Iowa Old Press

Davenport Weekly Gazette
Davenport , Scott , Iowa
March 23, 1881


-         Hon. J.B. Grinnell was recently elected Mayor of Grinnell, having received all the votes cast but two.

-         George Crane has been appointed Mr. Torbett’s ancestor as postmaster at Dubuque .

-         The name of the postoffice at Audubon Heights , Audubon County , has been changed to “Conkling.”

-         Major A.R. Anderson, of Fremont county, has been appointed Railroad Commissioner in place of ex-Commissioner McDill.

-         Thomas Hughes, a pioneer printer of this State, died at Iowa City on the 11th inst. of apoplexy. He came to Iowa in 1838. In 1840 he was elected to the first State Senate and was made its President. At the time of his death he was City Clerk of Iowa City.

-         Lew Hopkins, an old offender well known to the police force of this city, is in for five years more. Last December he with five other s broke the Clinton county jail at DeWitt. Hopkins was recaptured at St. Louis , and when Marshal Desmond reached home with him he was recommitted for five years in addition to his former sentence.

-         Chas. Stevens, an engineer and Frank Milks, a fireman on the C, R I & PRR, both residents of Wilton , were badly scalded Monday on the Southwestern road. They were fighting snow near Ainsworth and by an accident came in contact with the steam from the boiler. They will remain at Ainsworth a few days for treatment.

-         Dr. C.A. Wilham brought to the city Monday the news of the destruction by fire of Mr. George Herr’s farm house which is located about two miles from Wilton . The dwelling was a fine two story frame. The flames were discovered during the fearful storm of Saturday and while the family was at dinner. So rapidly did they spread that the inmates saved only themselves. The destruction of the house and everything in it was complete. The barn and outbuildings were saved.

-         Burglars entered the residence of A.Y. McDonald, a prominent business man of Dubuque , the other night, and upon his inquiring their business, fired a revolver at him, the bullet passing through his left shoulder. A little later the same evening an attempt was made to enter a jewelry store a few blocks distant and the proprietor, who arose to defend his property, was served in a similar manner, the ball passing through his hand.


Iowa Old Press
Scott County