Iowa Old Press

Daily Times, Davenport, Scott, Iowa, Oct 21, 1895

Last evening at 8:40 occurred the death of Mrs. Catharine Hassett at her
home, 1816 west Third street. The deceased was eighty-six years of age and
when attacked by the dread disease, typhoid fever, which lasted three weeks,
her extreme years had left her physical condition too enfeebled to withstand
the shock. All the loving efforts of relatives and friends proved unavailing
and with her children gathered around her bedside she departed this life.
Mrs. Hassett was born in County Clare, Ireland and 45 years ago she came to
Iowa. Her husband, Thomas Hassett, died some time since. The deceased leaves
four children, all of whom were at the bedside of their mother when the
final summons came: Patrick J. Hassett, an engineer on the C.M. & St. Paul
railroad; Martin Hassett of Horton, Kan., an engineer on the C.R.I.& P.;
Mrs. Cornelius Haugh and Mrs. Michael Lamb. A brother, Martin Burns and a
sister, Mrs. Mary Walsh, also survive the deceased.
The funeral will be held at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 22, with services in St.
Mary's church and interment in St. Marguerite's cemetery.

Daily Times, Davenport, Scott, Iowa, Oct 28, 1895

The death of Martin Burns occurred at the family residence, 1826 west Third
street, yesterday morning at 10:45. For several months past he had been in
feeble health and the end was hastened by the complications of old age. The
deceased was seventy-five years of age and was a native of County Clare,
Ireland. He came to America at an early age and settled in Davenport
forty-five years ago. He has continuously resided here since that time and
was widely acquainted throughout the city. He is survived by one sister,
Mrs. Mary Walsh and the following children: Mrs. Richard Hermann, Mrs.
Michael Manion and Mrs. William Lavery, of this city, Thomas Burns, of Rock
Island, Ellen in St. Louis and Mary, James and Walter at home. The deceased
was a brother of Mrs. Catherine Hassett whose death occurred on the
preceding Sunday.
The funeral will be held from St. Mary's church tomorrow morning at 9
o'clock with interment in St. Mary's cemetery.

Mrs. Mary Shields, widow of Richard Shields, passed away this morning at the
residence of her son, Thomas, 1426 west Seventh street. She had been in poor
health for sometime past, and owing to her advanced age her condition had
gradually become more critical until within the past few days it was seen
that the end was only a question of a short time. The deceased was an
old-time resident of Davenport, having lived here for nearly half a century,
and her many good traits of heart and hand won for her many friends who will
learn of her death with regret. She was seventy-six years of age, and was
born in county Galway, Ireland, coming to Davenport as stated nearly fifty
years ago. Five children and one sister, Mrs. John Cavanaugh, all of this
city, survive her, the former being Mrs. Ann Vreeland, Thomas, Andrew, John
and James.

John HAYES, a farmer residing in Liberty township, near Keokuk, died
yesterday morning at 2 o'clock at Mercy Hospital where he had been under
treatment since July. He was seventy-five years of age and had resided in
the state over half that time. Besides his wife he leaves three children-one
son and two daughters. The remains will be shipped to Kinross, where the
interment will be made over the Rock Island Road at 7:30 tomorrow morning.

Edward DECKER came in from Iowa City on his wheel to spend Sunday with his
parents. He returned by wheel today.

Judge WOLFE came down from Clinton this morning and will dispose of motions
and other business in the district court requiring his attention.

Mrs. F.L. INGMEN, state organizer and inspector of the Rathbone Sisters,
will visit Davenport on the 30th for the purposes of inspecting Lilly Temple
No. 21, of this city.

"Who makes good photos cheapest?"-STAUNTON

J.C. CAVANAUGH, of Davenport, has been granted a patent on a pipe thread

The ladies of the W.C.T.U. will hold their meeting at the residence of Mrs.
N. CHRISTY, 327 east Fifteenth street, at 2:30 Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 30.
A large attendance is decided.

Gus CARLSON, an employe of the Deere & Mansur pattern room, while
experimenting with a potato and corn planter, had the first joints of the
index and middle fingers of his right hand taken off.

White lead and oil at McARTHUR & WESENBURG's.

Clark RICHARDS, a well-known Davenport druggist who was formerly located on
Brady street, will remove this week to Phoenix, Arizona, for permanent
residence. His household effects were shipped Saturday and the family will
follow this week.

Now is the time to leave your order for water color, sepia, or crayon
portraits. Jarvis WHITE Art Co.

An alarm from Box 24 at 3 o'clock called out the Ones and Twos to 428 west
Second street where a blaze had been discovered in a vacant store room
formerly occupied by ANKERSON & HEICK. The principal damage done was the
burning of a stairway leading to the second floor.

The case of the State vs. A. COTTERAL was given a preliminary hearing before
Justice LeCLAIRE this morning and resulted in the dismissal of COTTERAL as
the evidence showed that he was not the party guilty of assault with intent
to commit great bodily injury upon the person of John TOYNBLE.

Mixed paint at McARTHUR & WESENBURG's.

The condition of Mrs. Agnes FRY who was found unconscious in her home in
Pleasant Valley last Friday morning, is improving slowly. Although she has
entirely recovered consciousness, she knows nothing whatever of what
happened since the accident and is not able to throw any light upon the

Chicago Bakery, 712 Harrison. White bread, rye and black rye bread. All
kinds of cakes, fresh and good.

Family washing and lace curtains reasonably done. Peoples Steam Laundry, 127
east Third street.

About 8 o'clock Saturday evening a still alarm called the Ones and Twos to
Third and Iowa streets where a blaze had been discovered in the residence of
Mrs. O'HARA. She had fallen asleep without extinguishing the light and while
sleeping had accidentally upset the lamp with the above result. The fire
company arrived in time to rescue Mrs. O'HARA from her perilous position and
extinguish the blaze with comparative little loss. Mrs. O'HARA was badly
suffocated with smoke and was taken to the police station where Matron HILL
attended to her needs.

Today being the birthday of Ex Secretary Miss Grace STANCHFIELD, of the
Lend-A-Hand, the girls who partake in the "noon rest" planned a pleasant
surprise in the way of a bounteous repast which all enjoyed, a general shout
of mirth arising when Dr. McCOWEN, knowing the failing of the girls, sent in
pepsin to cap off all bad after effects that might exist-after so many
dainties. The girls wish Miss STANCHFIELD many happy returns of her

Col. P. McMANUS has awarded the contract for the electric lighting of the
new McMANUS building on Second & Main streets to the Davenport Power and
Light company, the contract being one of the largest ever offered in this
state for a private building. It will also call for a large amount of
electrical work but nothing more than the successful company is fully able
to furnish. The service provided by the Davenport Power & Light company has
always been the best and their enterprise has been justly rewarded by the
trust thus placed in their hands.

Clarence A MILNER has commenced proceedings in the district court against
Maggie L MILNER for the purpose of securing a divorce, willful desertion
being the alleged reason for such action. The plaintiff then asks that the
court grant him an absolute divorce and such other relief as that body may
see fit.

We have commenced to label every loaf of bread we manufacture so our patrons
know that they are getting our bread when they call for it. By returning a
hundred labels we will give one of the following presents: One cake, bread
or kitchen knife, tea strainer and merous other presents.
Vienna Steam Bakery
H. KORN & Sons
317 and 319 Harrison St.


Mrs. Frank COCK and Miss Bessie COCK of Cedar Rapids, were the guests of
friends in this city.

Mr. C.H. KEMMERER of the Martin-Woods company left last evening for Trenton,
Mo., to purchase apples.

Mr and Mrs A.F. BALCH and daughter Ruth of Marshalltown, Ia., are guests at
the home of Mr and Mrs H.B. HASS.

Mrs. L.A. CHAMBERLIN returned on the Verne Swain this morning from a week's
visit with friends and relatives in LeClaire and Princeton.

Col. James P DONAHUE and sister, Mrs. THOMPSON, arrived in New York Saturday
after a fifteen month's trip through the European countries.

W.J. BROWN, formerly superintendent of the Rock Island Plow works but now
located in St Paul, is renewing acquaintances with old-time friends in the

John N PAXTON, who has been doing some special work for the Republicans for
the past few weeks, has been appointed special agent for Burnell's
Commercial Agency. he has been the local manager in this city of the Burnell
Agency for the past six months and has now been given a much larger field,
having had several counties in Iowa and Illinois added thereto. He will
retain his headquarters in this city.

In General.

Marriage licenses have been issued to
Charles RUEH -Caroline REINHARD

CLENDENIN's dancing class will meet on Thursday evening of this week on
account of Miss FRENCH's entertainment in the hall Wednesday evening.

Mrs. Theodore CUSHING, sister of J.S. WYLIE, died at 1 o'clock Saturday
afternoon in Atlantic, Ia. The deceased had been sick for some time and Mr
WYLIE and wife have been at her home for several days.

Leon F ROBINSON, who has been the engineer on the ferry Augusta, has
successfully passed the examination for master and now holds that position
on this majestic steamer, succeeding Capt. Tom BURNS.

The hearing of the cases of George KINGSBURY, Joseph GAY and Charles
GARTLAND, against whom indictments were found by the grand jury of Rock
Island county sometime ago have been postponed until the November term of

The marriage of Rev. J.W. EDWARDS, of Tonica, Ill. formerly pastor of the
Second M.E. church at Moline, and Miss Alma MAXWELL, a cultured young lady
of Port Byron, will be celebrated at the home of the bride's parents in that
place Wednesday evening.

Superintendents FOX and GILMORE of the Iowa divisions of the Rock Island
went to Chicago yesterday to attend the funeral of A.H. CHAMBERLAIN for many
years in charge of the Illinois division of the same road. While in Chicago
the Iowa superintendents will assist in preparing a time card for the winter

Among the recent donations received by the management of St. Luke's hospital
is a supply of coffee and spices from Washburn & Halligan, toilet set,
Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., per A.B. CATTERAL; pair of pillows, Mrs.
SPRAKER; sterilizer for operating room, Dr. Robert PECK; thermometers J.H.
HARRISON; two tables, W.E. STENGEL, Rock Island; basket donation, $5, Mrs.

The little daughter of Frank KUNZ of 225 east Fourteenth street had quite a
painful accident Saturday which very nearly resulted seriously. Irene, the
little one, is but six years old and was running about the house playing
with her brother when by a misstep she fell through the cellar window
cutting an ugly gash in her hand. Dr. WATZEK, who dressed the wound, said
that the gash missed the large artery in the wrist by the fraction of an

Mr. William THIAS, engineer of the C.O.D. Laundry on Third street, just west
of Brady, had rather an unpleasant encounter with a monkey-wrench this
forenoon. The wrench  was perched near the ceiling and as Mr .THIAS started
to ascend a ladder he in some manner dislodged the wrench which in return
fell with a good deal of force upon his head. Dr. CANTWELL was called in and
it took three stitches to sew up the gash. Mr THIAS is not likely to
"monkey" with a wrench again in a hurry.

Mrs. L.E. MAURER, of this city, filed a complaint before a Moline justice of
the peace against W.H. CATTON, the well-known billiardist on the charge of
keeping a gambling house. The case was set for hearing Saturday and CATTON,
with his attorney, Maj. BEARDSLEY, was present to contest the proceedings.
The complainant, however, failed to appear and the case was dismissed.
CATTON's friends assert that the proceeding was in the nature of a
blackmailing scheme and the the complainant had previously failed to procure
a warrant against him in Rock Island.


Last evening at 5 o'clock occurred the death of Frieda, the little daughter
of Mr and Mrs Fritz SCHROEDER of 1338 Leavenworth street, from diphtheria.
The little one was sour years old. The fatal disease lasted seventeen days
before resulting fatally. The funeral was held at 3 p.m. today with
interment in the city cemetery.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Scott County