Iowa Old Press

Davenport Gazette
Davenport, Scott, Iowa Territory
Thursday, Dec 1, 1842

In Henry county, on 17th inst., by Rev. A. Evans, Mr. John CABLE of Des
Moines county to Miss Mary Ann CORNELIUS, of Henry county.
In St. Louis, on 17th ult., by Rev. P. MINDARD, James M. MORGAN Esq. Senior
editor of the Burlington (Iowa) Gazette, to Anna M, daughter of Col P. MAURO
of that city.

[transcribed by C.J-L., Aug 2004]


Davenport Gazette
Davenport, Scott, Iowa Territory
Thursday, Dec 8, 1842

In Bloomington on Sunday evening last, by Arthur WASHBURN ,Esq., Mr.
Philemon W. HAMILTON to Miss Catharine DEETZ, all of that place.
In the same place, on Monday last, by the Rev. Mr. FISHER, Mr Albert L.
BEATTY, to Miss Jane M., daughter of Henry SUMMERS, Esq. all of that place.
In the same place, on last evening, by the Rev. Mr. STOCKER, Mr. Benj. D.
HOWLAND, to Miss Emiline FISH, all of that place.
In the same place on the same evening ,by T.S. PARVIN, Esq. Mr. Henry STAHL
to Miss Margaret LEHNING, all of that place.

At Keokuk on the 16th Nov, Francis La BUSSIER in the 40th year of his age of
Consumption. He was employed as Clerk in the American Fur Company for many
At Portage des Sioux, Mo., on the 10th Nov. of Consumption, Mrs. Catharine
La CROY, daughter of E. BIEUVENUE of that place.

[transcribed by C.J-L., Aug 2004]


Davenport Gazette
Davenport, Scott, Iowa Territory
Thursday, Dec 15, 1842

Iowa Territorial Council
On Monday, 5th December, the Secretary of the Territorial Council called the members of the Council to order. The following gentlemen presented their credentials and were sworn in:
Lee- Robert M. G. Patterson, William Patterson.
Van Buren- John D. Elbert, James H. Jenkins.
Des Moines- Shepherd Leffler.
Henry- William H. Wallace.
Jefferson- Joseph B. Teas.
Louisa and Washington- Francis Springer.
Muscatine and Johnson- Pleasant Harris.
Cedar, Linn and Jones- John P. Cook.
Scott and Clinton- Robert Christie.
Dubuque, Jackson, Delaware and Clayton- Thomas Cox, Francis Gehon.
William H. Wallace was appointed President pro tem, and John Lewis was appointed Sergeant at arms.

Iowa Territorial House of Representatives
Lee- James Brierly, E. S. McCulloch and William Steele
Van Buren- Ricky D. Barton, Isaac N. Lewis and Samuel Swearingen
Des Moines- David E. Blair, A. Hackleman, George Hepner and David J. Sales.
Henry- Evan Jay, Thomas McMillan, and Paton Wilson
Jefferson- John W. Culbertson.
Louisa- Joseph Newell.
Washington- David Bunker
Muscatine- Err Thornton
Johnson- Henry Felkner
Cedar, Linn and Jones- George H. Walworth and John C. Berry.
Scott- Joseph M. Robertson
Clinton- Eli Goddard
Jackson- Ansel Briggs
Clayton and Delaware- Thomas Rogers and Frederrick Andros.
J. M. Robertson was appointed Speaker pro tem; Rev. Mr. Bowman opened the session with a prayer.

On Wednesday Evening Dec 14th by the Rev. Mr. GOLDSMITH, Charles WESTON Esq
to Miss Louisa, daughter of John N. MACKLOT, Esq of this place.
At Fairfield, on 1st inst., by D.M. LYONS Esq. Col Samuel SHUFFLETON to Miss
Naoma JONES, both of Fairfield
In Burlington, on 4th inst., by J.R. FAYERWEATHER Esq., Mr. Paschall TAYLOR
to Miss Mary H. INGHAM.
In Mount Pleasant, on 5th inst., by Rev. Mr. GAYLORD, Mr. George W. JONES to
Miss Eveline A. SHELTON, both of that place.

Near Burlington, on 4th inst., James M. MORRIS, an old and highly esteemed citizen.

[transcribed by C.J-L., Aug 2004; and K.W., Nov 2009]


Davenport Gazette
Davenport, Scott, Iowa Territory
Thursday, Dec 22, 1842

At Albany, Whitesides county, Ill, by the Rev. S. SLOCUMB, Samuel R. MURRAY,
Esq. of Cumanche [sic], Iowa, to Miss Mary N. WINANS, of the former place.

At Glendare, Scott county, on the 20th inst, of Consumption, Mr. James
WAGGONER, aged 32 years late of Cincinnati.

[transcribed by C.J-L., Aug 2004]


Iowa Old Press
Scott County