Iowa Old Press

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
July 21, 1896

The City

Miss Lillian F BICKFORD, of Hadlai Heights, has returned from Chicago where
she spent the past six months for the benefit of her health. Miss BICKFORD
has been greatly benefitted by her trip.

John J RYAN has decided to turn his back upon the Blackstone for the next
week and will spend the time on the banks of the Wapsie angling for the
tinny tribe lurking in that classic stream. He left this afternoon on this
midsummer holiday trip.

Sam and Homer POLLOCK, Maurice and Bryan PETERSEN, Maywood MASON, Connie
HEENEY and Peter SCHROEDER left yesterday afternoon for a two weeks fishing
and outing down the river. The party will be joined at Buffalo by John
POESTMAN and will spend the time in camp.

Mrs. A.R. BUFFINGTON, wife of Col. BUFFINGTON, commandant at the arsenal,
has recovered sufficiently from her recent illness and will leave in a few
days for Kenosha, Wis., where she will recuperate at the Hotel New Point
Comfort, Col. and Mrs. J.R. NUTTING, of this city, will accompany her on the

Mrs. E.R. CLAYTON of Covington, Ky., is a gues of her parents, Mr and Mrs.
Harry COLLINS, at 1720 Farnam street, and will spend the summer in the city.
Mr. CLAYTON will be remembered as the physical director in the Davenport
Y.M.C.A. some years ago. He now occupies the same position in the Covington

In General
Music on the water is one of the most delightful things. If you wish to
enjoy yourself take a trip on the Jo Long Thursday. John BIEHL's band has
been engaged.

Twenty-five bunch makers and thirty strippers wanted at once at Fred HAAK's
Western Cigar Factory.

Hugh McDEVITT desires that the attorney's fees and costs arising from the
contest in Charles McDEVITT's will be not paid out of the share of the
estate. He demands the earliest possible settlement of the estate.

The Peto STEFFEN Saddlery company is the plaintiff in a suit against F.D.
LAWSON alleging $143.01 be due on a promissory note made by the defendant to
the company. The plaintiff's attorney is Louis BLOCK.

John BRONER, an employe of the Robert KRAUSE company, was given the
alternative between crashing into the fast mail going west this morning or
jumping from his bicycle at a high rate of speed. He chose the latter, and
is now badly bruised and skinned. He was coasting down hill.
Falls Beneath Joe SOURST's Wagon and is Run Over
Claude WESSEL, son of Christian WESSEL, residing in West Davenport, is
confined to his home with serious injuries resulting from a fall. Claude
works at the Fair Store and when returning in the evening "catches a ride"
whenever opportunity offers. Last evening he endeavored to board Joe SOURST,
the well digger's vehicle on west Third street, but just then the horses
sprang forward either spurred on by the driver or of their own accord and
the lad went down under the wheels. The driver went on without stopping to
learn the extent of the boy's injuries but the lad was aided by a butcher
shop near by and latter taken home. A gash five inches long was found on his
head, his eye was injured, his knee hurt and his whole body bruised. The
accident proved to be a serious one and will confine him to his home for
some time.
Rides the Goat
Rev. W.S. CRAFT, of the Fourteenth street M.E. Church tooke the third degree
at Davenport lodge last night and is now a master mason. The attendance was
large considering the weather and with W.F. FIDLAR in the east, Harry GOLEN
in the west, Ed GIFFORD in the south and George BARRETTE as senior warden,
the reverend gentleman was put through the mysteries of the degree and
brought out into the light in royal style. A preacher should shun waht the
worldly may dote on but nevertheless he may straddle the goat and as that
animal is not so frisky in warm weather now is the time for a ride.
Police Notes
A. HANSEN, the man who was arrested yesterday afternoon for stealing a pair
of trousers from F. LANGE, was sent up for thirty days this morning. HANSEN
was fined $28 costs with the above alternative. He went to jail.

Al SHEELAINE was assessed $10 and costs this morning on the charge of
disturbing the peace and went to jail for ten days in default.

W. HOGANKEMP was fined $2 and costs thsi morning for violating the chicken
ordinance. The information was filed against him by John GALNITZ. HOGANKEMP
settled the case.
Reserves in Camp
In accordance with orders issuedby Lieut. Com. D.C. DAGGETT, the second
Battalion of Naval Reserves will go into camp at Camp Logan at Spring Bluffs
near Waukegan next Sunday. One section of the second division under command
of Ensign LUNDEEN will be detailed with artillery. The resident officers and
enlisted men of Moline will assemble at their armory at 7 p.m. Sunday and
leave for Camp Logan on the "Q" by way of Chicago.
Teutonic Literary Society Member Must Answer for Misconduct in Court

A mock trial will be the feature of tomorrow evening's meeting of the
Teutonic Literary Society, which is the chief young people's organization of
the German Congregational church, corner Fifth and Vine streets. The meeting
and the trial will be held in the society's room in the church. One of the
members has been guilty of gross misconduct and he or she will be brought
before a tribunal with R. SENN, Jr., as judge, W.C. HAPKE, clerk, and John
STORMER as bailiff. Just who the attorney will be is not yet a fact known
for publication, but on good authority it is stated that several prominent
young barristers of the city will figure on either side, and the legal
battle promises to wax warm, especially if the weather continues as it is
today. The judge promises to be lenient if the verdict is guilty, but if
innocent, the prisoner must tread all around for his narrow escape.

[transcribed by C.J-L., Aug 2004]



Iowa Old Press
Scott County