Iowa Old Press

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Friday evening, Sep 3, 1897

At 9 o'clock this morning occurred the death of Mrs. James PETERS at the
family home, 704 Christie street, at the age of sixty-eight years. Heart
trouble and old age were the causes of her death.
The deceased was born in Ireland, and is the mother of four children, two
boys and two girls-Mrs. Lawrence SWAIN of Minneapolis, Mrs. Britton ROSS of
Chicago, James also of Chicago and Thomas of Denver, Colo.
The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the late
residence with services at Sacred Heart cathedral and interment at St.
Marguerite's cemetery.

Muscatine Police Report and Interesting Theft-Other Notes.

The police are on the outlook for the thief who stole a $200 horse and rig
in Muscatine last night. A telegram from Marshal W. P. FRASER tells of the
theft, describing the horse as a dark bay, twelve years old, while the buggy
was a new rubber-tired affair. A good set of harness went with the outfit
and the owner offers $25 reward for their return and the capture of the

A smooth fakir, giving his name as J. BUSCH, was sent up for five days this
morning by the police magistrate. He held forth at Second and Brady streets
last evening and successfully worked the game of giving away money and
disposing of snide jewelry after he had the crowd worked up to the right
pitch. Captain RUMSEY and Detective WAFER took possession of the outfit and
hustled the fakir off to the station.

KLINCK was arrested on the east side last night and sent up for three days.
He got a trifle too free with his fists and was given a chance to pound rock
for a change.

WILLIAMS, a farmer who drank too heavily of tanglefoot, was also gathered in
last night and paid $2 and costs.

Silly Officiousness

Oom Dan B. HORNE Would Exercise Authority Over the Elements

After the present plant of the KEDING-HENKE Stair company had stood for many
years with its smokestack pouring out volumes of smoke during all of that
time it appears to be a little officious on the part of Oom Dan B. HORNE to
spring a petition to the city council calling upon the KEDING-HENKE people
to build their smoke stack higher , or to put on a smoke arrester at this
late day. This is discrimination against the firm, and the board of public
works should not allow the petition unless all other firms using coal and
creating smoke be compelled to do likewise. "Live and let live" should be
the motto, even of Alderman HORNE, who seems to have another axe to grind in
this case, and does not hesitate to harass a worthy manufacturing firm to
accomplish his aim.


Superintendent of Schools

I hereby announce myself as a candidate for superintendent of schools of
Scott county, subject to the Republican convention, which convenes Saturday,
Sept. 4, 1897. J. H. JACOBS

For Coroner

I hereby announce myself as a candidate for coroner of Scott county, subject
to the decision of the Republican convention Saturday, Sept 4. Dr. F.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Scott County