Iowa Old Press

Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
January 6, 1898

Miss Lizzie Cree, a sister of Miss Nora Cree, teacher in the Schaller schools, was married at the residence of N. C. Crowley, at Galva, Wednesday, Dec. 22.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Riden, of Early, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Dec. 27. They have six daughters, all married, all of whom were present, twenty-five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

Odebolt Clarion: Dave Taggart leaves next Monday for Seattle, from where he will go to Klondike as soon as possible. He promises to send us a bushel basket full of gold dust as soon as he gets there and gathers it up. Miss Mary Taggart will fill Dave's place in the bank during his absence.

A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. Chase Saturday morning Jan. [a paper crease blocks date], 1898. The little Miss is fortunate [in] having a birthday of national rep[..]tation, and may she live to celebrate many years.

Happily Surprised
On Wednesday, Dec. 30, occurred the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCleary, who live about five miles west of town. The fact being known to their friends, a goodly number of whom gave them a surprise. A large number were present from Gavla and also from Schaller, who entered into the spirit of the occasion with hearty good will. Before leaving the company present Mr. and Mrs. McCleary with a handsome book case as a memento of the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. McCleary feel grateful for the handsome presents and desire to thus publicly thank the donors.

[transcribed by A.N., December 2012]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
January 13, 1898

Celebrate Their Twentieth
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Starr were very agreeably surprised on Monday evening by a large number of their neighbors and friends who came in to remind them of their twentieth anniversary. A pleasant evening was spent and before leaving, Mr. and Mrs. Starr were presented with a nice set of china. The following guests were present: Messrs. and Mesdames H. A. McLaughlin, Wm. Schaefer, W. H. McKinney, Henry Schaefer, Edw. Stoelting, and Ed. Lucke, of Le Mars, Misses Caroline Goodman and Linda Schaefer and Louie Lucke.

Sac Sun: The family worst afflicted by diphtheria which was epidemic in the city during the early winter is that of M. Curtis, the ice dealer. The only case in the city now is in his family, his son Eddie, a boy of perhaps thirteen years, being dangerously sick. Last Monday night, by request of Dr. Adams, the attending physician, Dr. Gromann, of Odebolt, performed for the boy's relief the operation known as intubation. A tube was inserted in the wind pipe to permit of breathing. This has given encouraging results and there are strong hopes of Eddie's recovery. Five others were sick in the family, some seriously, but all the rest practically have recovered.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murray, last Friday, a baby girl, all doing nicely.

[transcribed by A.N., December 2012]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
January 20, 1898

Doings of the Supervisors - Semi-Official Report of the January Meeting of the Board
The board of supervisors met in regular session; members present, M. E. Wright and Aug. Lundell. Member-elect Thos. Richards appeared, and, after being duly qualified entered upon the duties of his office. M. E. Wright was elected chairman for the ensuing year. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The following official bonds were approved:
D. E. Spafford, County Treasurer
H. A. Batle, County Sheriff
J. W. Jackson, County Superintendent
Thos. Farquar, County Coroner
The Sac Sun and Sac County Democrat were made the official papers of the county for the year 1898. M. L. Lewis was reappointed as steward of the county farm, he to receive $50 per month for one year commencing March 1, 1898.

The following justices of the peace were appointed to fill vacancy:
H. S. Hunter, Douglas township
S. S. Heller, Douglas township
A. D. Woodke, Eden township
F. N. Hotchkiss, Eden township
G. E. Larimer, Cedar township
Harry Baxter, Cedar township
H. H. Allen, Levey township
C. L. Wade, Clinton township
A. L. Manly, Clinton township

The following constables were appointed to fill vacancy:
A. O. Warriner, Eden township
John Wise, Eden township
Alex Greer, Cedar township
G. L. Taylor, Cedar township
M. C. Barkley, Clinton township

The board proceeded to examine into the expediency of locating the Hatie road, Coon valley township, and the Ross road, Sac township, by viewing and examining the grounds.

The salaries of the different county officers for the year 1898 were fixed as follows:
[Note - some of dollar amounts were difficult to read]
Auditor, $1,200, fees to be turned to the county
Deputy Auditor, $600
Treasurer, $1,500, fees to be turned to the county
Deputy Treasurer, $400
Clerk of district court, $1.300, fees turned to the county
Deputy Clerk, $200
The salaries mentioned above to be paid monthly.
Sheriff, $400, and the fees of the office
Recorder, $1,200 and the fees above that amount for deputy hire.

Chronicle: Marvine Gardner, for many years a resident of Odebolt, was found dead in bed at Kentner, Carroll county, on Tuesday morning. He had started to drive from Lake City to Carroll and stopped over night at Kentner. He went to bed about midnight, apparently in his usual health, and when called next morning failed to respond. Recently a stock of goods in which he was interested was moved from Odebolt to Lake City, and he had been there for several weeks assisting in the sale. The deceased was about 60 years of age. He was in the livery business here several years, and later had a general store. He leaves a wife and an adopted son. The latter is not at home at present.

[transcribed by A.N., December 2012]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
January 27, 1898

Last Friday, January 21, being the 43rd anniversary of Geo. Schaller's birth, and the 35th of Mrs. Henry Schaefer, and as has been their custom for several years these families, with Mr. Herman Sanderman's family, held a joint reunion, meeting this year at the Schaefer home, Mr. Schaller contributing the largest turkey he could find for the occasion. The day was pleasantly spent in feasting and good cheer.

The Jackson brothers of Sanborn, who had been in attendance at the funeral of their brother-in-law J. N. Thompson, returned home Monday.

[transcribed by A.N., December 2012]

Iowa Old Press
Sac County