Iowa Old Press

Davenport Daily Leader
Davenport , Scott , Iowa
March 5, 1895




-         John Wemmeyer, who has been in the insane hospital at Clarinda, refuses to eat anything.

-         The postoffice at Myrone, Allamakee county, has been discontinued. Mail will go to Waukon.

-         County Auditor John Matthews at Council Bluffs received a broken leg, the result of a runaway.

-         Judge Sloan sentenced Wm. Cramer at Centerville to eighteen months for attempted murder.

-         M. Marcus, clothier at Council Bluffs , suffered loss by a fire. The next day his stock was levied upon by a local bank.

-         Fire at Storm Lake destroyed the livery barn of J.E. Sprague, burning seventeen horses; also burned the billiard hall of James Alderson and some small buildings. Mr. Sprague had $1500 insurance. The total loss is probably about $5,000.

-         John Riehl and Dr. Fee were speeding their horses on a street in Waterloo when they attempted to pass a team driven by Mrs. Thompson. A collision resulted, Mrs. Thompson being thrown to the ground. Riehl was dragged some distance and severely bruised.

-         It is probable that the trial of Charles Adams for the murder of Stephen Howard at Waterloo will be set for the second week of the March term, which will bring it about March 11. There will be no trial jury the first week of the term. It is not known yet which judge will try the Adams case, but it is thought probable that Judge Blair may hold court the latter part of the term, as Judge Tolerton finished out Blair’s term in Delaware county.

-         Gen. James A. Williamson, ex-commissioner of the general land office, and for many years a resident of Iowa , was recently awarded a medal of honor for conspicuous gallantry during the late war. Gen. Williamson is naturally somewhat proud of this fact, and as a sort of celebration of the incident he gave a dinner at Washington to Gen. Dodge and the Iowa members of Congress who served in the army of the union.


Submitted by: C.J.L.


Iowa Old Press
Scott County