Iowa Old Press


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
October 5, 1893,

Rev. A. BROWN, after three years of faithful service, bids Schaller people good-bye. He goes to Kingsley. As we all know it is the custom of the Methodist denomination to make frequent changes, and few ministers remain long at one place. Three years ago Rev. Mr. BROWN was ap-pointed to the Schaller charge coming her from Wall Lake. During the time he has been here his efforts in the cause of religion has not been without results, as is shown by the following report, which Mr. BROWN has kindly furnished us:
Three years ago when we came here the charge was a circuit of three appointments-Schaller, Centennia, and Cook Center, with a membership of 148. It is now a station with an active membership of 194, an increase of 51; or an increase of the membership at Schaller proper of 89. The parsonage has been improved from two rooms, valued at $250, to a fine building of seven rooms, and valued at $1150. A new barn worth $200 has been built, the church improved by adding hot air and other improvements to the amount of $500. The property, three years ago was reported at conference to be worth $3250, now the report of trustees show a total value of $4350. Increase of benevolent collection from a total of $32 to $248. Increase of pastor's support $400 cash or $550 including parage.
Mr. BROWN expresses himself in the following words, 'We thank the people of Schaller, both of the church and friends of other churches, as well as those outside the church, for their kindness to us during our stay among you, and shall look back upon the years spent here as one of the brightest pages in our history and will hold you in grateful remembrance, an pray that God's richest blessings may rest upon and abide with you all forever.'
It is with regret that the members of the church and the people in general are obliged to bid them farewell, and the good wishes of all accompany them to their new field of labor.

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A new boy is reported at the home of two of The Herald's readers, that of Adam Lucke and Jas. McQuigg, this week.

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A little girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Gibbins Sept. 27. We are a little late getting hold of this piece of news and are almost inclined to take C. L. [...] not informing us of the [...] don't hardly think he meant to cheat the news man out of an item.

[transcribed by V.M., August 2004 & A.N., February 2012]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
October 12, 1893

-Methodist Appointments. The Methodist conference recently held at Sioux City made many changes more than at any time for several years. The appointments for this district are as follows: Kingsley, Alonzo BROWN.
-We are sorry to learn of the serious illness of Mr. J.H. McCLEARY, who lives southwest of town. He was injured recently by a stacker falling upon him, and it is thought his trouble comes from injuries received. Mr. W.E. MILL is assisting in caring for him.

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Josiah Dorcas, of Tipton, Cedar county, who recently bought the M. F. Sigfried farm five miles northwest of Schaller, came last Friday to build a house on the place, but was called home by a telegram Monday, announcing the death of a brother.

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Married - At the home of the groom in south Schaller, Oct. 11, 1893, Rev. Gardner officiating, Mr. John P. Mill and Mrs. Brown, of South Dakota.

[transcribed by V.M., August 2004 & A.N., February 2012]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
October 19, 1893

F.M. McLAUGHLIN has been confined to the house since Saturday last, with malarial fever. He is getting some better and expects to be around before long.

[transcribed by V.M., August 2004]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
October 26, 1893

p 4 col 3
Born - To Marion Mills and wife on Thursday, Oct. 19, a bright baby girl. Mother and baby doing well, so says Grandma Mills, who is caring for the mother and little one.

[transcribed by A.N., February 2012]

Iowa Old Press
Sac County