Iowa Old Press

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott,IA
Oct 7, 1896

A Pretty Wedding
This morning at 9 o'clock Rev. A NIERMANN of St. Joseph's Catholic church
united the lives and fortunes of Anton REIS and Miss Kate KELLER at a
nuptial mass in the presence of a large gathering of friends and relatives.
The young couple, after the mystic words were spoken, repaired to the home
of the bride, where an elaborate wedding breakfast was served. The groom is
a popular young gentleman employed as a baker at the REIMERS & FERNALD
company and is well known in the St Joseph's parish, while his bride is an
accomplished young lady, the daughter of Mr and Mrs Adam KELLER of west
Fifth street. They will make their home on West Fourth street, where the
groom has prepared a house for the reception of his bride. The Times unites
with the many friends of the young couple in extending congratulations on
the happy event.

Wedded in Chicago
Officer Jacob WIGGERS of the Moline police force, has returned home after a
week's absence, and is accompanied by his bride, formerly Miss Julia JOHNSON
of Chicago. The wedding was celebrated at the home of the bride in that city
on Wednesday of last week, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Z FORGENSEN.
The bridal party also included Mrs. WIGGERS sister, who will make a visit
several weeks with Moline relations before returning home. On Tuesday
evening a reception was given in honor of the bridal party at teh residence
of Jacob THORSEN, a large company of friends participating in the
festivities of the evening. Officer and Mrs WIGGERS will take up their
permanent residence in Moline.

[transcribed by C.J-L.]


The Davenport Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Tuesday, October 13, 1896

Miss Clara RICHTER arrived in New York Saturday after a sojourn of several
months in Europe. Her father, Dr. A. RICHTER, joined her in Chicago

Mr. And Mrs. L. H. SMITH spent Sunday in Chicago with Mrs. SMITH'S parents.
Mr. Smith returned this morning his wife accompanying him as far as Ottawa,
Ill., where she will remain for a week.


Gustav DONALD of this city, will address the German voters of Des Moines at
the Turner Hall in that city tonight.

Licenses to wed were granted Saturday afternoon to Albert W. CARLSON and
Ella A. SCOTT and Robert MITCHELL and Sarah MOORE.

Three disturbers of the peace claimed the attention of Magistrate LECLAIRE
this morning. They were Joe TRACEY, P. C. SCOTT and J. W. WARD and they were
fined $2 and costs each.

Pat CONNELLY, contractor for the brick culvert on Ninth and Warren streets,
commenced operations this morning.

Master Howard STILES, son of Capt. And Mrs. B. F. STILES entertained a
company of young friends at his home yesterday afternoon. The occasion was
Master STILES' birthday.

The Davenport Quoit Club is completing arrangements for its annual banquet,
which will be held on the evening of Nov. 12th. The committee in charge oft
he festive gathering is composed of James MURRAY, B. RUCT and M. J. MARKS.

The committees appointed to solicit funds form the family of James DUNLEA
who was killed last week near Galva, Ill. Are meeting with encouraging
success The family consists of a widow and two children.

Mrs. U. N. ROBERTS and her mother, Mrs. RORABACK left Saturday evening for
Chicago, where Mrs. RORABACK will remain with her daughters, Mrs. E. L.
ROBERTS, and Mrs. A. THOMPSON during the absence of Mrs. U.N. ROBERTS in
Europe. The latter lady will sail on the steamer "St. Louis" on the America

[transcribed by C.J-L.]


Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Oct. 29, 1896

Charles RICH of Princeton is in the city on a brief business trip.

E.M. WARNER of Muscatine, was a Davenport visitor yesterday afternoon and

Bill KIRK, the East Third street liveryman, returned from Memphis Thursday,
whither he had gone to dispose of a large number of horses.

Charles McCORMICK, who until recently has been in the employ of the August
STEFFEN company, left Wednesday for Denver, Col. where his parents reside.

Ex-Governor Horace BOIES spent a portion of the day in this city after his
address of last evening. He left this afternoon over the southwest for

A license to wed was issued today to Henry SILLIENTHAL and Lillie GRAFING.

There will be preaching at the German M.E. church tonight by Rev. W.
HOLLMANN from Rock Island.

The "Character of Christ" will be the subject at the regular Y.M.C.A.
meeting Sunday afternoon. Rev. E LOVETT will lead.

"How to stop Hubby from talking about how Ma used to make pies. Buy the T.C.
Brand of lard."

The board of trustees of the Orphans' Home, consisting of A.P. DOE, J.G.
BROWN and Mrs. KETCHUM, are in session today. This is the regular monthly

J.E. ALBRECHT of this city and Miss Eila ABRAMS of Moline, were united in
marriage in the office of the Rock Island and county clerk yesterday. judge
ADAMS officiated at the ceremony.

Pianos skillfully repaired under guarantee at STEIN's piano factory, 307

Charles T COOPER and Joseph E HALLIGAN drove out to Long Grove last evening
and addressed a silver meeting there. George W SCOTT and Mr. COOPER will
hold forth at West Liberty tonight.

The Republicans of LeClaire and vicinity have completed arrangements for a
political gathering at the town hall tonight. The speakers will be Hon.
George M CURTIS, Joe R LANE, and Henry THUENEN, Jr.

Miss Fannie HERSHEY delightfully entertained a party of friends last evening
in honor of Miss MOYER of Pittsburg and Miss REIMERS, of Davenport. Both
young ladies return to their respective homes this week.-Muscatine Journal

Chief KESSLER is making arrangements for the police department's "busy
season" tomorrow evening. Both the day and night men will be on duty and the
department will endeavor to keep Halloween mischief down to the minimum.

The recent cyclone in Oklahoma has local interest in this vicinity from the
fact that a former Rock Islander and his family were numbered among the
victims. The party referred to was Postmaster, M.L. MULLINS and family of
Mitchell, who formerly resided across the river.

The ladies of Pleasant Valley are deeply interested in politics and about
twelve of them have become members of a cavalry club. The club is under the
command of Capt. H.H. STONE and claims the honor of being one of the finest
drilled cavalry clubs in the country. They will doubtless make an appearance
in this city before the campaign is over.

Company A of the Illinois National Guard, met at the Armory in Rock Island
Wednesday evening in order to hold an election to fill the vacancy
occasioned by the death of Capt. John McCONOCHIE. William McCONOCHIE was
elevated to the office of his departed brother. Luke HEMENWAY was made first
lieutenant and George FLOOD second lieutenant.


At the family residence on Grand Avenue, near the city limits, yesterday
afternoon occurred the death of Frederick BASEMANN, aged twenty years. The
deceased was the son of Fred BASEMANN, Sr., and was born and reared in this
county. His father is the well known gardener, and for several years the
deceased was associated with his father in conducting the farm. Typhoid
fever was the fatal illness, and may friends of the deceased will regret to
learn of his death. He is survived by his parents, five brothers and one
The funeral will be held from the late residence Saturday afternoon at 2
o'clock with interment in Pine Hill cemetery.

Last evening a telegram was received by W.T. WINKLESS announcing the death
of Mrs. Alfred WINKLESS, nee Miss Gertrued BROCK, at the home of her
brother, Nelson C BROCK, in Lincoln, Nebraska. The deceased had been
desperately ill for several months and her life had long been despaired of.
Her husband and her mother were with her at the time of her death. The
funeral will be held from the residence of Thomas WINKLESS, 2115 Gaines
street, next Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Death's Summons
Mrs. Stella SHARP WETSELL, wife of Charles WETSELL, a well-known insurance
man of Moline, died at the family residence in that city at an early hour
yesterday morning-one week after her babe had preceded her into the other
world. She was twenty-three years of age and was married to Mr. WETSELL on
Oct. 15, 1895. Her death is a sad blow to the young husband who has been
deprived of both wife and child in one week. The funeral services were held
at the family residence this morning and the remains were taken to Orion,
the former home of the deceased, for interment.
Passes Through the City With His Regiment En Route to California

The Third artillery, U.S.A. passed through the city last evening in a
special train en route to its new station near Presidio, Cal. The regiment
has been located at Washington, D.C., for some time and its new assignment
takes it clear across the continent. Leiut. John BARRETTE of 1308 West Sixth
street, is a member of this regiment and his relatives and friends were
hopeful that the troop might tarry long enough to permit him to make at
least a brief visit before speeding on to the coast. The Third, however, was
transferred to a special train consisting of three coaches, across the river
and passed through here without any delay, thereby enabling the lieutenant
to only catch a bird's eye view of the parental home in the western part of
the city. Lieutenant BARRETTE had been stationed at West Point as an
instructor for several years and only rejoined his regiment several months
ago on returning from a special mission to Europe.

...A transcript of the preliminary hearing of Irvin JAMISON, charged with
arson, was filed with the clerk this morning. The defendant is accused of
the crime of setting fire with intent to burn, that on the 27th day of
October, 1896, he did feloniously set fire to the building of another with
intent to burn the same, to wit, the building of J.A. CUMMINGS. Examination
was made and the defendant bound over to the grand jury in the court of
Justice LeCLAIRE in the sum of $250.

Another transcript in the case of the State of Iowa against Herman UKEN,
from the same court is also among the papers filed today. The defendant is
held to the grand jury in the sum of $200 to answer the charge of larceny of
lumber from the yards of the Christian MUELLER Lumber company. There had
been a trial to court and upon the evidence the justice felt warranted under
the law to hold him to the grand jury.

A third transcript from the same court of the preliminary hearing of Mrs.
ORTELL for vagrancy was also filed. The defendant upon pleading not guilty
was given a trial to court with the result that she was bound over to await
the action of the grand jury in the sum of $300.

The H.F. BRAMMER manufacturing company and William CLAUSSEN have entered
suit against Paul A KELLER and E. Hugo SCHMIDT to recover $602.10 due on a
promissory note bearing the date Oct. 14, 1895 with 7 per cent interest.
Judgment is asked for the above amount together with attorney's fees and
costs of suit.

Mrs. H.B. SUDLOW of Rock Island will give a reception tomorrow afternoon
from 3 to 5 in honor of Mrs. H.S. McCALL.

The KUHNEN cigar factory is about to join the procession of buildings
provided with fire escapes. The escape is now in the course of erection.

The Pinafore Social Club will give their Sunday night dances at the Turner
hall from next Sunday on. Admission 25 cents. Ladies free.

"Physical Culture" will be the subject of Miss Ada PITCHER's talk before the
Lend-a-Hand club this evening. The talk will take place at 8 o'clock.

The regular monthly meeting of the W.C.T.U. will be held at the residence of
Mrs. C.E. DALY, 114 west Fourteenth street, tomorrow afternoon at 2:30.

The reports of the health department show but one case of contagion in the
city during the month of September. This was a case of diphtheria in the
First ward.

The Phoenix Bridge company is maintaining its record for past work. The work
of dismantling span 2 commenced yesterday afternoon and will be completed by
tonight which reduces the time of tearing down a span to less than

The collections at the city hall for September have been figured up and show
an interesting total of $58,884.08. The heaviest portion of the collections
are now in and Collector HAGEMAHN and his assistants have a chance now for a
breathing spell.

The fact that there are many people out of a job and looking for one is
demonstrated by the 150 applications which have been made for the
janitorship of the new post office building. The candidates will undergo an
examination which takes place Oct. 9.

The principles of Sound Money will be discussed at John SCHNACK's hall on
west Third street tomorrow evening by Hon. John C. BILLS, Mayor VOLLMER and
Emil GEISLER. The meeting will be under the auspices of the National
Democratic County organization.

O.F. TOUNKIN, who has been on trial in the circuit court across the river on
the charge of embezzling money from the Penn Tank line Company while in its
employ has been cleared by the jury, which returned a verdict yesterday
afternoon declaring him not guilty.

Items Gathered from the Files in the Clerk's Office

The Canada Carriage company (a body corporate) has entered a suit against
A.D. HOAGG for recovery of $913.56 due on five promissory notes and one
accepted draft each payable to the order of the Granoque Carriage company
with interest on the some [sic] at the rate of 6 per cent from June 1890.
Judgment is asked for in the above sum, together with attorney's fees and
costs of suit.

Mrs. Catherine HODGE, a whilom(?) book agent was up before the commissioners
of insanity this afternoon. Her husband testified that the patient was his
wife, sixty-five years of age and that she was possessed of the idea that
she had money, that everybody was against her, and at times would become
passionately violent. Dr. PRESTON advised her removal to Mt. Pleasant to
which the commissioners agreed, remanding her thither as a public patient.

The preliminary question of the sanity of old man STICKELBERGER, who is
charged with murder in the first degree, will be submitted to the jury
tomorrow morning. The testimony will begin promptly at 10 o'clock, after the
jury box will have been filled and a great deal of experts will be present
to give their usually confilicting evidence. The medical profession and a
host of Buffalo folks will be subpoenaed in numbers to give their opinions
on the sanity or insanity of the defendant. It is the common belief of the
sheriff and his deputies that the old man is irresponsible, but whether or
not the jury will find the same under the testimony, remains to be seen. If
found insane, he will be sent to Mt Pleasant, ans if his sanity is
established he will be placed on trial for murder at once, and if found
guilty it remains with the court whether the death sentence will be imposed
or a life imprisonment given him.

[transcribed by C.J-L.]


Iowa Old Press
Scott County