Iowa Old Press

Daily Times, Davenport, Scott, Iowa, Jan 2, 1896

Mrs. Susan Brady, who has been a resident of Davenport for nearly half a
century, passed away last night at the family residence 1214 West Seventh
street. About fiver years ago she suffered an attack of la grippe, and
although she rallied sufficiently to be able to be up and around, she never
fully recovered from its effects. Her system had been greatly weakened by
the complications following the attack of la grippe and since Christmas,
when she was again prostrated, her condition had been such as to warrant no
hope for her recovery. The deceased was a native of Cootehill, County Cavan,
Ireland, and was born in 1820. She located in Davenport over forty years ago
and her residence in this city has been continuous since that time. Her
husband died on Aug. 6 of last year and two sons, Philip and John, both of
this city, survive her.
The funeral will be held from St. Mary's church Saturday morning at 9
o'clock and the interment will be made in the adjoining cemetery.

For the second time within the past week death has again entered the FISHER
home, 708 Harrison street, the last member of the family claimed being
Joseph FISHER, whose death occurred at an early hour yesterday morning after
a week's illness. The deceased was born in this city and made his home here
all his life. He was also unmarried and thirty-two years of age.
The funeral will be held from the late residence, 708 Harrison street,
tomorrow afternoon with interment in Oakdale.

At the family residence 1406 Bowditch street occurred the death of the infant
son of Mr and Mrs. J.M. MOODY aged four days. The funeral was held from the
late residence today with interment in City cemetery.

The death of Claus SCHWARZ, a well-known resident of Mt Joy, occurred
Tuesday from cancer of the stomach with which he had been a great sufferer
for some time. He leaves a wife and several children to mourn his death. The
funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence in
Mt Joy with interment in Pine Hill cemetery.

Mrs. Carrie SHEETS died this morning at her home, 909 Gaines street. The
deceased was born at Blue Grass and was twenty-four years of age. The
remains will be sent to Blue Grass tomorrow where the funeral will be held
Saturday afternoon with interment in Blue Grass cemetery.

[transcribed by C.J-L., Aug 2004]


The Davenport Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Thursday Evening, January 9, 1896

Lively Meeting

Central Republican Flambeau Club Members Turn Out in Force and Elect

The Davenport Central Republican Flambeau Club held its annual meeting last
evening at the rooms of the Scott County Central Republican League. The
meeting was decidedly enthusiastic and steps were taken to strengthen the
club so that its organization will be even more help to the cause of
Republicanism than in the past. New uniforms will be purchased and drill
attended to regularly. Social features will also be introduced which will
make membership in the club decidedly productive of enjoyment.

Officers for 1896 were elected as follows:

President W. E. HENDER; Vice President, W. J. HEARN; Treasurer, B. H.
ELDRIDGE, Secretary, William SENN.

The following special committees were chosen:

Entertainment-C. A. SPOONER, W. A. THOMAS, J. M. THOMAS.

William SENN and B. H. ELDRIDGE.

Moderate Price Furs

For general wear, utility, service and splendid appearance, no moderate
priced fur excels Astrakhan. It is wonderfully popular this year and will be
more so next season. Electric or French seal still continues in favor in
cloaks, capes and jackets. The best grades cannot be distinguished from
Alaska seal, except by expert furriers and are often sold for Alaska by
others. Wool seal makes a very fine showy garment and wears exceedingly
well. The main point is to be sure you get what you pay for and you can do
this at T. RICHTER & Sons, 219, 221 west Second street.Only one small profit
between manufacturers and wearer.


Profitable Meeting of the Society Last Evening.

The annual meeting of the Academy of Science society held last evening at
the Academy building proved to have many interesting features. The meeting
was called by President E. S. HAMMATT and after listening to the minutes of
last year's annual meeting reports were called for, the first being that of
the Curator Dr. W. H. BARRIS.

In January last Dr. John E. STEVENSON presented to the academy specimens of
pottery, several species of flint implements and a piece of a tree from the
celebrated cemetery at Garden Hutton.

In February, Capt. HALL, the life-long friend of the academy, donated three
stone axes and over two hundred flint instruments and also one very large
axe and a small collection of arrows.

In March, Mrs. William C. WADSWORTH presented a collection of aboriginal
relics from Florida but in May the most important and comprehensive of all
additions made for years came from Dr. S. C. BOWMAN of Andalusia. To give a
detailed account of this would be impossible but a brief summary will be

Prof. Jerome MCNEIL has presented a collection of arthoptua.

The report of Dr. EIMER, secretary of the association, showed the membership
to consist of 72 regular and 54 life members.

C. H. HARRISON reported the receipt of 129 bound volumes.

The report of Mrs. M. L. D. Putnam, chairman of the publishing committee,
stated that two

hundred copies of Vol. V had been bound in cloth.

Officers for the ensuing year will be as follows:

President-E. S. HAMMATT.

Vice President-Dr. A. W. EIMER.

Recording Secretary-E. BORCHERDT.

Corresponding Secretary-Dr. W. H. BARRIS.

Treasurer-Frank NADLER.

Curator-Dr. W. H. BARRIS.

Librarian-C. E. HARRISON.

Trustees for Three Years-Mrs. M. L. D. PUTNAM, George P. MCCLELLAND, Rev. A.

The name of C. N. NEWCOMB was presented for membership, action to be taken
next month, and that of Prof. Frederick STARR of the Chicago university as
an honorary member. The latter was unanimously elected at once. Prof.
MCBRIDE or the Iowa state university and Mr. A. TREDICK were also elected to

While on His Way Home He Falls in the Street and Death Ensues Almost
Instantly-His Demise a Shock to His Friends
Death came quickly and unexpectedly to John Lillis last evening, and the
announcement of his sudden demise will come as a shock to his many friends
and acquaintances in Davenport.
For sometime past, Mr. Lillis had made his home with his daughter, Mrs.
Joseph F Volz, resideing at 616 east Sixth street, and after partaking of
supper there last evening, walked down town with his son-in-law, Mr. Volz.
He was apparently in his usual health and neither himself nor his immediate
relatives had any intimation that he was so soon to succumb to the
inevitable. While returning home about 8 o'clock, he tottered and fell upon
the sidewalk on Case street, between Iowa and LeClaire. Two young men, J.F.
McCabe and N.W. Nelson, were a short distance behind him and seeing him
fall, ran to his assistance. A glance revealed the distressing fact that he
was in the throes of death, and in a twinkling almost the spark of life left
its moral tenement. It being apparent that he was beyond medical aid, word
was sent to the station and in response to the summons the body was removed
to Halligan's undertaking establishment. The remains were there examined by
Coroner McCortney, who confirmed what had been apparent-that Mr. Lillis was
beyond all earthly aid.
John Lillis was one of the oldest and best known residents of Davenport,
this city having been his home for nearly half a century. He was born in
County Clare, Ireland, June 9, 1831, and came to America in 1842. After a
residence of several years, he came to Davenport in 1851 and shortly after
engaged in the grocery business. This he continued until eight years ago
when he retired in favor of his son, William M Lillis. Subsequently he was
engaged in the commission business in Chicago for several years, but
returned to Davenport sometime ago, making his home with his daughter, Mrs.
Volz, the greater portion of the time. At various times he has filled
positions of municipal trust, having been city clerk in 1867 and 1868 and
also having served as a member of the council.
The deceased is survived by four children-William M Lillis, Mrs. T.F.
Halligan and Mrs. J.F. Volz of this city and Mrs. M.J. Kinnalley of Chicago.
He is also survived by his aged mother, now past her ninetieth year, who
lives with his brother, Michael, at Long Grove.
A postmortem was held this morning by Dr. McCortney and it was found that
fatty degeneration of the heart was the cause of Mr. Lillis' death.

[transcribed by C.J-L., Aug 2004]


Daily Times, Davenport, Scott, Iowa, Jan 25, 1896

This morning at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. C.R. Johnson on Locust
and Broadway, occurred the death of Mrs. Mary Lane, aged sixty-one years.
The deceased was born in Ireland and has resided in this country during the
past forty years. Mrs. Lane has been suffering intensely for some time with
heart and lung trouble, and this was the direct cause of her death. Four
children survive-Mrs. Robert Atkinson of Blue Island, Ill., Mrs. C.R.
Johnson, and two sons, John and Cornelius of this city.
The funeral will be held Monday morning with services at the Sacred Heart
Cathedral at 9 o'clock and interment in St. Marguerite's cemetery.

Happenings in and About the County Building.

Clerk of the district court August A BALLUFF has issued a notice requesting
that all attorneys be present at court next Monday morning at 9 o'clock when
the court will determine what further business there is for trial to the
petit jury this term.

LISCHER & BAWDEN, attorneys for the defendants in the case of HILL Bros. and
WALTERS company against Henry ABEL, Jr., and Henry BREMER, have filed a
motion on behalf of Mr. BREMER asking that a new trial be granted. The
grounds taken are that the verdict is not sustained by the evidence and is
contrary to law.

The will of Nicolaus KAHLER of Liberty township was filed for probate today.
Messrs. Peter and Adolph STOLTENBURG are appointed joint administrators of
teh estate and joint guardians for the minor children of the deceased. They
are commissioned with disposing of all real and personal property and with
investing the balance which remains after payments of all just debts. This
sum is to be held in trust for the minor children and to be apportioned
among them share and share alike with the exception of the two younger ones,
Agnes, aged seven and George, aged five, who are to receive each $100 extra
and above their share. The other children are Kate aged fifteen, Laura aged
fourteen, and Annie aged twelve. The interest from each child's share is to
be used in that child's support or turned over when the child becomes of
age. The instrument is dated Nov. 21, 1895, and is witnessed by Henry RUSER
and John BANNICK.

The will of Ernst RATHMANN was filed at the court house today. It directs
that $3,000 be given to each, Waltamar, Robert, and Albert RATHAMNN,
children of the deceased and that the mount shall be paid them within one
year from his death. Teh remainder of the estate which amounts to nearly
$45,000 is left to Caroline RATHMANN, wife of the deceased. Mrs. RATHMANN is
also appointed sole executrix without being required to give bonds. The
instrument is dated July 9, 1887 and is witnessed by Louis SCHWARM and T.B.

Ed BETTING was arrested on charge of vagrancy yesterday afternoon by
Detective WICHELMAN and discharged this morning under a promise to skip out
of town. He too the hint and departed.

The police raided the residence of Mrs. Mary BERGER near Fourth and Warren
last night and arrested a woman and a man named Thomas PETTIFORE on the
charge of leading immoral lives. The pair were given a hearing before
Magistrate LeCLAIRE this morning. Mrs. BERGER was sent to jail for
twenty-two days while PETTIFORE received fifteen days. The two children of
Mrs. BERGER were placed in the charge of Mrs. HOWARD who will keep them for
the present.

[transcribed by C.J-L., Aug 2004]



Iowa Old Press
Scott County