Iowa Old Press

Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
June 11, 1896

p. 1
Miss Rofena Bristol, of the class of '96, has a record for attendance and punctuality that she may well feel proud of. During her five years of school she has neither been absent nor tardy.

On Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, occurred the death of Mrs. Jones at the home of her son, W. E. Jones, in this place. Only a few weeks ago Mr. and Mrs. Jones came to Schaller to spend a part of the summer with their son. About two weeks ago she was taken sick and continued getting worse until death came to her relief on Saturday last. We understand her trouble was cancer of the stomach. The remains were taken to Ira, in Jasper county, Saturday evening for burial. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jones accompanied the husband and father on his sad mission. Truly a sad ending to what promised to be a visit of great pleasure.

[transcribed by A.N., March 2012]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
June 25, 1896

Grandma MILL is quite sick at the home of Mr. J.E. ROGERS.

p. 4 col 2
We neglected mentioning last week, the advent of a little daughter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hart.

Mr. J. F. Adkinson, of Sioux City, was in town this week in the interest of the Children's Home Society. He is superintendent of this district and brought with him a little girl from that institution, and placed her in the home of Mr. Theo. Ivens.

At 12 o'clock Tuesday occurred the marriage of Mr. F. M. McCray and Miss Elizabeth Nicholson, at the Unitarian church, Sioux City. The bride is a sister of Messrs. Alex. and Theo. Nicholson of this place, and has many friends and acquaintances here.

One hundred and six years ago Mrs. Margaret Kelley of Carroll, was born in County Longford, Ireland. She is now a hale and hearty old lady, and with her friends celebrated the anniversary of her birthday last week. Mrs. Kelley has about twenty grandchildren and twelve great-grandchildren, the eldest of the latter being 23 years of age. She is in possession of all her faculties, sees readily without the aid of spectacles, converses freely and brightly, and moves about the house without assistance. Physically she is as active as the average woman of 50, and recently when one of her great-grandchildren was married attended the wedding and took part in the festivities with as much enjoyment and spirit as any of the guests. She is a devout Catholic and attends regularly to the duties of her church. Mrs. Kelley is said to be the oldest living person in Iowa.

p. 4 col 3
A sad accident occurred near Grant City last Wednesday in which Frank O'Herron lost his life by drowning in the Coon river. Frank with his brothers, Andrew and James, accompanied by their father, James O'Herron, went over to Grant City to have a brief outing and recreation after the spring's hard work. The three brothers went in bathing above the dam on Wednesday, while the father was below engaged in fishing. None of the boys could swim, and when Frank stepped into a hole beyond his depth no assistance could be extended. - Carroll Herald.

[transcribed by V.M., Aug 2004 & A.N., March 2012]

Sac County