The Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac Co. Iowa
August 14, 1902
--Geo. E. JACKSON and family of Enid, OK are here visiting family
and friends in the Schaller area.
--John R. MILL was taken suddenly sick last Monday morning and
for a short time some uneasiness was felt as to his condition,
but at present he is considerable better. His sister and husband,
from near Deloit, came up Monday evening in response to a
telephone message.
Aug 21,1902
W.R. MILL, of Gravette, Ark., arrived in Schaller Tuesday morning
from Correctionville, where he visited briefly with his brother,
Bert, to visit with his father and family. Mr. MILL has a
position in the internal revenue service as is enjoying a brief
vacation from his duties.
Aug 28, 1902
Mrs. W.A. MILL returned Saturday from an extended visit with her
sister up in Minnesota. She brought home with her a few samples
of produce which Mr. MILL has on exhibition at HOWARD's office.