Iowa Old Press

Davenport Daily Leader
June 10, 1896

A mechanic's lien was filed by Christ Mueller against A.H. Buergel et al for the sum of $213.01 for lumber alleged to have been used in the construction of a house in Rock Island over two years ago. Lischer and Bawden represent the plaintiff.  

[transcribed by C.J.L., Oct 2005]


Davenport Daily Republican
Davenport, Scott County, Iowa
June 14, 1896

James S. Wivell
The funeral of James S. Wivell, who was drowned at Keokuk Wednesday night occurred yesterday from St. Joseph’s Church, Rock Island, at 9 o’clock. Deceased was the son of Judge Wivell, of that place.
[transcribed by K.W., Dec 2009]


Davenport Daily Leader
Davenport, Scott County, Iowa
June 24, 1896

Aurelia, Iowa, June 23, 1896-A brutal murder occurred on a farm near this place Saturday. Mary Kane had for a year resided in the home of Elizabeth Mahoney, whose son James, fell desperately in love with Mary. Many times he pressed his suit, only to be rejected. At last he became furious and shot her three times-twice as she lay prostrate. The first shot took effect in the forehead, one in the back of the neck, and the third ball shattered the forearm. Miss Kane is not yet dead, but cannot survive. Sheriff Wheeler arrested Mahoney and he is now in jail in Cherokee. He is 40 and the girl is 16.

[transcribed by K.W., Dec 2009]


Davenport Daily Leader
Davenport, Scott County, Iowa
June 29, 1896

Muscatine Courts Have No Jurisdiction In The Case
The courts at Muscatine having no jurisdiction in such cases, the captain of the steamer Courier preferred no charge against Dell Jack who was arrested on the boat on the evening of the 23rd inst., for assaulting the engineer, was released from custody last Friday. Jack’s offense was an infraction of the marine laws and is punishable by service in state’s prison. It is likely that the boatman will not prosecute Jack, who may consider himself lucky indeed in escaping so easily. It will be a long time before he again displays any violence on board of a boat.

Katherine Wirth
This morning at 1:30 o’clock at her residence 220 West Sixth street occurred the death of Mrs. Katherine Wirth at the age of 79 years, after an illness of one day. Her death was caused by the enfeebling inroads of old age rather than by any particular disease. The deceased was a Christian lady, benevolent and kindly in her dealings with others and devoted to her family. Three daughters, Barbara, Anna and Katherine survive to mourn her loss, together with a large number of kinsfolks, among whom may be mentioned Mrs. Abt of Seattle, Wash., a brother and a nephew, Adam Abt of this city. Mrs. Wirth was born in Barvaria, Germany, and came to this country twenty-four years ago. She was a life member of the Catholic Church, dying in the full communion of that faith. Rev. A. Niermann, her old pastor will chant the last sad requiem next Wednesday morning at 9 o’clock, the funeral cortege leaving the late residence at 8:30 in order not to delay the obsequies. Interment will be at St. Marguerite’s cemetery.

[transcribed by K.W., Dec 2009]


Iowa Old Press
Scott County