Iowa Old Press

The Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac Co. Iowa
August 5, 1897

Holstein Advance: E. Henyan expects to leave tomorrow for the Klondike gold fields of Alaska to share, if possible, in the fabulous wealth of that country. He goes with the intention of striking it and we look for him returned in a year with a big sack of the yellow dust.

Chronicle: Henry C. Robinson, of Wheeler township, has five uncle between the ages of 65 and 80 living within six or eight miles of each other near Franklin Grove, Ill. They are Wm. H. Hausen aged 80, Harrison Hausen 78, Charles Hausen 75, S. C. Hausen 71, and Norman Hausen 65. The family of their parents consisted of five boys and three girls the latter being now dead, but the "boys" are still alive and hale and hearty at the above ages. The aggregate age of the five is 369 years.

Miss Emma Nicholson came down from Holstein Saturday and spent Sunday with her sisters, Mesdames McCray and Gordon.

Sac Democrat: Tuesday, July 27, Judge Criss reached tine 75th anniversary of his birth. The Judge and family have resided in this city continuously since 1865, and in all those years he had been active in the work of building up Sac county, especially Sac City and vicinity. May he live to see several more birthday anniversaries.

[transcribed by A.N., August 2012


The Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac Co. Iowa
August 12, 1897

To Whom It May Concern:
Public notice is hereby given that I have this day given my two minor sons, John R., and Harvey E. Markley their time.
Isaac Markley
Dated Aug. 12, 1897

Rev. BROWN speaks.

[transcribed by V.R.M., Aug 2004 & A.N., Aug 2012]


The Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac Co. Iowa
August 19, 1897

Alex. Nicholson was down from Holstein Friday evening. He says he is a changed man since moving up in that vicinity.

Alta Advertiser: Lou Keister of Scott township was in town Tuesday in no jubilant frame of mind. He and Mrs. Keister have agreed to disagree and by mutual consent have parted - the lady having gone to the home of her folks near Schaller.

The Misses TESKEY, who have spent the past summer visiting in this vicinity, returned to their home at Elwood last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. F.M. McLAUGHLIN taking them over to Storm Lake.

Geo. A. MILL, of Schaller, spent Tuesday with his brother-in-law, Harry SHIELDS.

[transcribed by V.R.M., Aug 2004 & A.N., Aug 2012]


The Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac Co. Iowa
August 26, 1897

. . . The evening session opened with a half hour song and praise service, after which Rev. A. BROWN, a former pastor of the Schaller church, gave one of his sermons, delivered in his characteristic way. . .

W.E. MILL is tearing down the building which has so long served himself and family as a home. They have fitted up the old Star office building for a residence by raising it and putting in a good brick foundation and plastering the inside. When he gets through tinkering they will have quite a comfortable home 'around the corner.'

[transcribed by V.R.M., Aug 2004]

Iowa Old Press
Sac County