Iowa Old Press

Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
September 7, 1893

p 4 col 2
Mr. S. K. Fuller and wife, of Early, celebrated their golden wedding on Thursday, Aug. 31. Messrs. H. L. Leland, H. J. Hahne and T. J. Andre accompanied by their wives went over to assist in the celebration.

[transcribed by A.N., January 2012]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
September 14, 1893

p 4 col 4
Died - At the home of her parents in this place, Friday, Sept. 8, 1893, Cressina, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abel Busker, aged 7 years and 4 days. She had been sick for some time with typhoid fever, and was supposed to have safely passed the worst, but a sudden change in her condition soon resulted in her little light going out. Cressina Busker was born in Strackholt, Germany, Sept. 3, 1886, crossing the waters and coming to this country when quite young. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Henry Ballert, from the home.

[transcribed by A.N., January 2012]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
September 21, 1893

p 4 col 1
Wm. Kennedy, the young man on trial at Ida Grove for manslaughter, was found guilty as indicted, but owing to the good character the young man bore, and to the circumstances surrounding the case, Judge Paine made the sentence as light as possible, imposing a fine of $800, enough to cover the entire expense of the trial, and one day in the penitentiary, the latter sentence to be suspended during good behavior.

p 4 col 2
Another instance of unjustifiable carelessness was shown at the home of Mr. Wedeking, in Delaware tp., recently, when he left a loaded gun sitting in a corner in easy reach of his little boy, who picked it up and pointed it at his young cousin. The result - gun discharged; little girl shot; funeral next day; relatives have sympathy of the community.

p 4 col 3
H. A. McLaughlin is the happiest man in Eureka township, and all on account of a baby - a boy baby at that, who came Monday morning to share the bounty of Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin. The Herald greets the young man, and is glad to say that all are doing nicely.

[transcribed by A.N., January 2012]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
September 28, 1893

At the primary election held last Saturday, the following is the result.
For Sheriff:
DeGARMO, 395
BATLE, 394
ALLEN, 300

Rev. and Mrs. BROWN left on Monday for Sioux City to attend the annual conference of the M.E. church. They will be away over Sunday and therefore no services will be held in his church next Sabbath.

p 4 col 1
Married - At Sac City, Iowa, Wednesday, Sept. 27, 1893, Rev. J. D. Collins officiating, Mr. Herbert E. Rowe, of Schaller, to Miss Lucy Hickman, of Holstein.

[transcribed by Edna, August 2004 & A.N., January 2012]

Iowa Old Press
Sac County