Iowa Old Press

Davenport Daily Gazette
Davenport, Scott co. Iowa
February 12, 1859

"THE CHEAPEST" Valentines and Envelopes! Just received by express, direct from Eastern Manufacturers of celebrated good taste, a choice assortment of VALENTINES, VALENTINE CARDS, and ENVELOPES. And selling at prices to suit the times, varying from two for 5 cents to $3.00 each, envelopes included. -- the Iowa Book Rooms, No. 50 Brady street, near the Postoffice. charles Adams, proprietor

Sad Accident - We learn from the Dubuque Sun, that Patrick Kelley, son of Wm. Kelly, was killed on the 4th inst., at the lead mines near Dr. Finley's residencee, by falling out of the bucket as he was descending the shaft of the mine.

The Waterloo Courier of the 1st inst. says that messrs. T.B. & H.H. Carpenter and Henderson & Miller, of Cedar Falls, were in that place last week, on their way East, with a large drove of fat cattle. The weight of the drove of Henderson & Miller was 27,169 lbs.; that of Messrs Carpenters, 24,416 lbs.

Mr. Stewart, in digging a well at Burlington, found a piece of pine about two and half feet long and six inches in diameter, imbedded in the earth some fifty feet below the surface. It was apparently broken from the top of a tree, and was in a perfect state of preservation.

The Decorah Gazette of the 20th says that the boilers were taken from Lund's distillery at that place, by some persons unknown.

[transcribed by S.F., Feb 2007]


Davenport Daily Leader
Davenport, Scott co. Iowa
Monday morning, February 14, 1859

State Items.
Schools - We learn from the Guttenberg Journal that money has been raised by private subscription to keep the public schools per bushel.

Indicted - The Grand Jury of Dubuque county have found a bill of indictment against Francis Guillick for the murder of his wife - for murder in the first degree.

Clayton Co. - A petition, with fifteen hundred and thirty-five names, was presented to Judge Price, of Clayton county, last week, asking for another election on the re-location of the county-seat.

Shot - The Decorah Gazette of the 3d, says that on the previous Friday evening, Mr. James Cruson shot his sister in the arm with a pistol. He was carrelessly handling the pistol, not knowing it was loaded.

Pottawatamie Co. - One hundred and seventeen citizens of Pottawattamie county have addressed a "petition" to T. Officer, H.C. Nutt, and J.P. Cassady, requesting them to investigate the financial and other affairs of that county. Gross frauds and mismanagement are alleged.

M.&C.V.R.R. - The Waterloo Register of the 5th inst., says that Messrs. Douglass, Manson & Hardy, of Waterloo, sub-contractors on a portion of the Minneapolis and Cedar Valley Railroad, have been notified to stop work, and they were then on their way back to Waterloo, with their implements and teams.

[transcribed by S.F., Feb 2007]


Iowa Old Press
Scott County