Iowa Old Press

Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
July 2, 1896

p. 4 col 2
On Thursday morning occurred the death of the 28 months old child of Chas. Brodcasky, from spinal meningitis after an illness of about 48 hours. The funeral was conducted from the house, Rev. C. J. McConnell officiating, and the body interred in the cemetery six miles south of town.

p. 4 col 4
The Usual Cause - Liquor Plays Its Part in the Tragedy
The following from the Sioux City Journal, regarding the awful crime committed last Saturday morning northwest of town, concerns parties with whom many of our citizens are well acquainted:
Aurelia, June 27 - Special: About 5 o'clock this morning, on the farm of Mrs. Elizabeth Mahoney, six miles south of this place, James Mahoney fire three shots at Miss Mary Kane, two passing through her head and the other through her arm. At present she is alive, but probably will not live.

Mahoney is in jail at Cherokee. He was desperately in love with the girl, who would not pay him any attention. Mahoney is a hard drinking man and was not home last night, but slept somewhere near the house. He went to the house early in the morning and seeing Miss Kane come out of the house and go to the milk house for something he followed her in, closed the door and shot her. He then came out and ran to a neighbor's where he remained until the officers took him. He made no resistance to arrest.

Miss Kane is an orphan and had been living with the Mahoney family for over a year. She is 16 years old and is a very bright and intelligent girl. The murderer has lived on the farm with his mother and two brothers for a good many years. The others of the family are very respectable. The shocking tragedy has created a great deal of excitement in this vicinity.

Miss Kane died of her injuries Sunday. Attorneys secured her deposition just before her death.

[transcribed by A.N., March 2012]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
July 9, 1896

p. 4 col 2
A boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barr last Sunday morning.

p. 4 col 3
Wedding Bells
On Wednesday July 1, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Austin in Silver Creek, occurred the marriage of Miss Lulu R. Gibson to Joel Collin. At 11 o'clock a.m., the appointed hour, the young couple took their places in the parlor where Rev. W. R. Smith, of the Congregational church, spoke the words necessary to complete the happy union. Congratulations were then offered to the nuptial pair after which dainty refreshments were served. The wedding was a home affair, witnessed by relatives of the bride and groom. A reception was given them in the afternoon, at the home of Jonas Collin, the groom's parents, where a large company of friends and relatives gathered and passed a pleasant afternoon and evening. The young couple were made the recipients of many beautiful and valuable presents, expressive of the affection and esteem in which they are held by their many friends.

[transcribed by A.N., March 2012]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
July 16, 1896

p. 4 col 4
The Death of G. F. Schuyler
On Sunday occurred the death of G. F. Schuyler at the home of his parents in Cook township. Mr. Schuyler was taken down on Friday, July 3, and not until Saturday morning was the fact known that he was sick, when medical aid was summoned. He was moved from his place to the parental home where everything that loving care and medical skill could do for him was done. But, he continued to grow worse and on Monday Drs. Farnsworthy and Brenton were called in consultation with Dr. Dunkelberg, physician in charge.

Geo. F. Schuyler was born in Whiteside county, Illinois, Nov. 3, 1863, and died at Schaller, July 12, 1896, aged 32 years, 8 months and 10 days. He was the eldest of three children; a brother and sister besides the father and mother are left to mourn his loss. Frank, as he was familiarly known, was active and ambitious, and affectionate son and a true friend. His funeral took place from the house Tuesday, Rev. L. P. Sabin preaching the sermon. The burial service was conducted by the Modern Woodmen, of which lodge he was a member.

On Monday afternoon a post-mortem examination was held which developed the fact that death was caused by acute inflammation of the bowel throughout its entire length. It was also discovered that the disease of the lower part of the small bowel was of long standing and probably often recurring although not known or complained of by the deceased.

The Sac county teachers normal is in session this week. The attendance is equal to that of previous years. Those in attendance from this place, so far as we could learn, are:
Lillie Judd
Mata Marten
Addie Barber
Charlotte King
Grace Bristol
Mabel Bristol
Mary Mill
Belle Starr
Jennie Low
Rofena Bristol
Elizabeth Holler
Blanche Smethurst

Lake View Resort: Lake View boasts of having the only one-legged bicyclist in Sac county, in the person of Robert Jacobsen, a lad 15 years old. He rides a while with comparative ease and can give some of our other cyclists a few pointers.

[transcribed by A.N., March 2012]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
July 23, 1896

p. 4 col 2
Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Ivens have a little girl, one taken from the children's home at Des Moines. It is their intention to adopt the child, which is about four years old.

p. 4 col 3
We regret very much to learn of the unfavorable change in Mrs. Brimhall's condition. Until week before last she was apparently gaining, but since her prostration on July 4, she has been much worse.

N. C. Kelly died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. S. J. Casey, in Odebolt, Monday evening of last week at the ripe old age of 87 years and 4 months. Mr. Kelly was one of the early settlers in Wheeler township. He was the father of 12 children all of whom are living.

[transcribed by A.N., March 2012]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
July 30, 1896

p. 4 col 3
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Erwin, Tuesday morning, July 28, a boy.

Mrs. Anderson, the lady who was visiting at Baz Well's and taken sick, died Tuesday afternoon. The remains were taken to the home place for burial Tuesday evening. Truly a sad ending to what promised to have been a pleasant visit. The lady was the wife of a brother of Mrs. Wells.

In Memoriam
Whereas, the great Ruler of the Universe has in His infinite wisdom, removed from our midst our worthy and esteemed Neighbor, George Frank Schuyler, and
Whereas, the intimate relation held by him with members of this Camp makes it fitting that we record our appreciation of him, therefore
Resolved, that in this sudden removal of our Neighbor George Frank Schuyler, the Camp has suffered the loss of an upright, honorable and well behaved member,
Resolved, that we express our deep sympathy with the relatives and friends of the deceased in their great bereavement,
Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be suitably inscribed upon the records of the Camp, a copy transmitted to the family of the deceased and a copy published in The Schaller Herald.
Committee - W. H. McKinney, H. S. Knapp, H. L. Leland
Cottonwood Camp No. 2686, Modern Woodmen of America
Schaller, Ia., July 24, 1896

[transcribed by A.N., March 2012]

Iowa Old Press
Sac County