Iowa Old Press

Davenport Democrat - May 31, 1880 --  Sudden death of an old resident.
An old citizen named Hans Wiese, who was well known among our German
citizens, though he was a laborer, died very suddenly this morning.  For the
past 9 years he has lived at the Western House, corner Scott and West 2nd
Street doing chores and such work.  He rose early this morning, as usual,
was as cheerful and sprightly as a man of 60 years could well be, ate a
hearty breakfast and cracked his jokes with the other help as was his
custom.  At a quarter to 8 o'clock he went to work turning the crank of a
washing machine and at 8 o'clock he stopped, pressed his hands to his head,
cried "Oh, Oh, Oh" and fell to the floor.  He was carried to his room and
Dr. Hoeptner was called.  Hans Wiese was beyond human aid, however - he died
in about fifteen minutes after he was taken ill.  Dr. Hoepfner gave it as
his opinion, that his death was caused by the bursting of a vein in the
brain.  The deceased was a native of Holstein.  He was a soldier in the
Schleswigh Holstein patriot army during the ware of the revolution against
Denmark, belonging to the first Company of the 2nd infantry.  At the close
of the war, in 1850, he emigrated to America and settled in Davenport in
1851.  He was one of the charter members of Rescue Engine Co. and belonged
to it to the day of his death.  He was a member of the Schleswig Holstein
Veteran Association.  A divorced wife survives him -- the two having been
separated many years.  The funeral takes place from the Western House at 2
o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

Davenport Democrat -- Wednesday, May 26, 1880.   Obituary, Atkinson. -- News
came this morning of the death of Mrs. Hannah Atkinson, wife of Dr. Benjamin
Atkinson, formerly of this city which occurred at Indianapolis at half past
5 o'clock last evening.  The deceased was born near Cincinnati Ohio in 1822
and came to Davenport with her husband in 1852.  Here the family lived until
1872, when they moved to Indianapolis, which has been their home ever since.
  Mrs. Atkinson was of a disposition which caused her neighbors and
acquaintences to esteem her very highly, while her husband and children
respected her as the best of mothers.  The fatal ailment was heart disease
with a complication of other troubles.  For four years she has been quite
feeble, in fact, confined to her bed most of the time.  Mrs. Charles
Stewart, wife of the dry goods merchant, is her daughter.

Davenport Democrat - Thursday, May 27, 1880.  Jim Delaney, a notorious
character and jail bird was shot dead in a quarrel with one Bryon Reynolds
last night at Farley, IA.  The latter claims he acted in self defense.

Davenport Democrat - Friday, May 28, 1880.  John Adams Drake the found of
Drakesville, IA, who died at Centerville a few days ago was born in North
Carolina October 22, 1802.  In 1837 he settled in Fort Madison, where he
lived until 1846 when he went to Davis Co. and started the village that
bears his name.  He was the father of General Drake of Centerville, and of
thirteen other children.

Davenport Democrat - Sunday, May 23, 1880.  Jesse C. Deerman, a brakeman on
the C.R. I. & P. road, fell from the top of a freight train near Iowa City
and was cut to pieces.

Davenport Democrat - Tuesday, May 25, 1880.  Died -- In this city Monday,
May 25th, 1880, of scarlet fever, Anna, only daughter of Rudolph Tiedemann,
aged five years and three months.  Funeral at 10 a.m. tomorrow, from the
residence of the parents, number 412 W. 3rd St.

Davenport Democrat - Out near Walnut Grove in Butler Twp., day before
yesterday, Mr. Morgan Orendorf killed a wolf and seven cubs, which he
discovered in a hollow log on his farm.  He brought their scalps to County
Auditor Winkers today and received $26.00 bounty for them.

Davenport Democrat - Cards are sent out for the wedding of Miss Sarah E.
Collins and Mr. Watson Graham, which takes place Thursday, June 3rd.

Davenport Democrat - Mr. & Mrs. Henry Koehler leave for Europe this evening.
  They go to Milan where they have a son at school, to Vienna, and to Italy,
intending to spend several months in the latter county.

Davenport Democrat - Ward Decker and his brother Lew were arrested at Amata,
IA on Monday, for dealing in counterfeit money.

[Submitted by G.I., Sep 2005]

Davenport Gazette
Davenport , Scott , Iowa
Monday morning, May 3, 1880


-         The Governor has issued a proclamation recommending that Saturday, May 29, be observed as Decoration Day in this State.

-         James M. Porter, of Albia, has procured a pension dating back to 1864. Mr. Porter was the first soldier to enlist from Monroe county, and was wounded seven times.

-         William Board, a prominent Dyersville butter worker, has gone insane. Last week he started for England and got as far as Chicago , where he exhibited a desire to fight with everybody who spoke to him, and seemed delighted when he tore the clothing from his body. He has been taken to Independence .

-         The Rev. Father Nugent of the Monticello Catholic parish, in a recent discourse, affirmed that outside of the Catholic Church the Americans are a nation of infidels. That the Protestant communicants are mostly women – and that there are more infidels in the orthodox churches than outside of them.

-         Mr. Hayden, of Monticello , has a pocket handkerchief over 100 years old, which has been in the possession of his mother nearly eighty years. Printed upon it are symbolic representations of the 12 months of the year, with appropriate explanations printed beneath. The figures and the printing are a good deal faded but quite decipherable.

Davenport Weekly Gazette
Davenport , Scott , Iowa
Tuesday, May 4, 1880


-         The postoffice at Carbon Hill, Davis county, has been discontinued.

-         According to the recent official census the population of Buchanan county is 18 547

-         The average attendance at the Eldora Reform School for boys for the past six months has been 200.

-         Dr. Randall, of Littleport, Clayton county, was thrown from his horse, and his neck broken, death ensuing shortly after.

-         A new postoffice has been established in Princeton township, Scott county, named Kerr.

-         Clarke county is somewhat excited over the proposed removal of the county seat from Osceola to Murray .

-         Alexander L. Gray, one of the proprietors of the Sabula Gazette, died on the 20th of April of consumption, in the 90th year of his age.

-         George Acheson, a well known resident of Iowa since 1843, died at Fairfield April 24th.

-         Jeremiah Smith, aged 72 years, for 27 years a respected citizen of Marshall county, dropped dead on the streets of Marshalltown recently, of heart disease.

-         Jeremiah Hartnett, a conductor on the Illinois Central, was suddenly killed near Masonville. He either fell or was thrown beneath the cars and his body frightfully mangled.

-         Xavier Huber, of Dubuque , has been arrested on a charge of poisoning his wife, who died under rather suspicious circumstances about a year ago.

-         While examining a revolver in a hardware store at Monroe , Mrs. Mart, who resides near Bennington, Marion Co, received the contents of one chamber in the frontal head over the left eye. She was alive at last accounts, although in a critical condition.

-         Col. W.T. Shaw, of Anamosa, who was in command of the 14th Iowa which was captured at the battle of Shiloh, has been invited by the Army of the Tennessee to prepare an account of that battle, which will be published and incorporated among the records of the organization.

-         The Sheriff of Marshall county offers a liberal reward for the arrest and detention of James G Avery, alias McGee, a deaf mute and one of the most notorious robbers in America who escaped jail in that county recently. He is only 20 years of age, a blonde, and of light weight.

Davenport Gazette
Davenport , Scott , Iowa
Tuesday morning, May 4, 1880


-         Glenwood has organized a telephone company.

-         The corner stone of the new Catholic Church at McGregor, will be laid this week.

-         The Executive Council have accepted the Mitchelville Seminary to be used as the Girls’ department of the reform school.

-         William Hull, a Harlan, Shelby county, school teacher, was arrested last week in Des Moines and sent back to Harlan on a charge of unusual punishment on a pupil in the school which he was teaching in that vicinity.  

Buffalo Items

      BUFFALO , IA , May 3, 1880.

-         H.H. Cass has erected a substantial building, 30x54 in which he has placed his planning machines. Our worthy lumber dealer has invented several thousand dollars this spring for machinery and we ask the people of Buffalo and vicinity to patronize so enterprising a man as Mr. Cass.

-         Dr. Cozad of Andalusia , informs us that a weekly paper will be published in his city in a few weeks. We predict for the owner and editor plenty of time to play croquet, little pay, and the companionship of an assignee in about twelve months. We hope, however, that the enterprise will be eminently successful.

-         Jacob Schuk, of Missouri , is visiting Mr. Louis Schuk, his brother.

-         Mrs. David Benedict, daughter of Henry Parr, of Fulton township, Muscatine county, died at her home in Newton last week. The remains were interred in the cemetery on her father’s farm.

-         Edward Wright, who for the past season bought grain for W.S. Richie, of Muscatine , intends to make Buffalo his home for a while.

-         John Rown reports business in farming machinery much better this spring than last. Rowan is business and deals justly.



-         The parties below mentioned were made happy yesterday by the receipt of a marriage license at the Clerk’s office: Henry Jake and Augusta Freidericks.

-         The arsenal flag was swung at half-mast in respect to the memory of Capt. Wright, the particulars of whose sad death were given a few days since.

-         The funeral of Wm. Craig, whose sudden death at Waterloo was mentioned in yesterday’s paper, was held at the Baptist Church at 10 o’clock. The pall bearers were Moses Hobbs, D.H. Hartwell, S.C. Dunn, W.F. Fidlar, M.D. Snyder, and Bart Glaspell. The attendance was quite large, a number of the members of Davenport Lodge No. 37, A.F. and A.M. being present. The remains were interred in the City Cemetery .

-         Some six weeks ago John Miller had an attack of apoplexy, but danger was not then anticipated. Yesterday he had another attack which resulted fatally. The deceased lived at 911, West Second street , and dropped near the St. Paul House. He had been at work assisting in moving. Miller was a teamster by profession and came to Davenport four and twenty years ago from Germany .

-         A death notice appears in THE GAZETTE this morning which has a peculiarly sad history. The lady named Mrs. Fannie Worthington, was on her return trip from Colorado , where she had been in search of health. But her hopes were not realized, not even the ambition to get home. Death occurred on the train near Wilton . Dr. Robertson, of Muscatine , happened to be on the train and did all he could for the dying woman’s relief; but it could not avail anything.

-         A petition for divorce was filed at the clerk’s office, yesterday, by James Lyman, requesting a divorce from Louisa Lyman, on the grounds that she had willfully deserted him in 1870, and had ever since lived in adulterous intercourse with one Rev. Horace Holmes, formerly a Baptist minister of Blue Grass, a child being born to them; also, that there were born to the said defendant eight children, in lawful marriage, six of whom are minors and have no means of support; that the defendant is not fit or proper person  to take charge of said children. Therefore, plaintiff prays that he be divorced from said Louisa Lyman, and have full charge of the children, and that defendant be barred from all interest in their joint property; also, that she be compelled to pay the costs of the suit.  


            The following cases were brought before Justice Kauffman yesterday:

            James Flynn, arrested by officer Kay, on a charge of drunkenness, found guilty and given four days in jail.
            James Haley was arrested by officer Maguire, and brought up on a charge of stealing a pair of shoes from his employer, John Howell. He was found guilty , also, and sentenced to three days in jail.
            Asa Nash, arrested by officer Gartland, was found guilty of stealing some ivory harness rings from Webb’s stable in Commercial Alley, and fined $10 and costs, but was given two weeks  time to procure the money.

            Louis Phillips, arrested by officer Falkner, charged with vagrancy. Found guilty and fined $10 and costs, in default of which he went to jail for 80 days.

  Davenport Gazette
Davenport , Scott , Iowa
Wednesday morning, May 5, 1880


-         A party of four started from Marshalltown for California on the 8d inst.. They expect to travel by wagon the entire distance, a span of mules being the propelling power.

-         Clinton and Maquoketa, a distance of thirty-eight miles, were connected by telephone on the 2d instant. Several songs were sung by parties at both places and conversations were carried on for two hours, every word and note being heard distinctly at either end.

-         Perry Dunnigan, constable of Cascade, was found lying dead under his wagon on the 1st inst. He had been driving a  beer wagon for the Cascade brewery and when found the wagon was upset, the horses entangled, and one lying on top of the other and Mr. Dunnigan under the wagon and crushed to death.



-         Spinneyville, in this county, is no more. The postoffice heretofore so called is henceforth to be known as Linwood, by order of the Postmaster General. “Tis a good change.

-         The following parties evidently intent upon matrimony, obtained marriage licenses at the Clerk’s office, yesterday: A.W. Babcock and Sarah M. Dedrick; John F. Kensinger and Julia N. White; Charles Saupe and Lettie Lunger; F. Hoffman and Bertha Dumbeck.

-         Walter Parmele and his good wife who reside at 540 College avenue were the surprised parties on Monday evening. About forty friends and neighbors dropped in upon them unawares to properly celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage day and right well they did it. Mr. and Mrs. Parmele are old and esteemed residents of Davenport and they have hosts of friends to wish them many happy returns of their anniversary day.  


            Another foolhardy young man, named William Paul, about 10 years of age, jumped a passenger train yesterday, with the intention of having a ride. Officer Tillibein, however, interfered and conducted the young gent to ‘Squire Kaufman’s office. He was found guilty of trespass under the State law, but as this was his first offense, he was delt [sic] very leniently with, and find [sic] one cent and costs, amounting to 85 cents which he gladly paid and departed, promising never again to commit a similar offense.
            Edward Meyers was arrested for vagrancy, yesterday afternoon, and will probably be tried before Justice Kaufman to-day.

Davenport Gazette
Davenport , Scott , Iowa
Friday morning, May 7, 1880


-         Dr. Gee has been arrested at Dubuque on the charge of arson.

-          Mrs. Mary Whicher, a resident of Muscatine county since 1839, died the other day.

-         Sandie Stone, city editor of the Keokuk Gate City for the past thirteen years has severed his connection with that journal. He takes an interest in a Peoria paper.

-         A Washington hog buyer named John Aproll, was knocked down on the streets of Cedar Rapids on the 2d inst. and relieved of $1,460.

-         The first apple tree planted in Iowa was “set out” by Julien Dubuque, near the mouth of Catfish creek, three miles south of the city of Dubuque , about the year 1800.

-         William Fowler was run over by the cars at Burlington on the 3d inst., and died the next morning from the effects of his injuries.

-         At Marshalltown , on the 4th inst., a young man named John McCurdy was buried in a well eighteen feet deep by its caving in. His body was recovered three hours afterwards.

-         Dr. Smith, of Hamilton county, is the owner of a cane made from a log that formed part of the cabin built by Abraham Lincoln in the days of his pioneer life on the Sangamon river in Illinois .  


-         Another of Davenport ’s young men has committed matrimony. This time it is Mr. Morgan S. Woodward, son of the late B.B. Woodward, while the bride was Miss Anna G. Graham, of Whitewater , Wisconsin . The ceremony was performed last Wednesday morning at 11 o’clock at the residence of the bride’s parents, at the place named by Rev. Mr. Conkling. She is, as a dispatch to the Chicago papers says, “one of the best and most popular young ladies of Whitewater.” A large number of friends were present and the bridal gifts were both numerous and rich. Mr. and Mrs. Woodward arrived in this city yesterday, to receive the congratulations of hundreds of friends. They will remain a few days and return to Chicago , their future home.  


A man, who gave his name as Jeff Tierson, was arrested by Officer Hass Kay, yesterday, for being drunk, and was taken before Police Magistrate, and dealt with according to the law.

Officer Tillebien arrested a hackman, named Jim Munroe, yesterday, for creating considerable racket at the C.R.I. & P. depot , and took him before Justice Kaufman, who fined him $5 and costs, for disturbing the peace.

Another young man, named Henry Mofield, was rash enough to jump a passenger train, yesterday, but was arrested by Officer Martens and placed in the calaboose. Perhaps, after a few more such arrests young men will come to the conclusion that it is far more agreeable to walk.

Jas. Healy, who had just served a term in jail, for stealing a pair of shoes, was seen upon the streets yesterday, by Chief Kessler, who inquired, what business Healey was following at present: he replied that he was making an honest living, picking rags. To substantiate this he showed a large sized bag; but it was filled with grain-sacks, all branded, P. Baker. Healey was forthwith arrested and is now lying in jail awaiting the appearance of the owner of the property.  

[Submitted by C.J.L, May 2007]

Iowa Old Press
Scott County