Iowa Old Press

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Monday evening, November 4, 1897

At the family home, 1811 West Third street, at 9:30 o'clock last evening,
occurred the death of Anthony COLLINS, one of the most respected of the
residents of the western end of the city. Mr. COLLINS was stricken with
paralysis while at this work in the T.W. McCLELLAND factory, where he had
been employed continuously for thirty-six years last Friday evening and had
lain in a stupor until death intervened.
The deceased was born in Kilkee, County Clare, Ireland, in 1834 and came to
this city forty-five years ago. With the exception of eight years he had
since been employed at the T.W. McCLELLAND factory. His wife, Margaret, and
six sons and one daughter survive-Thomas at Red Oak, Austin, John, Anthony,
Lawrence, Joseph and Mary, all at home. A brother, John, of St. Louis, also
survives. He arrived Satruday night upon hearing news of the precarious
illness of his brother.
The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock from the late
residence, 1811 west Third street, with services at St. Mary's church and
interment in the Holy Family cemetery.

Items in Brief

John SCHMID, a butcher who had separated from his family, committed suicide
by hanging himself in Chris NAAB'S slaughter house in South Rock Island
Saturday evening. He was about fifty years of age and is survived by his
wife and three married daughters.

C. W. FOSTER, a well known employee of the arsenal, was surprised at his
home, 2119 Scott street, Saturday evening. A merry company of friends,
comprising about twenty couples, bore down upon the FOSTER residence and the
inmates gladly capitulated. Dancing was one of the leading features of the
evening's enjoyment, refreshments were served and all present enjoyed
themselves to their heart's content.

Robert PARKS, an elderly resident of the town of Dixon, lost his life early
this morning in the flames which destroyed his home. He was seventy-five or
seventy-six years of age and found himself unable to escape the flames.
Coroner MCCORTNEY was telephoned for and repaired to Dixon this morning to
conduct an inquest.

Col. J. R. NUTTING has a new golf trap fresh from the shops of its designer
and maker, J. L. MASON. It is the first vehicle of its kind in the three
cities. The trap has a high seat in front and a lower one in the rear which
can be folded under the main seat at will. The rear seat is for the
"caddie," or custodian of the golfing sticks. The colonel will cut a wide
swath of envy when he appears in public with the reins in hand.

CONWELL and O'DAY, the Davenport duo who have been making the Keith and the
Hopkins Castle circuits are at present registered at the Elite Victoria
Yacht Club House at Hamilton, Canada, the guests of Commodore COX. The twain
expect to re-enter the Keith circuit at Boston, mass., Oct. 11, for a six
weeks' engagement with Philadelphia and New York engagements still to

A Sad Funeral

This afternoon at 3 o'clock there was held in the Baptist church a funeral
that brought sadness to many. It was that of Mrs. George H. YOUNG, a former
resident of this city and a daughter of Rev. H. S. CHURCH, formerly a pastor
in Davenport. The deceased met with sudden death in Des Moines on Saturday
and the remains were brought to Davenport today on the noon train from the
west. They were accompanied by the bereaved husband and children and by Rev.
and Mrs. CHURCH and son, Frank, the three latter being from Kansas City.
Mrs. YOUNG'S maiden name was Lou CHURCH, and while her father was pastor of
the Fourteenth street M. E. church and during her subsequent residence here
she made many firm and fast friends who learned of her death with deep
sorrow. She was married to Mr. YOUNG in this city and until a few years ago
the after was numbered among the Davenport business men. The funeral
services were conducted by Rev. LOVETT, after which the interment was made
in Oakdale cemetery.



At the Mercy Hospital at 11:30 o'clock Sunday morning occurred the death of
Carl BROCKMANN, a well known resident of this city and a musician of
excellent repute, in the sixty-second year of his age.

The deceased was born at Koeln, Holstein, Germany and came to this country
in 1862. He at once entered the service of the union army as a musician and
served throughout the civil war. When he mustered out of service he
immediately came to Davenport and became associated with nearly every
prominent band in the city from the old Jacob STRASSER organization down to
the OTTO aggregation retiring from the active practice of his profession
twelve years ago. His death was the result of an operation for the
extraction of a stomachic cancer, the shock having expedited the inevitable.

Mr. BROCKMANN was also well known as a cigar manufacturer, in which business
he had been engaged for thirty years. He is survived by his wife and three
children, Fred, who still conducts the cigar business on Brady street near
Fifth, Emil, a musician in OTTO's band who inherits his father's genius, and
Mrs. Dora MYERS all of this city.

The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the late
residence, 432 Brady street. OTTO'S band will officiate at the obsequies of
its late member and will accompany the remains to the West Davenport
cemetery where the interment will be made.

Submitted by: #000525




Iowa Old Press
Scott County