Iowa Old Press

Davenport Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Saturday April 10, 1897

At 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the Cook Home for the Friendless,
occurred the death of Mrs. Mary Colton at the advanced age of eighty-one
years. The deceased was born in Ireland has resided in this city for the
last twenty-eight years, nine of which she spent at the home. Old age was
the cause of death. The funeral will be private.


Miss Vera COLLINS is at home from Iowa College, Grinnell.

Senator HIPWELL is at home from Des Moines to spend Sunday.

John F. SIMPSON of Victor, Ia., is registered at the Kimball House today.

Miss Rose QUINN has returned after a visit of several months with her sister
in Colorado.

M. SHARON is in Des Moines attending a meeting relative to the special
charter code of laws.

Will LOVETT has returned from his college duties in Chicago and expects to
join the force of the Des Moines News in the near future.

Miss Naomi MULVIHILL is at home for a short visit from the University of
Wisconsin, where she is attending school. She will return to Madison the
first of the week.

Mrs. Charles E. HARRISON and daughter, Miss Lucy, have returned from an
extended visit with relatives in Carrolltown, Ky. They have been absent
about four months.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. LINDSAY and Mrs. Fred WYMAN have returned from a sojourn
of several weeks in Florida. Wm. WYMAN was with the party for a time, but
preceded them home.

In General

A license to wed was issued today to G. W. DAVIS and Josie HAYWARD.

Dr. J. D. UNANGST, dentist office, room 22, Whitaker Block.

Foreman HILL of the Rock Island Arsenal blacksmith shop is lying ill at his
home in Rock Island.

Have your horses clipped at JAEGER'S Livery, 213 E. Fourth St.

Those desiring to secure first class music for parties, receptions,
concerts, etc., can do so by addressing H. P. SONNTAG, E. C. MCCORMACK or by
calling up A. L. PETERSEN, telephone 498.

Go to Electric Laundry for first class work 216 E. Third street.

Mamie L. BEAUCHAINE has commenced a replevin suit against Lee Lawrence
BEAUCHAINE and clay WOODWARD to recover a diamond set and ring. The case
will be tried before Magistrate HUBBELL.

F. J. MOCK, residing on the Utica Ridge road just north of Duck Creek has
sold his farm to L. S. MCCABE the well known Rock Island merchant. The farm
will be converted into a stock farm, while Mr. MOCK will remove into the

The funeral of Mamie Victor WEBB will be held from the home of her mother,
Mrs. Lizzie WEBB, room 12, Fulton block, tomorrow afternoon.

Mrs. D. GRUPE left this afternoon for Oquawka, Ill., to attend the funeral
of Mrs. C. SCHNELL, who died Friday night. The husband of the deceased lady
was the bosom friend of D. GRUPE and his associate during the war. The
family has the sympathy of all in the bereavement now being experienced.

OTTESEN Easter Hats 222 W. Second St.

Real Estate Transfers

Francis X. BEH and wife to Stephen A. COLLINS, part se 1/4, sec 12-77-2-e
being all that part lying ne of the Blue Grass road, containing three acres,

Thomas JONES to Margaret A. JONES, lot 5, blk. 93, LeClaire's 8th add. City
of Davenport, by will.

Louis A. OCHS et al to Valentine HESSE, lot 10 and w. 8 ft., lot 9, blk. 2,
Summit Park add., city of Davenport, $1,300.

C. F. L. CLEMONS and wife to L. W. CLEMONS, a farm of 20 acres in Pleasant
Valley township, $1,800.

H. L. JONES, sheriff, to J. L. GIESLER, cashier, 8 acre tract in Buffalo
township. $443.35.

David B. CARR and wife to Minerva J. GAULT, lot in LeClaire, $1,250.

Laurel S. LEONARD et al to John SCHNACK e. ½ lot 9, blk. 3, West Park add.,
city of Davenport, $1.

Last evening at the family residence, 1922 west Sixth street, occurred the
death of Fritz STIEGER. A cancer of the stomach from which the deceased has
been suffering for sometime was the cause of his demise. The deceased was a
teamster by trade and had attained his sixty-fourth year. He was a native of
Meckelenberg and has been a resident of this city during the past forty
years. The funeral will be held Monday with interment in the city cemetery.

John G. BLACKWOOD, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. BLACKWOOD of Jamestown,
died at the family residence last evening. The little one was but seven days
old. The funeral was held today, with interment at Jamestown.

Yesterday at the family residence, 7231 west Third street, occurred the
death of Ernest C. DRESSLER, a well known local shoemaker. Asthma was the
cause of his demise. The deceased is survived by his wife. There are no
other relatives residing in this vicinity.

Daily Times, Davenport, Scott, Iowa, April 20, 1897

At the residence of John Mulvihill, 1016 Ripley street, at 6 o'clock this
morning occurred the death of Marin Manion from old age in the ninety-ninth
year of his life.
The deceased was born in Ireland during the stirring days of 1798 and came
to this country forty-one years ago. For some years he resided on a farm
near Walcott. He is survived by one son, Lawrence, in the west and two
daughters in Adair.
The funeral will probably take place tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock with
requiem services at St. Anthony's church.
Intement will be made in St. Marguerite's cemetery.

Davenport Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
April 20, 1897


H. MARTIN returned to his duties at Des Moines yesterday after a pleasant
Easter visit in the city.

Miss Vera COLLINS will return to Grinnell this evening, where she will
finish up the work of the year at Iowa college.

Mrs. C. C. MILLER of Des Moines arrived in the city today for a visit of
several months with her daughter, Mrs. D. GRUPE.

James C. HOWE, son of J. M. HOWE, who has been a missionary at Wahu, Central
china, returned home on a visit to his parents.

Mrs. Thomas Campbell of Ithaca, N. Y., are visiting in the city with Mrs.
Campbell's sister, Mrs. George T. BAKER.

In General

Detective Henry WICHELMAN of the local police department, celebrated a
birthday Monday.

J. ROHLFS, one of Davenport's well known citizens, celebrated his
eighty-first birthday yesterday.

The Turner Hall flag is floating at half mast on account of the death of
Passive Turner Diedrich ECKHARDT, which occurred this morning as reported in
another column.

The annual concert of the Augustana College will be given at the college
chapel Wednesday evening under the direction of Prof. C. F. TOENNIGES of
this city, the new leader.

The estate of the late J. F. ALSTERLUND of Moline has been divided between
his wife and three children, there being no will left by the deceased. The
estate is valued at $10,000 and includes $5,000 in insurance.

Davenport friends of Mrs. Bessie FIDLAR will be interested in the
announcement of her marriage to a New York railroad official which was
celebrated in that city yesterday. A telegram received by her father, J. S.
ALTMAN announced the wedding, but contained few particulars.

Cards are out announcing the nuptials of Miss Eugene Philomene FAYLE to
Frederick Beecher SWITZER, both of Muscatine. The lady in question is well
known to a large circle of Davenport friends who will wish her consummate
happiness in the wedded state.

The patrol wagon was called to Fourteenth and Rock Island streets last night
 where the police rounded up Gus MAGNUSSEN and Mat MCNEAL who had been
engaged in a free-for-all fistic encounter. Both were arraigned this
morning, and fined.

Hennepin Canal coal at the foot of Brady St. at 8 cents per bushel. Capt. J.

Gustav SWENSSON, who was re-elected mayor at the recent city election in
Moline, was duly installed for another term at the meeting of the municipal
fathers last evening.

District Convention

The Congregational district convention convened at DeWitt last evening. All
of the Congregational churches in the Davenport district are represented by
delegates, this city having Rev. G. S. ROLLINS, A. TREDICK, C. H. KENT and
Miss Mina COLLINS at the meeting as local representatives.

A Weird Tale

After a disappearance of two months, Edward BEGALKE, a farmer at Carbon
Cliff, returned home Sunday and tells a weird tale of his experiences since
he left home one morning last February. It was first thought that he had
committed suicide or been foully dealt with, but such was not the case. He
turned up Sunday and says that he has been the captive of a band of gypsies
until a few days. Ago. On his way home from a business grip over into Henry
county, BEGALKE claims that he was set upon by Gypsies, and robbed of $150.
He was then made captive, and carried off in a wagon. He also claims that he
was fed on nothing but bread and water. While traveling in the southern part
of the state BEGALKE succeeded in effecting his escape. He then returned

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Scott County