Iowa Old Press

The Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac Co. Iowa

October 9, 1902

W.A. MILL received word Tuesday of the death of Mrs. Alonzo BROWN, at Sioux City. Mrs. BROWN will be quite well remembered by many Schaller people, the family being residents here ten years ago, Mr. BROWN being pastor of the M.E. church. They were recently located at Battle Creek, and about three weeks ago Mrs. BROWN went to Sioux City to be with her daughter. She died Sunday and was buried at Sioux City Tuesday afternoon.

While out riding Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. W.J. HOWARD met with an accident that terminated rather fortunately for her and Mrs. W.A. MILL who was with her. They were returning from the home of Jas. DOUGLAS south of town and when near J.B. McLAUGHLIN's corner the clip that held the shafs broke on one side letting them down against the horses heels, frightening it and causing it to run away. Mrs. HOWARD was dragged out over the front of the buggy while Mrs. MILL either jumped or was thrown out. Both ladies were quite severely bruised and Mrs. MILL sustained a sprained ankle. Her little girl escaped with out a bruise. The horse was stopped after running about a mile and was badly bruised about the heels.


Oct 16,1902

Mr. Isaac MILL was taken with one of his bad spells Saturday morning and was for a time given up by his folks as being dead, but he rallied and is some better altho quite weak. His son, E.C. MILL of Ida Grove, came over Saturday afternoon and remained with him until Sunday afternoon.

Bert P. MILL is employed on the Sac Sun newspaper.

Iowa Old Press
Sac County