Iowa Old Press

The Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac Co. Iowa

January 11, 1906

Mr. and Mrs. H.N. TURNER of Louana [sic Luana], Clayton county, have been visiting among relatives and friends in Schaller the past week. Mrs. TURNER was formerly Miss Mary MILL.


Jan 14,1904

Mr. W.W. ALLEN involved with Woodmen of America.


Jan 18,1906

GAR and WRC [Women's Relief Corp.] hold a meeting together and elect:
W.E. MILL as Adjtant
Mrs. W.E. MILL as Guide
C.B. HARBACK as Chaplain
Mrs. C.B. HARBACK as Chaplain

Cottonwood Camp No. 2686 MWA held a public installation:
Mr. W.W. ALLEN, Worthy Advisor


Jan 25,1906

--Mrs. Henry N. SNELL visiting relatives at Denison and assisting in the care of relative.
--The class of election and oratory by Mrs. J.E. CHRYSLER, gave a recital at the home of H.N. SNELL last Saturday evening which was enjoyed by a few invited friends of the class. The members of the class, are Misses. . . Cora SNELL, . . ., Hattie and Iola ROGERS, Amanda McLAUGHLIN...