Iowa Old Press

The Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac Co. Iowa
March 1, 1906

The preliminary oratorical contest of the Schaller schools, to select delegates to represent the school in the district contest which is to take place at a later date, will be held Saturday evening, March 3, at the opera house. The district contest this year comes to Schaller, and our people will be called upon to entertain the delegations from the other towns. Holstein entertained the contest last year and did it in a very credible manner. Schaller should be none the less hospitable in its reception of the representatives from the visiting school. The contestants who take part and their subjects are as follows.
Zoe MILL -A Legend of Brgenz
Rose MILL -'Toot Makes a Match'


Mar 22,1906

Last Thursday afternoon, at almost the last opportunity, a number who were not fully satisfied with the result of the caucus, filed an independent candidate for mayor in the person of Perry RUBENDALL. The signatures affixed to the petition are as follows:
W.E. MILL,. . ., W.W. ALLEN, E.J. MILL,...
The office of mayor is the only one filled by the petitioners, and the people now have a chance to make another choice on the day of election and they can blame no one but themselves if they do not come out and vote.