Iowa Old Press

The Gazette
Davenport, Scott, Iowa

April 6, 1848
On last Thursday evening, 30th ult. by Rev. Geo S. Rea, Mr. M.D. Westlake to
Miss Jane Dryer, both of Scott county.

On the 27th March by Rev. Wm. Simpson, Mr. Lyman Wright of Jackson co., Iowa
to Mrs. Sarah Foster of that place.

April 4th, 1848, in Davenport, Iowa, of lung fever, Robert P., son of Rev.
William and Nancy M. Simpson, aged 2 years, 1 month.

April 13, 1848
On the 4th inst., by Elder C Levan, Mr. Lewis S. Burrows to Miss Ruth
Glaspel, both of this vicinity.

April 27, 1848
On Thursday eveing the 13th April by the Rev. Z. Goldsmith, Mr. Wm. H. Gayle
to Miss Louisa Wood, both of this place.

In this place, April 4th after a short illness of six days, S.P. Jenney in
the 36th year of his age.


Submitted by: cjl

Davenport Gazette
Davenport, Scott co. Iowa
April 27, 1848

Notice: The Rev. Mr. Westfall of Iowa City will preach in the Court House this evening.

Estray Notice. Taken up by John Frimemood living in Spring Rock township, Clinton county, Iowa, on the 19th day of March, 1848, an Estray Horse, described as follows, claybank color, all of his feet black up the the fetlock, black mane and tail, star in the forehead and a snip on the nose; appraised at thirty-one dollars by Henry Galloway, Ira Courtwright and Horace Kimball, before Robert Smith, Justice of the Peace. T.F. Butterfield, County Com's Clk Clinton Co.

State of Iowa, Scott County, District Court, May Term 1848
Hiram Johnson vs Martha J. Johnson, Bill for Divorce.
The said Martha J. Johnson will take notice that on the 13th day of March, 1848, the said Hiram Johnson filed his bill of complaint in the district Court of Scott county, praying a divorce from the said Martha J. Johnson, which said bill is now pending in said Court; and that unless the said Martha J. Johnson appear before the said Court at the next term thereof, to be held at Davenport in said county on the second Thursday and 11th day of May, 1848, and plead, answer or demur to said Bill, said Bill will be taken as confessed.
James Thorington, Clerk
V.M. Firor, Solicitor

Submitted by: S.F., April 2007


Iowa Old Press
Scott County