Iowa Old Press

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
September 15, 1896

Pianos skillfully repaired under guarantee at STEIN's Piano Factory, 307

A license to wed was issued late yesterday afternoon to Frank BENNETT and

The funeral of Mrs. Doris MOELLER, wife of C. Henry MOELLER, was held from
the family residence on west Third street, this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The
interment was made in the West Davenport cemetery.

Gents' fine Enamel shoes, worth $4 and $5 for $3.48. T.J. O'MEARA Shoe
House, 126 West Second Street.

John RUDMAUER was arrested last night by Captain MARTENS on a charge of
larceny. It is charged that he is responsible for the flight of $25 from the
cash drawer in REESE's establishment, and he will be given a hearing later.

The funeral of Mrs. Frederika SCHOENING, whose sad death was noted in these
columns last evening, will be held from the residence  of her son, Adolph F
SCHOENING, on the Hickory Grove Road tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. The
interment will be made in Oakdale cemetery.

The Moline tribe of the Improved Order of Red Men has accepted the
invitation to attend the celebration of the sixth anniversary of Tecumseh
tribe of this city, which will take place tomorrow evening, and it promises
to be represented at the festivities by a goodly delegation.

The spectacle of six different kinds of roses growing on one bush varied in
color and in size is seldom met with. Out at Sam LORTON's place near the old
time home of the late J.W. STEWART, the rose bush is attracting no end of
attention. It is a curious sight, one rarely met with in September.

Davenport Societies Effect a Joint Association for the Next Saengerfest.

There was an interesting meeting of the various singing societies at the
Turner hall last evening at which an organization known as the Davenport
United Singers was effected. About 150 vocalists wre present and M.E.
NABSTEDT presided at the meeting. At the meeting the singers decided to
commence rehearsals on the first Sunday in October for the next biennial
saengerfest and by the time the big meetin, which is to be held in this
city, rolls around Davenport will have a local chorus which will march in
the front rank. The Davenport societies are commencing early and will
present music which will make the visiting delegations work for the laurels
that they capture. The organization of the united societies was effected
last evening and the following officers elected:
President: John BERWALD
First Vice-president: John SCHNAACK
Second Vice-President: Herman CARSTENS
Secretary-Henry PFABE
Treasurer: Carl MOCHOW
Answers have been filed by the defendants in the cases of Augustine
BUCKINGHAM vs. Charles RUNGE and SMITH and ROHLF et al vs John BRUHN.

Dismissals have been entered in the cases of Farmers and Mechanics' Savings
Bank vs. C.F.H. THEE et al and vs. Claus BRUHN

The suit of the St. Louis Car company vs the Davenport Electric Light
Railway and Power comapny was dismissed without prejudice by the plaintiff.

A suit for quieting of title was settled by a decree of the court in favor
of C.A. FICKE, plaintiff, in the case of C.A. FICKE vs. W.E. LORTON.

An order for foreclosure on a mortgage for $1,072.50 in favor of the
Merchants and Mechanics bank and against J.A. DOUD was issued by Judge
BRANNAN yesterday afternoon. SCHMIDT & VOLLMER were attorneys for the

Foreclosure was also entered against John GRIMM et al in favor of the
Merchants and Mechanics bank in the sum of $1700. Also in the case of O.C.
KOEHLER vs. Fredericke GRIMM et al in favor of plaintiff in the sum of

In the matter of the petit jury, on the 14th of September the return of the
sheriff showed that the following persons drawn to serve this term of court
could not be found: Frank ANDERSON, A CELLA, William DRESSLER, John EARLING,
R. MILLER. And as the court excused from service Charles CLARK, Benjamin B
HUGHES, Fred OTT, William SMOTHERS, Alex NAECKEL and John R ZINDELL, it was
therefore ordered by Judge BRANNAN that the clerk, auditor and recorder of
Scott County draw the names of eleven persons to serve at this term of
courst as petit jurors, and report for said service Sept. 21 at 2 o'clock in
the afternoon:
W.M. CHAMBERS...426 E. Sixteenth st.
William DITTMER...222 Howell St
Henry DUNLAP...St. James Hotel
Martin FLINN...730 E Ninth st
Wilber FOY...327 E Locust st
Michael GOLD...Davenport twp
John GORMAN...118 w Sixth st
John GROVE...1844 W Fourth st
George HASS...Sheridan twp
W.S HOEHN...110 W Fifth st
Thomas KEHOE...112 W Thirteenth St
John KELLY...1409 Locust st
Theodore H KOELINKE...Walcott
John KOHL...321 Brown st
Gustav LAMP...Liberty Twp
James F MASON...Winfield twp
Charels MECKEL...Davenport twp
Thomas MULCHRONE...925 Judson st
T.W. McCAUSLAND...Butler twp
Elsworth E NEWTON...Allen's Grove twp
Thomas OSLER...Hickory Grove twp
Max RUBEN...605 Harrison st
Adolph RICHTER...1352 South st
W.C VERDER...820 E Fourteenth st
Stabbed by a Tourist
Charles SCHUSTER, a printer who has been employed on tri-city papers until
recently, now languishes in the Rockford jail as the result of a murderous
assault upon Dick HUGHES, a gas fitter of that city. While overloaded with
barleycorn, the two became involved in a quarrel and waiving the free use of
their fists went at each other hammer and tongs. The typo claims that the
gas fitter landed on his face with a beer bottle and he retaliated by
stabbing his adversary below the shoulder blade. The knife blade penetrated
about four inches and inflicted an ugly wound. SCHUSTER started to run away,
but, seeing an officer close at hand, changed his mind and quietly submitted
to arrest. Four stitches repaired the damage to HUGHES' anatomy but the call
was a close one as the attending physician informed him that his eartly
career would have been closed had the cut been half an inch lower. As it is,
HUGHES is rapidly recovering and the typo is playing solitaire in the

Donavis, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. BELKNAP, died at 1 o'clock yesterday
afternoon at the family residence, 802 west Eighth street. The deceased was
five months of age and the only child of the parents who will have the
sympathy of a wide circle of friends. The funeral was held from the family
residence at 2 o'clock this afternoon with interment in the West Davenport

Last night at 8 o'clock at the home of her brother-in-law, Louis HALLER, 129
West Eleventh street, occurred the death of Mrs. Adelena LAUDAHOFF, in the
fifty-seventh year of her age. The deceased was a long-time resident of this
city, coming here from Germany, where she was born in 1839. The funeral will
be held next Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

[transcribed by C.J-L.]


Iowa Old Press
Scott County