Iowa Old Press

Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
December 10, 1896

Miss Mary MILL, who teaches in Eden, recovered from typhoid.

p. 4 col 2
A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lynch, Tuesday, Dec. 8.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Franken, Thursday morning, Dec. 10, a boy.

F. W. Sprague, of the Ida Grove Pioneer, who was publicly horsewhipped last spring by banker Baxter, brought suit for damages in the sum of $10,000. The case was tried last week at Ida Grove, and the jury found for Sprague, giving him damages to the amount of $50.

[transcribed by V.M., Aug 2004 and A.N., January 2012]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
December 17, 1896

John R. MILL and his daughter, Miss Mary MILL wish to express thanks for help she received while ill.

p. 4 col 2
The many friends in Schaller of Mr. and Mrs. G. P. McGraw of Pierson, will be interested in knowing that their household was gladdened by the advent of a girl baby on Monday morning, a circumstance which The Herald takes pleasure in chronicling.

We are in receipt of a letter from Mrs. Wm. Kline, of Lake Linden, Mich., in which was enclosed the case for a renewal subscription to The Herald. She also informs us of the death of Wm. Kline which occurred Oct. 20th from paralysis after a sickness of two weeks. Mr. Kline was known to many in and around Schaller, having visited here at different times. Mrs. F. W. hatch, formerly of this place, and Mrs. W. A. Newell being his stepdaughters.

p. 4 col 3
We learned this morning that Mrs. E. J. Allison died at her home in Sioux City, yesterday. The remains will be brought to Schaller for interment. We will try and learn the facts for an obituary next week.

[transcribed by V.M., Aug 2004 and A.N., January 2012]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
December 24, 1896

p. 4 col 3
This afternoon, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Allen, at 4 o'clock, occurs the marriage of their daughter Stella, to Art. W. Cheshire. These young folks are well and favorably known by all in this community, and will have the well wishes of a host of friends. The young couple will leave on the evening train for a brief wedding trip and will visit at Mr. Cheshire's former home - Grinnell, and vicinity.

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Obituary - Mrs. Emaline J. Allison
Died - At her home in Sioux City, Wednesday, Dec. 16, 1896, from injuries received in a fall, Mrs. Emaline J. Allison, aged 65 years, 1 mo. and 22 days.

The worthy woman whose death is recorded above, leaves a great many very sincere mourners in this place, where she spent many of the best years of her life.

Emmaline Allison, daughter of Samuel and Mary Harris, was born in Licking county, Ohio, October 24, 1831. On March 2, 1852, she was married to Samuel Allison, and soon after moved with her husband to Iowa, locating in Delaware county, where they resided until 1881, when they removed to Sac county, locating on a farm northwest of Schaller. At the age of 18 she became converted and united with the Christian church, and after coming to Sac county joined the same church here and was still a member at the time of her death. There were ten children in the family - five boys and five girls - eight of whom survive both father and mother. Brief funeral services were held at the home in Sioux City by Rev. Bowers, and the remains brought to Schaller where services were held at the Christian chapel Friday, conducted by Rev. W. E. Jones, after which the body was interred beside that of her husband who had preceded her to the other world some eight years. Long and lovingly will she be remembered by those upon whom the influence of her christian life can never be lost.

[transcribed by A.N., January 2012]


Iowa Old Press
Sac County