Iowa Old Press

Davenport Gazette
Davenport, Scott, Iowa Territory

Thursday, Aug 4, 1842

On the 28th ult. By the Rev. Z.H. GOLDSMITH, Mr. Stephen S. BLACKMAN to Miss
Martha WORK, both of Pleasant Valley.

In this county, on the 26th ult. of Inflammation of the Brain, Rosella,
daughter of Michael and Flora BALDWIN, aged 7 years.

Died in the 37th year of her age, at Harmonsburgh, Crawford county, Pa., on
Saturday the 21st day of May., A.D. 1842, Catherine Ann, daughter of Col.
William and Elizabeth SHULL, and wife of M.N BOSWORTH, formerly of Lowville,
N.Y., late of Davenport, Iowa.
She died among strangers;and of her numerous relatives nad friends left to
lament her loss, none were present during her sickness and death except her
husband; who tenders his sincere thanks for the marked kindness and sympathy
of strangers, manifested towards so worthy an object as the deceased.
She died as she had long lived, a brilliant example of redeeming grace; and
a faithful witness of the truth and efficacy of the blessed religion of
Christ, as revealed to man in the Word of God.
Her last words were "come Lord Jesus, come quickly and rescue my spirit.".
Requiescat in pace.

[transcribed by C.J-L., Aug 2004]


Davenport Gazette
Davenport, Scott, Iowa Territory
Thursday, Aug 18, 1842

On the 11th inst., at Yellow Springs, by Rev. A.L. RANKIN, Mr. Samuel A.
HALL of Iowa City to Miss Catherine J. RANKIN of that place.

In Keosauqua, on 2d inst., Mr. John BRAKEMAN of Burlington to Miss Malissa
BARNES of former place.

On 11th inst., by the Rev. Bishop FULTON, Mr. Samuel STEPHENS to Miss
Narcissa Jane DELASHMUTT, both of Des Moines county.

In Burlington, on 6th inst., Mrs. Pamela F. COOK, in the 45th year of her
In same place, on 13th inst., Miss Margaret JOHNSON, aged 32 years.

[transcribed by C.J-L., Aug 2004]


Iowa Old Press
Scott County