Iowa Old Press

Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
March 12, 1896

p. 4 col 2
Married- On Tuesday evening, at the home of the bride's parents, August Seakman and Anne Marten. A number of the relatives and friends were present and a very enjoyable time is reported.

Matt. J. Cox, a Sac City man who was convicted and sentenced to five years in the penitentiary, from Sioux City, for a crime no one believes he committed, was pardoned by Gov. Drake last week Wednesday. His was a worthy case.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibbins wish to return their thanks to their friends, who so kindly assisted them during the sickness of little Inez, and also to those who showed their sympathy by attending the funeral and especially to the singers from Schaller.

p. 4 col 4
The pleasant home, of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibbins six miles south of Schaller, was made very sad and gloomy, by the death of their bright and interesting little girl Inez, two and a half years old, on Saturday at 10 A. M., March 7th 1896.

She has gone, and left heavy hearts behind her, but the stricken ones have the tender sympathy of many friends, and after a little, this will help to lift the cloud that now hangs so heavy about them.

We are never quite ready for the reaper, but we do not question so much when the old are taken, for we know their weary feet need rest; but when the dear eager children go through we bow in submission, our human hearts sometimes cry out in anguish, "Why O Father! must the tender flowers be taken?" He knoweth best. At such at time, dark indeed must be the way before those who cannot feel that the ever-lasting arms have been held out to receive these little ones, who have left our embrace so empty. Black in deed must be the clouds that wrap the lives of those, who cannot believe with Longfellow:

"There is no Death! What seems so is transition;
This life of mortal breath
Is but a suburb of the life elysian,
Whose portal we call Death.

She is not dead,--the child of our affection,--
But gone unto that school
Where she no longer needs our poor protection,
And Christ himself doth rule.

In that great cloister's stillness and seclusion,
By guardian angels led,
Safe from temptation, safe from sin's pollution,
She lives, whom we call dead.

We do believe, and though with tears and pain, we laid the body of little Inez under the velvet sod, yet with the eye of faith and love we look beyond, and see her bright spirit, in the great cloister, "safe from sin's pollution" "by guardian angels led."

[transcribed by A.N., March 2012]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
March 19, 1896

p. 4 col 2
A little girl is the center of attraction at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Heniman, since yesterday morning.

A. Wilson was over from Early Tuesday evening. He says they have the boss girl of the year. It weighs 11 pounds and was born on Friday, the 6th.

Mr. Rininger informs us that he had been at home scarcely fourteen hours when his aged father, whom he had just been east to see died very suddenly. When he left Pennsylvania his father was seemingly in perfect health.

p. 4 col 3
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Burkhead rejoice over the arrival of a little girl at their house on Sunday, the 8th inst.

[transcribed by A.N., March 2012]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
March 26, 1896

p. 4 col 2
Sac Sun - Bertha Brown, a sixteen-year-old daughter of Mrs. W. H. Brown, of Coon Valley township, was seriously burned Monday afternoon. She was in the field where the men were burning stalks and in some way her clothing ignited and she was soon covered with flames. Her brother Ben was badly burned about the hands while tearing off her burning clothing. The girl's right arm and both hips were burned deeply and fully a third of the surface of her body was scorched by the flames.

p. 4 col 3
Geo. Speaker and family were at Arthur yesterday attending the marriage of his brother, W. P. Speaker to Anna Baker, which took place at high noon.

p. 4 col 4
Married Baker - Speaker
At the home of the bride's parents in Silver Creek tp., Wednesday, at 12 o'clock noon, March 2, 1896, Miss Anna Baker to Wion M. Speaker, Rev. W. R. Smith officiating. These young people are well and favorably known in this vicinity, and begin life under most auspicious conditions. A reception was tendered them at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Speaker, last evening at which about seventy of the friends of the young couple gathered to extend best wishes.

Mrs. Weidenmaier has been quite sick the past few days, and very little hopes are entertained for her recovery.

Administrator's Notice
Notice is Hereby Given to All Whom it May Concern:
That on the 10th day of March, 1896, the undersigned was appointed by the District Court of Sac county, Iowa, Administrator de bonis non of J. C. Bodine, the administrator of the estate of Jesse Hollenbeck, deceased, late of said county. All persons indebted to said estate will make payment to the undersigned, and those having claims against the same will present them, legally authenticated, to the said Court for allowance.
Rhineer Palmer, Administrator de bonis non
Dated March 14 1896.

Executor's Notice - Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern:
That on the 10th day of March, 1896, the undersigned was appointed by the District Court of Sac county, Iowa, Executor of the estate of Marie Catharine Walker, deceased, late of said county. All persons indebted to said estate will make payment to the undersigned, and those having claims against the same will present them, legally authenticated, to the said Court for allowance.
J. Henry Moellering, Executor
Dated March 14, 1896.

Executor's Notice - Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern:
That on the 10th day of March, 1896, the undersigned was appointed by the District Court of Sac county, Iowa, Executor of the estate of J.C. Bodine, deceased, late of said county. All persons indebted to said estate will make payment to the undersigned, and those having claims against the same will present them, legally authenticated, to the said Court for allowance.
J. H. Denman, Executor
Dated March 16, 1896.

[transcribed by A.N., March 2012]

Iowa Old Press
Sac County