Iowa Old Press

The Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac Co. Iowa

May 10, 1900

--W.A. MILL's son has an operation requiring 3 doctors.
--The following item from Monday's journal will be of interest to many here.
A romantic little story found its way into Sioux City yesterday from Correctionville. It is to the effect that Bert P. MILL, editor of the Correctionville News, had Miss Susie E. CASTLE, of that place, had been husband and wife for fully a week before the people of their town knew a thing about it. Mr. MILL and Miss CASTLE quietly went to Washta Sunday afternoon, April 29, and there were united in the bonds of matrimony by Rev. R.E. HELMS. Then they came back home, and never told anyone about it. Last Saturday evening, however, Mr. MILL invited a number of friends to his rooms, and among them was his bride. It was as late as 11 o'clock at night that the guests were astonished with an exhibition of a week old marriage license. Then congratulations followed, and it was an hour later before the happy party came to an end. Mr. and Mrs. MILL decided to keep the affair quiet until they go their home all fixed up, and not even her parents learned of the wedding until it was announced at the party.


May 17, 1900

Mrs. F.M. McLAUGHLIN and Master Elmer left Tuesday evening for Anamosa, she having received word that a sister living there was quite sick and not expected to live but a short time. She will also visit another sister in Clinton county before returning.

Iowa Old Press
Sac County