Iowa Old Press

Daily Times, Davenport, Scott, Iowa, March 9, 1897

At Mercy Hospital yesterday occurred the death of John O'Connell, an
octogenarian in his eighty-fourth year.
The deceased came here from Des Moines for treatment. He was a native of
Ireland and has been forty-two years in the state. The remains will be
shipped to Des Moines tonight where the funeral will be held Wednesday from
his home, 520 west fifteenth street in that city.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
March 12, 1897

Hibernian Banquet
Two Local Divisions Will Celebrate St. Patrick's Day

The two local divisions of the Ancient Order of Hibernians have completed
arrangements for their banquet and celebration of St. Patrick's day at the
Hibernian Hall next Wednesday evening. Invitations have been sent out to the
friends of the two divisions, and the gathering will be quite a large one.
The supper will be served by the Ladies Catholic Union, after which a toast
programme will be carried out, attractively varied with vocal and
instrumental music.
Mr. A.J. SMITH will officiate as toastmaster, and will announce the
following attractive programme:
Piano Solo.....Mrs. Wm. LILLIS
"The Day We Celebrate".....A.P. McGUIRK
Vocal Solo.....M.V. KELLY
"The Duties of Citizenship"...A.E. CARROLL
Piano Solo.....Cleo McCORMACK
"The Ladies".....J.M. CASH
Piano Solo.....Miss Stella GORMAN
Quartette.....Selected Alice O'CONNOR, James A LINDLEY, Mary LINDLEY, Joseph
"The A.O.H."...E.M.SHARON
Guitar and Mandolin Duet...DAVENPORT and FLYNN.

Daily Times, Davenport, Scott, Iowa, March 22, 1897
Patrick Purcell Falls Into the Shadow Land Before His Own Door
Death came suddenly just as he had long expected, to Patrick Purcell, the
well known citizen and former member of the police force of this city,
Saturday night. Mr. Purcell was stricken on the street, but he lived long
enough to be taken to his home, where he died half an hour later.
The deceased had been out to accompany his sister-in-law to her home and was
returning to his home on the crest of Farnam street between Ninth and Tenth
streets. He had just crossed the street from the west side and was passing
the gate of W.P. Halligan's home when he was seen to stagger and fall up
against the gate, which, swinging open under the weight, allowed him to fall
heavily to the brick walk, where he struck on his head, cutting it somewhat.
Friends hastened to his side and found that although he was suffering
greatly, he was able to recognize them. He was assisted to arise, and he
summoned up enough strength to walk to his own home, about 200 feet away,
with the aid of a man supporting him on either side. A half an hour later he
was dead. During the interim between his sudden prostration and his final
decease, Mr. Purcell spoke lightly to his friends, expressing the wish that
he was ready to make the journey over the shadowland, cautioning all those
present to remember him with the suffrages of their prayers. The end came
without apparent pain, or any great sense of physical distress.
The cause of death is supposed to have been heart failure. The deceased had
been under treatment and had a spell of sickness and weakness while on his
way home from the caucuses early in the week. He recovered from it and
thought it nothing serious. On this fatal Saturday evening, however, he
realized his condition, as it evidenced by the conversation recounted above.
He knew that the end would come suddenly and he kept himself constantly
prepared for the worst. He had been growing steadily worse for some time,
the weight of years beginning to tell upon his naturally rugged constitution
for he was over seventy-three years of age.
Deceased was born in Kilkenny, Ireland. He came to Davenport in 1852 and has
made it his home ever since. He was appointed a police officer during the
mayoralty of Hon. Jere Murphy in 1873 and continued as a member of the force
until 1889 when he resigned. Since his retirement from the force he has done
little if any work, having been of a saving disposition all of his life
thereby gathering together enough property to keep him comfortable.
Mr. Purcell was a devout Catholic and an exemplary socialist, being a
constant attendant upon the various offices of the Sacred Heart Cathedral.
He is survived by his second wife, Bridget, and one son, W.J. Purcell.
The funeral will occur Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock from the late residence
with solemn high mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral. The interment will be made
at St. Marguerite's Cemetery.

Called to Eternal Rest
Several Davenporters Cross the Dark River
Edward Ryan passed away Saturday evening at Mercy hospital after an illness
extending over several years. He came here from Sterling, Ill., and has been
confined to the hospital the past two years. The deceased was an uncle of
Mrs. M.J. Malloy and Messrs. Andrew, Thomas and John Kelly of this city.
The funeral was held from the Malloy residence this morning with services at
St. Mary's church and interment in Holy Family cemetery.

Local Brevities

Aldermanic Ticket

First Ward...Herbert STRATEMAN

Second Ward..Robert DOERING

Third Ward..Henry NAGEL

Fourth Ward...J. W. BALLARD

Fifth Ward...Geo. W. BAWDEN

Sixth Ward..Henry TRUENEN, Jr.


Miss Helen HAMM of Dubuque is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. J.

Dr. E. S. BOWMAN returned from Andalusia this noon where he spent Sunday
visiting friends.

Rev. and J. B. LITTLE of Shenandoah, Ia., are here to attend the funeral of
the latter's mother, Mrs. MCALLISTER.

Prof. R. P. Redfield of the high school has been called to his former home,
Middleton, N. Y. on account of the illness of relatives.

E. R. Care, who has spent the past month or so in the south, has returned
home. He spent several weeks in Florida and was as far south as Florida

Mrs. Mary L. D. PUTNAM and daughter, Miss Lizzie PUTNAM left today for
Washington, en route for New York. They will sail early in April for Paris
and spend the summer in Europe.

In General

Licenses to wed were issued today to Harry J. WILLIAMS and Dora HOWE.

The Bay View Literary society will be entertained this evening at the home
of Rev. J. T. MELOY on Fifteenth street.

Wedding rings at cut prices at KOCH'S jewelery store, 406 W. Second.

An alarm from box 22 on Fourteenth and Gaines streets called out the fire
department about 10 o'clock this morning. The blaze was in some grass and
rattlings was quickly extinguished.

Cards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Amy WRIGHT and Mr. Charles B.
POWELL which will be celebrated at the home of the bride's parents, 1026
Arlington avenue, Wednesday evening, march 31st.

Two engagements which are of local interest have been announced. One is the
engagement of Dr. Raymond E. PECK and Miss Myra RORABACK, and the other,
Robert C. FICKE and Miss Madeline SPELLETICH. Both couples are well known
and congratulations will be general.

Martin GILLEN, Frank DUNCAN, Ed MOONEY, Frank MARONEY and William SPRAGUE,
Rock Island engineers, have been temporarily set back to firing on account
of a lull in business. In consequence of this change Firemen Ed YODER,
Merwin WYNES, Carl ODEN and George WEYRAUCH have been laid off.

Fire Chief REESE of the Moline fire department underwent an operation
Saturday which resulted in the removal of a splinter of wood an inch and a
half long from his hand. Chief REESE injured his hand at a fire about two
months ago and while the wound healed it remained very painful. An X-Ray
photograph told the story and located the splinter.

Michael NAGLE, who so gracefully handles the ribbons o'er the dashing steeds
of the hook and ladder company, has gone for a day's outing to the classic
Wapsie bottoms to take shots and snap-shots with gun and camera.

Probate Matter

Last Wills of Henry TECHENTIN and Barbara HOFFMANN

The last will and testament of Henry TECHENTIN was filed today for probate.
The testator bequeaths his entire estate to his son, Henry w. TECHENTIN,
appointing him executor of the estate. The following legacies are also make
in the event of the death of the son:

To Heinrich BUSCH of Hamburg, Germany, grandson of a deceased brother, Fritz
TECHENTIN, who died in Neu Kloster, Mecklenberg, Schewerin, $5,000.

To Mrs. Julia NNIEF, a daughter of a deceased sister in Germany, $2,500.

To August KIERSCHNESTEIN, a son of a deceased sister in Germany, $2,500.

Bequests of $1,000 each are left to Carl LEONARD, Wihelmina MEYER and Louisa
VICK, all of Germany. Fritz TECHENTIN of this city, Henry G. TECHENTIN of
Indianapolis, Ind., and Julia FICKE of Fremont, Ohio, children of a deceased
brother are also left legacies of $1,000 each.

Wilhelmina RAHM and Louisa ENGHOLM, the former of Chicago, the latter of
Evanston, both daughters of the deceased brother, John TECHENTIN, are
bequeathed $1,000 each. One thousand dollars is bequeathed to the
Mississippi Valley spiritualist association of Clinton, Ia. The same legacy
is left to the Schuetzen Verein for the beautifying of the park. To the
Davenport Turngemeinde $750 together with a ten shares of the building stock
of the society is devised.

A "Henry TECHENTIN Poor Fund" is created with the German Trust company as
trustee, the fund to be distributed to the deserving poor of the city
through the offices of the charitable associations. When the German Trust
company shall cease to exist the trusteeship shall be vested in the judge of
the district court who is empowered to appoint three commissioners to
administer the fund.

It is directed that the business of Henry TECHENTIN & Co., be purchased by
A. KNUEFFEL and Fritz OTT upon terms satisfactory to them.

The last will and testament of Barbara HOFFMANN was filed for probate with
the clerk of the district court today. The testatrix bequeathes to Hazel
Martha HOFFMANN the sum of $1,000 payable to her as legatee when she attains
her eighteenth birthday. The husband, Frank HOFFMANN, is appointed the
trustee with instructions to make such payment when the heir-at-law attains
her maturity. All the rest, residue, and remainder of the estate is
bequeathed to the surviving husband, Frank HOFFMANN, who is also appointed
executor without bond.

Attempts His Own Life

John B. FIDLAR Turns A Pistol on Himself

The Rash Deed Committed at His Office in Masonic Temple Saturday Evening-The
Wound Will Result in Death-A Sad Case.

Despondent over poor success in business and weary of life's struggles John
B. FIDLAR retired into a closet opening from his office in the Masonic
Temple Saturday evening and sent a bullet of heavy caliber crashing through
his brain. The fatal bullet did not do its work at one and he was taken to
his home in an unconscious condition.

The rash act was committed some time between 6 and 7 o'clock in the evening
but the exact time is not known. Mr. FIDLAR was seen about the building at 6
o'clock and it was not until 7 o'clock that Henry MCGAW, the assistant
janitor, went into his office and learned the true state of affairs. On
entering the office Mr. MCGAW heard heavy breathing and going to the closet
Mr. FIDLAR was found in an unconscious condition. Two revolvers in Mr.
FIDLAR'S lap and a wound just above the right ear told the story of an
attempted suicide.

Mr. MCGAW raised the alarm and the unfortunate man was lifted to a couch. He
was breathing heavily and unconscious and medical assistance was quickly
summoned. Dr. FRENCH responded while a telephone message informed W. F.
FIDLAR of his brother's condition. Several other friends were also notified
and hastened to the temple. Dr. FRENCH probed for the ball that did the work
but could not find it and gave his opinion that Mr. FIDLAR'S death was only
a question of time. The city ambulance was summoned, and Mr. FIDLAR was
taken to his home on Arlington avenue. His brother, W. F. FIDLAR, a and John
HOYT proceeded to break the news to Mrs. FIDLAR and other members of his
family at home. Dr. WATZEK was called but could give the sorrowing family no

John B. FIDLAR is fifty-nine years of age and a native of Licking county,
Ohio. He served in Company D of the Twenty-fifth Iowa infantry and was
connected with the American Express company from the close of the war until
1870 when he became cashier of the First National bank. Mr. FIDLAR retired
from this position about three years ago. During the past year he has been
secretary of the Business Men's association. His family consists of his wife
and one son, William. There are two brothers, W. F., of this city, and Solon
H. of Dubuque.

Mr. FIDLAR has been in an unconscious condition since the shooting, and at
noon today he showed signs of growing somewhat weaker. The attending
physician is of the opinion that a few hours at the outside will see the
end. At last reports, late this afternoon, he was still alive.

At her home in Joslin, Ill., Saturday morning occurred the death of Lillie
HEALD, a former resident of this city. The deceased was born at Lockport,
Ill., March 10, 1859, and the family resided in this city for about twenty
years. About four years ago, the family removed to Joslin. She is survived
by her parents, three brothers and three sisters.

Agnes FRITSCH, a six-year-old inmate of St. Vincent's home on east Fifteenth
street, passed away at an early hour yesterday morning after a short illness
from diphtheria combined with measles. The funeral was held yesterday, with
interment at St. Marguerite's cemetery.

At the residence of her nephew, O. P. JUDD, on Grand avenue yesterday noon,
occurred the death of Mrs. Hannah ANTHONY, late of Denver, Col. For the past
two weeks she has been a guest at the home of her nephew where she was taken
ill about a week ago.
The deceased was a native of Melford, Con., and had reached the age of
seventy-three years. The family formerly resided at Camanche, Ia., but for
sometime past Mrs. ANTHONY has made her home in Denver, where two sons are
in business. The remains will be taken to Camanche for interment.

Joseph H. PINCKNEY, residing at 2312 Farnum street passed away at about 5
o'clock yesterday afternoon, his demise being the result of a spinal trouble
of several years standing. The deceased was forty two years of age and a
native of Illinois. He came from Cambridge in that state about eighteen
years ago and has since made his home here. He is survived by his wife, four
brothers and one sister. There are no children. The funeral will be held
tomorrow with interment in Oakdale cemetery.

Mrs. Maria HUCKSTAEDT, a well known resident of this city passed away at her
home, 1315 Leonard street Saturday evening. The deceased had attained the
advanced age of eighty years and was widely known throughout the city. She
had earned the appellation of mother of the Turner society of Northwest
Davenport and was highly respected by all who knew her.
Mrs. HUCKSTAEDT came to this city about forty-five years ago and has since
made her home here. She is survived by her husband, George H. HUCKSTAEDT,
and six children, together with several grandchildren. The funeral service
will be private.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Scott County