Iowa Old Press

Davenport Gazette
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Thurs, Sep 9, 1841

On the 22d August, by the Rev. J.W. Gilmore, M. Jonathan Ping, to Miss
Susannah Robertson, daughter of Stephen Robertson, both of Des Moines

In Davenport, on Monday, August 30th a child of Mrs. Beard, teacher at the
Female Seminary in this place.

In Burlington, on 31st August, Mr. Harrison Vance. He came to that place a
short time since and put up at the Steam Boat Hotel, where he was taken sick
and died. He said he came from Cincinnati and that he had left a cousin at
Terre Haute on his way out. He was decently buried by a large number of

At his residence, three miles from Burlington, 28th August, Mr. Absalom
Leffler, aged 43 years. Mr. L. was one of a large family who came to this
Territory in its first settlement.

At his residence, Ludlow Station, near Cincinnati, on Monday, 15th Aug,
James C. Ludlow, Esq.

Suicide-On Saturday evening last Mr Levi Chamberlain, residing near the
mouth of Pine river, Muscatine County, committed suicide by cutting his
throat with a razor, for what reason is left to conjecture.

[transcribed by C.J-L., Aug 2004]


Davenport Gazette
Davenport, Scott, Iowa Territory
Thurs., Sep 16, 1841

On Thursday, Sep 9th, by Robert Christie, Esq. Mr. Daniel N Pope of Lee Co
to Miss Mary Hedges of Pleasant Valley. All good Whigs.

In Tameytown, Benton township, Des Moines county, on the 5th inst by John
Burkhart Esq., Mr. Aaron R. Edgington to Miss Martha Edgington.

On the same day by John Burkhart Esq., Mr. Charles H. New to Miss Joan
Frunk, all of Benton Township.

On Friday night , Sept. 11th, in Pleasant Valley, Mr. Leonard Lowery.

At Bloomington, on the 1st inst. of congestive fever, Ellen, daughter of Dr.
B.S. and Theresa L. Olds, aged 4 years 7 months and 4 days.

At Bloomington, on the 3d instant, Josephine, infant daughter of Robert C
and Eliza Kinney.

[transcribed by C.J-L., Aug 2004]


Davenport Gazette
Davenport, Scott, Iowa Territory
Thurs., Sep 23, 1841

In Burlington, on Monday evening last, by the Rev. John Bachelder, Mr. David
Wood, of Washington, Ky., to Miss Lucretia Stull, eldest daughter of Hon.
Otho H.W. Stull, Secretary of this Territory.

At Bloomington, on the 12th inst. Lucius Sidney, infant son of Irad C and
Z.M. Day. Aged 10 months and 12 days.

On Wednesday last, at the residence of her husband, two miles east of
Bloomington, Mrs. Margaret, consort of Chas. A Warfield.

[transcribed by C.J-L., Aug 2004]


Davenport Gazette
Davenport, Scott, Iowa Territory
Thurs., Sep 30, 1841

In this place, on last evening, by the Rev. J. Alden Woodruff, Mr. Francis B
Evans, of Cincinnati, Ohio, to Miss Maria McKown, of Davenport, Iowa.

On the 22inst, by the Rev. Francis A. Chenoweth, Mr. David J. Johnson of
Colchester to Miss Alice Richardson of Muscatine county.

At Dubuque, Iowa on Wednesday 15th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Carpenter, Mr.
Thomas Hughes, Publisher of the Bloomington Herald, to Miss Louisa C.F.
King, of the former place.

In Davenport on Thursday evening last, the 23d inst., after a short but
severe illness, Mrs. Sarah Ann Bonny, aged about 22 years.

At Bloomington on Sept. 23d, Joseph R. Loveless, Printer, aged 32 years, for
several years a resident of Illinois. He came to this place a few weeks
since, in the last stage of consumption.

In Burlington, on Friday the 17th inst, of fever, Mrs. Jane Morrison,
consort of Wm. C. Morrison, Esq. of this city.

In Burlington, on Saturday last, 11th inst, Mr. Thomas Price.

In the same city, on Friday 16th inst., Mrs. Susannah Price, widow of the

[transcribed by C.J-L., Aug 2004]



Iowa Old Press
Scott County