Iowa Old Press

Daily Times, Davenport, Scott, Iowa, Nov 5, 1895

Last evening at the family residence, 1308 west Seventh street, Mrs. Mary
O'Donnell, an old-time and highly esteemed resident of Davenport, passed
from life to death. For sometime past she had been in feeble health and
during the past few weeks her condition had been exceedingly critical.
Everything, however, that medical skill could devise was done to avert the
end, but owing to her advanced age and the severity of the attack death was
the victor in the unequal battle, and at the hour of midnight she peacefully
passed away.
The deceased was a native of County Limerick, Ireland, and was seventy-two
years of age. She came to Davenport forty-three years ago and has lived here
continuously during all those years. A woman of kindly and sympathetic
impulses, she made many warm friends during her long residence in this city
and among the wide circle of her acquaintances her death will be generally
regretted. The deceased is survived by a son and daughter-James O'Donnell
and Mrs. Maria Bennett, both of this city.
The funeral will probably take place Thursday morning, although the
arrangements have not as yet been completed.

Daily Times, Davenport, Scott, Iowa, Nov 12, 1895

At the family residence, 2110 Main street, yesterday afternoon occurred the
death of John McGuire at the advanced age of eighty-two years. The deceased
was born in Ireland but when quite young he crossed the ocean and settled in
Canada where he resided until 1851 when he came to Iowa and located in
Winfield township. In 1874 Mr. McGuire removed to Davenport which has been
his home since that date. His aged wife together with one son and four
daughters survive him.
The funeral will be held from Sacred Heart Cathedral tomorrow at 9 o'clock
and will be followed with interment in St. Marguerite's cemetery.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Nov 30, 1895

District Court News
The Sale of the BIRCHARD farm was scheduled to take place at the court house
at two o'clock today. Quite a number of people were present but the sale had
not been made at the time of going to press.

The defendant in the case of H.B. CARPENTER vs. William NEUMANN has filed an
appeal in the clerk's office. The case originally came up in Justice BLACK's
court, CARPENTER claiming $100 from NEUMANN on an alleged debt. A change of
venue was taken to Justice LeCLAIRE's court and there judgment was allowed
the defendant for $95.40 and costs. The defendant through his attorney,
Alfred CLAUSSEN, immediately gave notice of appeal. J.W. BOLLINGER is
attorney for the plaintiff.

Action has been commenced against Charles CROSS and C.B. CROSS for $1000 by
A.P. McGUIRK, attorney for SAUNDERS & Son. The cause is given that the
defendants purchased fixtures and furniture from them and promised to give
the above amount in payment. As they have neglected to do this the suit was

Death Comes Quickly
Mrs. Eleanor TITTERINGTON, one of the oldest settlers in Rock Island county,
died suddenly at her home in Buffalo Prairie Wednesday night. During the day
she was in her accustomed health and after supper complained of being
unwell. She asked her son to call in some neighbors but she expired shortly
after his return. The fatal malady was rheumatism of the heart and death
followed one hour later she was attacked by it. The deceased was eighty-one
years of age and is survived by a son and daughter, ex-Supervisor J.B.
TITTERINGTON and Mrs. Robert MONTGOMERY of Rock Island. County Treasurer
Fred TITTERINGTON is her nephew. The funeral was held yesterday, the
interment being in the Edington cemetery.

Juveniles at Work
P. Ewald JENSEN, one of the factory inspectors of the state of Illinois, was
in Moline this week in the line of duty. His mission to our sister city ws
to ascertain whether the boys under the age of fourteen were employed in any
of the factories. At the Plow company's works he found two juveniles under
the age limit employed, both being engaged as elevator and door tenders. In
the shops others between the age of fourteen and sixteen were found at work,
and as they also come under state supervision they were supplied with blanks
to prepare the necessary affidavits. On the whole, the state factory
inspector discovered but few violations of the factory law in Moline.

Death of a Postal Manager
Willis CROZIER, manager of the Postal Telegraph company at Muscatine, died
at his home in that city yesterday. He was taken sick about three weeks ago,
his illness at the time being ascribed to inflammation of the bowels.
Subsequently, however, it ws ascertained that it was due to an abnormal
growth in the region of his stomach. This was removed by a surgical
operation and the patient was getting along nicely until he was attacked
with pneumonia, which caused his death. CROZIER at one time was the local
C.R.I. & P. agent at Downey and his remains will be taken to that place for
burial. He leaves a wife and four children.

Thanksgiving Milk Test
Thanksgiving morning was spent by Acting Health Inspector CAMERON in
gathering a few samples of milk from the venders with a result that is
gratifying to him as well as to the greater number of the milkmen. The test
resulted as follows:
Joe GANKLER...4.4
Peter FLEMMING...4.4
Thomas COGLAN...4.2
Jacob CAWIEZELL...4.3
John BARGHOLZ...3.8
Otto RUCHMA*N...3.2
F BAKER...3.0
John MEYES...3.6
Peter PETERSEN...3.8
Henry MESS...4.2
Wall paper, 3 cents per roll and up at L.W. PETERSEN's; 422 west Third

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Scott County