Iowa Old Press

Daily Times, Davenport, Scott, Iowa, May 1, 1896

Another of Rock Island's old and well known citizens, James. T Dixon, has
passed away, his death having occurred yesterday at Mercy Hospital in this
city. The deceased has suffered more or less from rheumatism for the past
twenty years and it was this, combined with other ailments, which finally
resulted in his death. For the past few months, Mr. Dixon's mind has been
effected and it was found advisable to place him under the care of hospital
physicians. Mr. Dixon has been a resident of Rock Island since 1872, having
left his native home in Ireland for this country twelve years before. He was
a tailor by trade and has conducted a tailoring establishment in Rock Island
since taking up his residence in that city. In 1872 Mr. Dixon was married to
Elizabeth Don, whose death occurred about six years after their marriage. He
is survived by two brothers, one living in Rock Island and the other in
Dixon, Ill. The deceased was quite a prominent citizen of Rock Island and
was a member of the Knights of Pythias and Masonic orders.

[transcribed by C.J-L.]


Davenport Daily Leader
Davenport , Scott , Iowa ; May 1, 1896

Big Gift – The State University of Iowa, has received a rare and valuable collection of geological specimens from John Sax of Farmington , Iowa . The donation includes many specimens of antediluvian stone relics and of corals left in Van Buren county when the prehistoric seas receded southward from this section of the earth.

[transcribed by C.J-L.]


Davenport Weekly Leader
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
May 26, 1896

    Mary A. Satterlie a lady fifty-nine years of age was up before the commissioners of insanity this afternoon. Her mental afflictions took the form of a profound melancholy. On consultation she was sent to Mt. Pleasant as a private patient.

    The committment of Mary A. Satterlie to Mount Pleasant as a private patient is the reason for a suit brought by Bruce F. Satterlie, asking that a court appoint a guardian for her.

[transcribed by C.J-L.]


Iowa Old Press
Scott County