Iowa Old Press

Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
February 3, 1898

Mr. and Mrs. John Sears are rejoicing over a little girl, born to them Sunday night.

The little five weeks old child of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Nicholson, of Holstein, died early last Saturday morning. The body was brought over to Schaller Monday for burial.

A surprise was very successfully planned upon Mrs. C. F. Schroeder last evening by her daughters, Misses Lena and Rose, it being her 41st birthday, although she had recently declared it could not be done. Those present were Messrs. and Mesdames W. J. Howard, Matt Carey, J. A. Tretter, John Carey, J. H. McCleary, and Geo. Bristol. Mrs. Schroeder was presented with a handsome center table by the visitors.

N. L. Aldrich and John Weegar prepared to leave last Monday night for California and later on the Klondike. The latter got away on the evening train, but the former was detained by Constable Speaker, who wanted him to tarry a day or so longer and thus be able to leave the place with a clean record, which he could do by settling up a board bill. He was taken before Squire Sears, who deemed the offense of sufficient importance to justify him in imposing a $50 fine or 15 days in jail (at the county's expense of course). The matter was satisfactorily settled and Newt left the next day to join Weegar who had "gone on before."

[transcribed by A.N., December 2012]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
February 10, 1898

Administrator's Sale
The undersigned will sell on the Herman Hahne farm, 3-1/2 miles north and one east of Schaller, on Section 6, Eden township, on Wednesday Feb'y 16, beginning promptly at 10 o'clock, the following property:
7 Head of work horses, one colt coming 2-years old. 6 cows, 3 heifers, 2 steers, 5 spring calves. [etc.]
A free lunch served at noon. Terms of Sale: All sums of $10 and under cash; over that 12 months time on approved notes bearing 8 percent interest. No property to be removed until settled for.
Jno. H. Mier

Mr. Frank Freizer and Miss Anna Wagner were married at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Chris. Magnusen, Tuesday afternoon. The young couple will go to housekeeping on the Denman place on Sec. 6, Cook township.

In the case of Mrs. P. P. White vs. the School Board of Holstein, which was an appeal to the County Superintendent, a decision was rendered Saturday in favor of Mrs. White. Next week we will give a resume of the case and the decision of the Superintendent.

[transcribed by A.N., December 2012]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
February 17, 1898

Died: on Monday, February 14, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Marsh. The little one had been suffering for a number of weeks with an attack of whooping cough and a few days ago was stricken with an epidemic now prevalent here. From then it grew rapidly worse and on Monday evening passed into the better world. The bereaved family have the heart-felt sympathy of all.

O'Mara - Keefe
On Wednesday morning at the Catholic church in this city, Rev. Father Costello officiating, occurred the marriage of Miss Clara, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Keefe, and Mr. J. O'Mara, a prosperous young farmer of Battle Creek. A wedding supper was given to a large number of invited guests at the Keefe home west of town in the evening.

Wendt - Schaefer
At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Wendt, in Eden township, on Wednesday, Feb'y 16, at high noon, occurred the marriage of Miss Lillie to Mr. August Schaefer. Only near relatives of the bride and groom constituted the invited guests. Mr. and Mrs. Schaefer are two of Eden township's most estimable young people, and many friends wish them well in life's journey.

There are an even dozen telephones in Schaller now counting the ones at central station and Jas. Hamand's. An improvised switch has been put in at The Herald office whereby we are enabled to talk with five or six different places. And besides the telephones there is a private telegraph line with six sets of instruments. The line starts from the post office and goes to the homes of Sam Hahne, Ray Patterson, John Leland, and Joe Wald and also to the residence of Art. Cheshire, one mile east of town. This means of communication between these young persons is a very profitable pastime and may at some future time come in good play as a means of livelihood.

Mrs. Kate Harris
Died - At the residence of her son, J. B. Harris, of this township, Friday evening, February 11, 1898, Mrs. Kate V. Harris, aged eighty-six years, eleven months and twenty-seven days. An eventful life closed when Grandma Harris, as she was called by everyone who knew her, died. A little more than four years ago her husband and companion for almost half a century, was called to his reward, and since that date this woman of faith and hope has patiently awaited the coming of the angle of Life who should carry her home.

Kate Valentine Harris was born in Birmingham, England, Feb. 14, 1811. In 1844 she came to America and in the year 1845 was married to Jos. B. Harris, Sr., at St. Louis, Mo. going to Lexington, Ky. Four children were born to them, two of whom survive her, Jas. of Cook township, and Jos. B. of this township. The eldest son was killed in the late war, and another child died in infancy. In 1857 the family came west locating in Mercer county, Illinois where they lived until 1881, when they came to Sac county, Iowa, where she has resided ever since.

The funeral services were held at the residence of J. B. Harris, Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev,. C. J. McConnell. The day was rather blustery, deterring a good many from attending, and yet a large number assembled to pay a tribute of respect to the friend who had passed away. Gentle hands bore the loved to the cemetery, where it was laid by the side of her departed companion.

The family wish to make grateful acknowledgements to the neighbors and friends for their kindness and assistance, and to the Rebekahs for the handsome wreath of flowers. Their generous favors will never be forgotten.

[transcribed by A.N., December 2012]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
February 24, 1898

A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. August Hahne Tuesday, Feb. 22.

Jas. Farquhar has moved up into O'Brien county where he will farm the coming year.

Holstein Reporter: Last Monday was the day set for the school board to hold a meeting and give Mrs. White (Ennis) a rehearing on the charges that was [sic] preferred against her some time ago. Last Saturday an injunction was served on each member of the board restraining them from taking any action until after the March term of court when it will be seen whether the injunction is made permanent or not. The outcome will be watched with interest.

A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Mill this morning.

Mrs. A. H. Montgomery and M. C. Craven received word Monday morning of the death of their sister, Mrs. F. M. Griffin, at Des Moines. Mrs. Griffiths' death leaves seven children orphans, their father having died some years ago. Mr. Craven went to Des Moines Monday evening to be present at the funeral. Sac Sun.

Hard to Satisfy
It required fifteen witnesses on Tuesday to solemnly swear that Dr. A. T. Brenton was 21 years old and upwards, of sound contracting mind and unmarried, and that there was no legal impediment to his marriage, before Clerk R. G. Wilson would issue the license for his marriage to Mrs. Allen. It seems that Mr. Wilson, sometime during his campaign, had promised Dr. Brenton a free license in event of his marriage during the former's incumbency as clerk. Mr. Wilson was reminded of it, and, as he never forgets a campaign promise, cheerfully paid for the license, but he required the Doctor to treat the witnesses, and this proviso doubtless accounts for the number required. -Sac Sun

[transcribed by A.N., December 2012]

Iowa Old Press
Sac County