Iowa Old Press

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
December 11, 1896


Gent's rubbers, 50 cents. T.J. O'MEARA Shoe House, 126 West Second.

Licenses to wed have been issued to Peter STRUEBEN and Johanna KAIDASCH.

The Rock Island road is raising its tracks at the intersection of Fifth and
Main streets and putting in a new crossing similar to the one placed on
Fifth and Brady. Main street has been closed today as far as wagon traffic
is concerned.

"The Players" in "The Westerner" at the Grand Opera House, Sunday night, Dec
13th. Don't forget the price of admission-only ten and 20 cents.

A party of the B.C.R. & N. officials, composed of President C.J. IVES, Vice
President Robert WILLIAMS and Chief Engineer H.F. WHITE spent a portion of
the day in this city, and left this afternoon for Cedar Rapids. The party
traveled in President IVES' private car, "Eilendale."

Frank MARTIN, who for the past ten years has been an invaluable clerk in the
W.B. WYLIE grocery, has severed his connection with that house to assume the
management of the grocery department of the Fair store, vice Mr. MOORE. Mr.
MARTIN is a capable and courteous gentleman who has an immense number of
friends, many of whom will follow him to his new post and thereby increase
the patronage of the Emerson concern. The Times is glad to note his
promotion which is in every way deserved, and congratulates the Fair store
on its good fortune in securing his services.

In the case of Peter GIESE vs. Herman LODGE, No. 289 Deuscher Ordem
Harugari, the defendant files a petition and states to the court that said
plaintiff has died since the institution of the action at law ans hence is
not able to sue. Wherefore the defendant asks that said petition be

The last will and testament of Mary BOWLBY, deceased, of Princeton, was
filed for probate with the clerk of court today. By the terms of the
instrument after the payment of all just debts and funeral expenses the
property will be disposed of as follows:
To a nephew, Joe V BOWLBY, the sum of $1,000 in money and certain household
To a niece, Lucia STRICKER, $1,000 in money with a silver service and
various articles of furniture. To another niece, Virginia SCHLOEFFEL, $1,000
in money, the family bible and some household articles. To Edward R FROUD
$400 in money and sundry articles of furniture, to Joe V BOWLBY, Lucia
STRICKER and Edward R FROUD, her library, share and share alike. The house
and lot in Princeton is made over by testament to Joseph V BOWLBY and Lucia
STRICKER share and share alike. The remaining portion of the estate in money
is directed to be sent to Mrs. Hannah FARNSWORT, Flitten House, Old Flitten,
Petersborough, England, she to notify certain other specified parties in
that country of the demise of the testatrix. The unique instrument is dated
at Princeton, Feb. 2, 1896, and bears the signatures of Joe V BOWLBY and
C.W. PINNEO, executors without bond, and George C GORT, Mrs. Addie WALKER
and John VINAL, all of Princeton.

Emma EVERSON has filed a suit for divorce against her lord and husband,
Edward J EVERSON. Her petition alleges violation of marital vows and wilful
desertion on the part of the defendant. An absolute divorce is prayed for
together with the custody of a minor child, Ruth EVERSON, and the privilege
of the resumption of her maiden name of Emma GRAHAM. Charles E COOPER
represents the plaintiff.

[transcribed by C.J-L., Aug 2004]


Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Thurs. Evening, Dec 19, 1896

A Unique Invention
A unique leaf turner is the latest device which the ingenuity of the
Davenport mind has produced and to B.S. BAILEY belongs the honor of
inventing the new contrivance. Yesterday Messrs. W.C. HOPPE and C.S. BAILEY
made an application for a patent upon the new device which promises to fill
a long felt want. The "turner" is adjustable to any sized book or
publication but is more especially adapted to sheet music. A light touch of
the button releases the maching and "it does the rest" without further
trouble to anyone. One especially strong feature in favor of the new device
is that it turns a leaf backward or forwardand so gently that no uncalled
for disturbance or annoyance ensues. The machine is simple in construction
and may be manufactured at a very reasonable price. It is in fact, the only
reliable and practical page turner that has been produced and certainly
ought to be the means of a handsome income to its inventor and patentee.

Mr. and Mrs. Anton H MUELLER Celebrated the Fiftieth Anniversary of Their
Marriage at the Grand Opera House Last Evening-A Most Happy Gathering.

The small hall at the Turner Grand Opera house was the scene of a brilliant
social event last evening, the affair marking the fiftieth anniversary of
the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Anton MUELLER. The hall was well filled with a
large company of friends while the children of the vernerabel couple formed
teh centeral figures of the occasion.
The hall was handsomely decorated and in the center was a handsome floral
altar which bore the monogram "50", and it was before this altar later in
the evening that Mayor VOLLMER tied again the knot which had bound the
couple together the last half century. As the bridal party approached the
altar the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs.
MUELLER preceded them and scattered flowers in their pathway.
After the ceremony had been performed Mayor VOLLMER made a short address and
the company sat down to a dainty wedding repast which was served after a
season of congratulations and merry-making. The address of the evening was
made by Gustav DONALD and was followed by dancing and other festivities
which lasted until late in the night. The grand march which formed a fitting
prelude to the dancing was led by Mayor VOLLMER and Mrs. FICKE, mother of
Hon. C.A. FICKE.
Anton H. MUELLER who was one of the honored guests at the affair of last
evening was born in Osnabrueck, hanover, in 1822 and his esteemed wife whose
maiden name was Charlotte Francesca HOLLENBURG was born in the same city
three years later. Mr. MUELLER learned his trade, that of a tailor, in the
fatherland, and came to this country in 1842 to establish himself in the
business. From Baltimore, where he first located, he went to Louisville and
while there he sent for hhis promised bride who crossed the ocean and was
united in marriage with him.  In 1856 Mr. and Mrs. MUELLER removed to
Davenport which has since been their home. All of their children were
present at the affair of last evening-Louis the son who came from St. Louis
with his wife, a sister of C.A. FICKE; the two daughters, Mrs. Amelia
MUELLER FRIEDHOLT and Miss Alvina, together with Mrs. George STREITMAN of
Cincinnati, a sister of Mr. MUELLER, and her two sons.

[transcribed by C.J-L., Aug 2004]


Davenport Daily Leader
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
December 24, 1896

Arrest an Escaped Lunatic
    Chicago, Dec. 24 - The Harrison street police have in custody Albert Waton, an Englishman, who eight months ago escaped from the insane asylum at Mount Pleasant, Iowa. Yesterday afternoon County Physician J.R. May examined Waton in his cell at the police station and ordered his removal to the detention hospital. Waton is 3 [sic] years old. He walked from Mount Pleasant to Chicago. He labors under the impression that everyone is trying to poison him.

[transcribed by C.J-L., Aug 2004]


Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Saturday, Dec 26, 1896


The Celtic Social club is making elaborate arrangements for the first
reception and dancing party which will be given under the auspices of the
club at the Hibernian Hall Wednesday evening, Jan. 6.  The reputation of
this organization assures a grand success and the many friends of the club
are awaiting the event with much pleasurable anticipation. Music will be
furnished by Grabbe's Parlor Orchestra with George STROEHLE as prompter, and
a very attractive programme of dancing music will be carried out.
Invitations which are now being issued to the friends of the club announce
the following committees in charge of the affair:
and James P. BRENNAN.
Reception-A.P. McGUIRK, Fred B SHARON, William GORDON, J.J. DORGAN, James
REEDY and James RUSH.

[transcribed by C.J-L., Aug 2004]


Iowa Old Press
Scott County