Iowa Old Press

Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
Schaller, June 7, 1893

p 4 col 1
Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin, living on the B. A. Coy farm, in Cook township, are proud parents of a bright little girl that was born to them on Monday, June 5.

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A girl baby was born to Mr. and Mrs. M. Currie Tuesday, June 6.

Alex. Nicholson returned home Tuesday from an extended visit with his daughters and brothers and sister, at Chicago and the world's fair. He says it is beyond description, and thinks a person could devote a whole season at the fair and then not see it all.

Old Settlers Picnic
The thirteenth annual meeting of the old settlers associating will be held in Early, June 17, 1893. All are cordially invited to come and have a good time. Bring your baskets and have a picnic dinner. Committees are as follows:
Grounds - Orr Haradon, Warren Doane, Frank LeGrange, Weston Little and Lou Shaw.
Speakers - E. C. Fuller, A. L. Mason. D. S. Huston and T. Farquhar.
Music - E. H. Akerly, Mrs. J. C. Graham, and Mrs. Brinck.
Entertainment - Mr. and Mrs. G. Reeder, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mead, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. John McDonough, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sheley and Mr. and Mrs. A. Mason.
Mrs. D. S. Huston, Secretary

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
June 14, 1893

p 4 col 3
Wednesday, about eleven o'clock a.m., little Carl, the seven year old son of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Houltgren met a tragic death. In company with several other boys he was riding on a load of dirt in southeast Odebolt, and fell between the wheels of the wagon, one of the hind wheels passing over his neck killing him almost instantly. When the lifeless form of the little fellow was carried to his parent's home the scene was heartrending. His mother, who is sick in bed, was of course seriously affected and her husband, who is section foreman on the North-Western was several miles east of town and cold not reached by telegraph. A courier was immediately dispatched however, and about one o'clock the father arrived, to find the bright little one he left only a few hours before healthy and joyous, cold in death.

p 4 col 4
Special Election
Notice is hereby given to the qualified electors of the incorporated town of Schaller, Iowa, that on Saturday, June 24, 1893, will occur the special election asked for by petition to vote upon the question of bonding the town to put in a system of waterworks. Said election will be held between the hours of 9 o'clock a.m., and 6 o'clock p.m., of said day, at Hudson's Hall.
Dated at Schaller, Iowa, this 13th day of June, 1893.
Geo. S. Crandall, Mayor
H. A. McLaughlin, Recorder

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
June 21, 1893

p 4 col 2
Geo. Swartz and wife are the parents of a new boy born to them Tuesday morning.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
June 28, 1893

p 4 col 1
Alex. Nicholson had a steer killed by lightning during the storm last Friday.

p 4 col 2
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ellis, of Eden tp., are the happy parents of a boy baby born to them the latter part of last week.

Owing to some slight technicalities in the call for a special election two weeks ago, to vote upon the question of bonding the town for waterworks, it was found to be necessary for the council to take further action in the matter and to make plans and specifications for the information of the voters, before an election could be had that would be according to law, and upon which the bonds could be disposed of. The council will take this subject up at their regular meeting next Monday evening, and will call the election for about July 15.

p 4, col 3
Notice - All parties are hereby notified not to trust my wife, Anna M. Sears, on my accounts, as I will pay no bills of her contracting.
Schaller, Ia., June 26, 1893
J. M. Sears

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]

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