Iowa Old Press

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
April 20, 1896

The death of Michael Hassett took place at Mercy Hospital last evening at 8
o'clock. The deceased was a teamster by trade. He was born in Ireland but
has lived in Iowa for 40 years. He has been sick for 6 days from bowel
troubles. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock with
interment in St. Marguerite's cemetery.

[transcribed by C.J-L., Aug 2004]


The Davenport Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Wednesday, April 22, 1896

John MASON, a young lad, was fined $1 and costs in the police court today on
the charge of larceny. The boy was caught trying to sell a spirit level
which he had stolen in the west end.

David SEARS, George A. SMITH, and Joseph D. WOODRUFF have incorporated the
Rock Island Pottery Company with a capital stock of $15,000. The company
will operate the plant located at SEARS.

Lost--light lap robe and a black fascinator. Finder please leave at the
Times office and receive reward.

Miss Amanda PELLET died at her home in Rock Island. Tuesday from paralysis.
She was forty three years of age and had been a resident of that city since
1877. The funeral occurs from her late residence, 606 eleventh street,
tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock.

Miss Mary KROEGER, the young German girl, in whose welfare so many kind
hearted Davenport people took an interest during her sickness, has written
to Mr. John HOYT announcing her arrival on April 4 at her brother's home in
Hamburg. She said her health had improved and expressed great gratitude for
the kindness extended to her in this city.

Tri City Baptist Union Meets in Rock Island Last Evening

There was a large and enthusiastic meeting of the Tri City Baptist Young
People's Union at the First Baptist church in Rock Island Tuesday evening,
the event being the first quarterly session of the organization. There were
about two hundred in attendance, fifty young people going over from this
city in a body. A very interesting programme was presented, the exercises
embracing addresses by Rev. E. H. LOVETT of Davenport, Rev. Dr. TAYLOR of
Rock Island, and Mr. K. E. PATCH of Moline, and vocal duets by Mr. And Mrs.
Challen CRAIG of this city.

District Court

The case of KELLY and MAHAN against N. FEJERVARY was opened this afternoon
in the district court. The case is one which has been in the courts since
last August, the plaintiffs alleging that there was still owing $660 on a
contract made between them and the defendant. Demurrers, answers and
amendments have been included in the history of the case. E. M. SHARON
represents the plaintiffs, while BILLS & HASS are the defendant's attorneys.

Judge HOUSE gave a jail sentence of ten days today in the case of E. FINK,
who was indicted on the charge of malicious mischief.

[transcribed by C.J-L., Aug 2004]




Iowa Old Press
Scott County