...57.00
Rock Island Fuel co...120.90
Tesner, A, meat...1.00
Martzahn, Aug, meat...3.00
Seivert, Henry, meat...3.50
Robeson, E.D. & Son, meat...6.00
Rogge, L.W., meat...1.00
Mengel, Fritz, meat...1.00
Rueffel, Fred, meat...1.00
Mengel Bros, meat...4.00
Albrecht, Nick, meat...1.00
Willers, H, milk...1.00
Stuhr, Theo, milk...2.00
Petersen, Peter, milk...1.00
Neuman, Ed, milk...2.00
Prinz & Moffat, milk...1.00
Central Park Dairy, milk...1.00
Fabricius, Robt. bread...2.00
Goettig, C, bread...2.00
Schoeffen, Chas, Drugs...3.00
M & K Co, clothing...3.50
S. B. & S., shoes...2.75
Boies, M.V. Co, burial...10.00
Bowman, Dr. K.H, slaary...55.00
Knostman, G.F., salary...65.00
Knostman, G.F., transports...18.38
Ballard, John W, committee...11.00
Hilton, E.G, committee...9.00
Poor House and Farm
Peters, Thos. blacksmith...7.20
Peter, Lamp Iron Co vise...10.00
Buck, John W, windmill rep's...7.25
Spaulding Nursery Co, trees...14.50
Burke, Joe, horse shoeing...1.60
Rock Island Fuel Co, coal...4.16
Voss Bors, ladders...24.00
Falke & Biete, shoes...4.50
Hilton, E.J, committee...21.00
Corry & Wernentin, plumbing...9.55
Foley, John, groceries...11.50
Foley, John, flour...3.40
Jaegers, Chris & Son,feed...6.25
Ehlers & Haseli, flour...11.50
Soll, H.L, groceries...10.40
Plath, Ed, groceries...8.50
Sander, Julius, hardware...5.95
Kunkel, Martin, hardware...8.45
Louis Hanssen's Sons, hardware...5.70
Lerch, C.J., refrigerator...57.00
Kliens, Ellis, cook...7.50
Herman, Carl, cook...6.00
Stoltenberg, Anna, nurse...15.00
Hageman, Miss H.C., nurse...28.65
Burke, Joe, horse shoeing...1.60
Kistenmacher, E.J. drugs...7.20
Plath, Ed, groceries...20.73
Lowse, Jacob, fish...2.65
Soll, H.L. groceries...24.82
LeClaire Township
Meyer, J.L. groceries...13.50
Hillbourn, C.S. groceries...11.00
Stafford & laycock, coal...17.05
Zuber, Joseph, groceries...5.00
Rathman, E.R. meat...4.25
Schworme, F., groceries...8.50
Ladd, C.W., groceries...3.00
Gambel, James rent...2.00
Voss, Mrs. rent...2.00
Parmer, Mrs. S, care of sick...8.00
Knapp, Alfred, care of sick...3.00
Younger, Lon, care of sick...4.00
Bissick, Mrs. Geo, relief...6.00
Gamble, James, medical ser...2.00
Barnes, J.D, labor...3.20
Graham, C.F, repairs...1.50
Hilton, E.J., committee...3.00
Ballard, J.W., committee...3.00
Winfield Township
Kemmerer, Dr. C.T., medical services...7.00
Davenport Township
Kuehl, Chris, groceries...10.50
Cleona Township
Hein, John, transportation...5.00
Liberty Township
Keeller, Mrs. C.M. board & lodging...8.00
Pleasant Valley Township
Breholz, J.H., transportation
Oltzen, John, care of sick...31.00
Sheridan Township
Weise & Gertz, groceries...10.00
Buffalo Township
Herbert, Valentine, board and lodging...4.25
Dorman, H.J.C., groceries...12.40
Mohr, J.P., board and lodging...1.00
Soldiers' Relief Fund
Bracker, Jacob J, relief...8.00
Barsantee, Mrs. Florence, relief...6.00
Baird, Mrs. G.W., relief...10.00
Brott, A.E., relief...5.00
Bennett, Mrs. L, relief...5.00
Compton, Mrs. E, relief...8.00
Craig, J.T, relief...5.00
Conley, Mrs. Margaret, relief...15.00
Deweyer, Mrs. Mary, relief...6.00
Gaell, Mrs. Michael, relief...6.00
Gow, Emilia, relief...5.00
Hatcher, Edward, relief...5.00
Hand, Erastus, relief...5.00
Hodgson, Mrs. Anne, relief...5.00
Hudson, Magnolia, relief...5.00
Hart, Mrs. Ann, relief...10.00
Hudson, Lemuel, relief...5.00
Kelsey, Hugh, relief...5.00
Kelsey, U.M....relief...5.00
Kelley, Elma, relief...5.00
Morey, D.H., relief...5.00
Morris, G.W., relief...5.00
Rich, Mrs. Lucie, relief...5.00
Richardson, Mrs. Geo, relief...5.00
Shaw, Wm, relief...5.00
Scott, Mrs. Mary, relief..5.00
Scott, Abney, relief...5.00
Thedeman, Conrad, relief...5.00
Walker, B.F, relief...5.00
Williams, Rebecca, relief...5.00
Watts, Mrs. Margaret, relief...3.00
Runge & Petersen, soldiers' burial...70.00
Boies, M.V. & Co, burial...35.00
Insane Fund
Tichenor, W.E, care of insane...10.00
Toover, Mrs., care of insane...10.00
Powers, Anna, care of insane...5.00
Mercy hospital, care of insane...921.00
Farber, John H., care insane...12.00
McArthur, E.G. transport...177.90
Middleton, Dr. W.D., comsnr...9.00
Neal, C.W., comsnr...3.00
Hanley, J.A., comsnr...6.00
Bowman, Dr. E.S., exp witness...3.00
Bitter, D.r C, expert witness...3.00
Gordon, Dr. Van, exp witness...3.00
Kulp, Dr. J, exp witness...3.00
Beeman, Emil, witness...1.35
Carstens, Henry, witness...1.35
Lischer, Julius, witness...1.35
Martens, Henry, witness...1.35
Petersen, A., witness...1.35
Cheek, J.F, witness...1.35
Sontag, Phil, witness...1.35
Sears, J.H., witness...1.35
Fejervary Fund
Mercy hospital, care of sick...48.26
Domestic Animal Fund
Carlin, John, hog killed by dogs...11.35
Road Fund
Plug, John and others, labor...45.50
Orris, W, pay roll, labor...439.37
Fey, W, grading...185.00
Ehlers, Aug, labor...26.25
Coe & Pinneo, labor...100.60
Jorgenson, M., labor...11.25
Henrickson, J, labor...18.50
Dremen, Geo, P, labor...7.30
Klink, P., labor...10.50
Flenkner, Hy, labor...17.50
Murray, J.E. labor...1.50
Ketelsen, Hy, labor...17.50
Paulsen, L, labor...66.00
Chrohnoick, E., labor...17.50
Loading, H, labor...30.00
Everts, P, labor...8.75
Everts, Chas W, labor...5.25
Kahns, G, labor...22.75
Ackermann, H, labor...29.75
Hill, J. supplies...4.80
Engel, G, supplies...20.80
Stowe, S.R., supplies...27.40
Berg Bros, supplies...14.30
Hasselman & Co, supplies...1.00
D.R.I. & N.W. Ry frieght...51
Thiel, J.M. hauling...75.40
Doyle, H, hauling...64.00
Kohl, H., hauling...30.00
Wulff, H.J, committee...53.50
Wilson, S.A. committee...52.50
McCausland, T.W. ,committee...39.00
Hilton, E.J., committee...27.00
Ballard, J.W. committee...4.00
Pope, Mary land for road...25.00
Davenport Daily Republican
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
May 19, 1900
Mrs. John Shelhorn Receives a Package of Candy Though the Postoffice Containing Deadly Poison.
Boone, May 18 Mrs. John Shelhorn
received through the mail delivery a small box of very tempting
chocolate creams. Supposing them to have been sent by a friend,
she ate one, which proved excellent, but upon eating the second
one she noticed a peculiar flavor and in a very few moments
became quite ill. Dr. Rowe, the family physician, was called and
said Mr. Shelhorn must have been poisoned. The candy was then
produced and upon examination proved to contain enough of a
deadly poison to have killed several women. An antidote was then
administered to the sufferer and all danger averted. The energy
of all was then directed toward discovering the
would-be-murderer. The wrapping of the box was inspected and it
was discovered to have been mailed in Boone and directed to
Mrs. John Shelhorn, City, so that no attempt at
baffling the authorities seems to have been made, and the package
was not even sealed. Inquiries were immediately made at the
postoffice and it was ascertained that the deadly stuff was
mailed in one of the city post boxes and brought to the office by
the carrier.
The question as to whether the crime of sending poison through
the mail could be taken up by the government was brought up, but
it was discovered that after mail had been delivered it was
entirely out of the hands of federal authorities. However, the
local officers are at work on the matter and it is rumored that
clues are not lacking.
Sudden Death and Narrow Escape
New Hampton, May 18 The sudden death of one of their
number, following close upon the almost miraculous escape from
instant death of another, has caused depression among the
students of the normal and commercial college here. Bliss
Proctor, 19 years old, was returning with three lady students
from a trip to the woods when he was overcome from heart failure
and died in a few minutes. He had complained of feeling ill and
when walking into town said he believed he would die. The remark
was lightly received, but before he had gone three blocks further
he fell dead. His parents live at Williamstown, near here.
Miss Mabel Pratt, a student at the college, walked on the Great Western track in front of an approaching train and was struck by the engine before she could spring clear of danger. The pilot beam struck her and she was thrown several feet, escaping with a few bruises and a severe nervous shock.
Shot His Brother.
New London, May 18 James Clark, a well known citizen of
Pleasant Grove township, Des Moines county, accidentally shot his
brother, Andrew Clark, inflicting a painful wound over the heart.
The Clark brothers were on the lookout for some culprit that was
suspected of attempting to poison their cattle and the elder of
the boys mistook his brother for a trespasser and discharged the
contents of a shot gun at him at a range of four or five rods.
The charge penetrated his clothing, and about 13 shot embedded
themselves in his left breast, lacerating the flesh and producing
a dangerous though not mortal wound.
Shot by a Careless Hunter.
LeMars, May 18 Leo Bourdelais, a 14-year-old boy, was shot
in the left arm while walking along near the mill dam. The bullet
inflicted a painful wound. It is not known who fired the shot,
but it is supposed to have been some careless hunter.
Sixtieth Wedding Anniversary.
Brighton, May 18 Last Saturday Mr .and Mrs. Henry Morgan,
of Clay, passed the sixtieth milestone of their married life. The
son Albert and wife, with whom they live, invited in about sixty
of the older friends and neighbors to help them celebrate. All
their children were present except one daughter, Mrs. Hattie
Sargent, and family, and one son, Isaac, and family. Mr. Morgan
is upwards of 80 and Mrs. Morgan is but a few years younger. They
have lived on the same farm in Clay for over fifty years and have
a host of friends in the community.
[Transcribe by: C.J.L.]