Iowa Old Press

Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
July 5, 1893

p. 4 col 3
On last Friday evening June 30, 1893, at the home of the bride, Mr. John C. Jones and Miss Laura E. Montgomery. The wedding was a quiet but pleasant affair, the relatives of the contracting parties only being present. Rev. A. Brown performed the impressive ceremony which joined these two young people for life, after which they received the congratulations of those present.

These young people need no introduction to our people as they are well and familiarly known to all. The bride has been our efficient deputy postmistress for the past three years and more, and has a wide acquaintance among the patrons of the office who will be ready to congratulate. The groom has been a resident of Schaller for three yeas, and by his close attention to business, and excellent gentlemanly bearing, has made for himself a large circle of friends.

[transcribed by A.N., December 2011]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
July 12, 1893

p. 4 col 2
One of the most destructive and life taking storms that has ever visited Iowa, passed through between this place and the Illinois Central road last Thursday afternoon. The damage in this section was principally to farmers who were unfortunate enough to be living in the path of the storm. The greatest destruction and loss of life was in the town of Pomeroy, about thirty-five miles east of here, which is practically blown from the face of the earth. The loss of life there alone is over half a hundred.

The path of the storm seems to have been variable, at times it was about a half mile wide while again in other places it would seemingly concentrate at some certain point and spend its fury there. Those who have seen the work of ruin and destruction wrought by the storm, say words fail to describe it. The call for help has met a liberal response all over our state, and a subscription paper circulated by E. D. Freeland on Monday, placed a relief fund of $100 in his hands for the sufferers at Pomeroy. Below we give a list of those who subscribed to the fund:
O. D. Freeland
J. W. Sargent
T. J. Andre
H. Hahne
H. J. Hahne
F. H. Hahne
J. H. Grohe
Jos. Nurre
C. F. Schroeder, $5.00 each
B. C. Dunkelberg, $3.75
G. F. Chandler
J. G. Baumier
E. R. Forney
C. Ruehl
Wm. Hahne
Wm. Hinton
F. M. Smith, $2.00 each
H. A. McLaughlin
J. N. Borah
Geo. W. King
Chas. Wells
Sterling Wells
C. W. Brimhall
G. W. Coolidge
A. H. Montgomery
J. C. Jones
Chas. Sommermeyer
Geo. S. Crandall
J. M. Sears
Jas. Hurley
M. C. Craven
J. G. Little
E. D. Monroe
Wm. Woodke
Chas. Martin
C. W. Turner
K. Armstrong
T. W. Coolidge
Mat Carey
D. T. Smethurst
F. M. McLaughlin
L. P. Nelson
Dr. E. G. Marten
F. Douglas
H. Luhman
A. Mammen
Wm. Wells
D. W. Smith
G. A. Mill, $1.00 each
Alex. Nicholson, $0.75 cents
O. D. West
E. W. Hendricks
H. Jones
F. G. Butler
Ed. Kyle
Chas. Woodke
H. E. Damero
Aug. Nelson
J. W. Brown, $0.50 cents
On Tuesday, Mr. Freeland went to Pomeroy with the donation and received the following receipt:
$100, Pomeroy State Bank, Pomeroy, Ia., July 11, 1893
Received from O. D. Freeland, Schaller, Ia., One hundred dollars, relief fund
No. 655
Pomeroy State Bank, Treas.
by E. J. Masters
Ass't. Cashier

On Tuesday, July 11, Rev. A. Brown performed the marriage ceremony at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Butler, which joined the lives of Mr. G. P. McGraw, of Pierson, and Miss Lutie Butler of this place. This announcement may not be a surprise to some as the fact was known for some little time, but notwithstanding, the parties have the well wishes of the whole place, as both are well and favorably known. The bride is one of Schaller's pretty young ladies, accomplished and highly esteemed by everyone, having for some time been a teacher in our public schools. The groom is a prosperous and enterprising young business man, having recently located at Pierson. The wedding was strictly "confidential," only a few of the most intimate friends being present. He and his worthy bride took their departure on the evening train for their new home at Pierson.

Born - to Mr. and Mrs. John Krouse, July 11, 1893, a girl. To Mr. and Mrs. Christ. Walker, July 11, 1893, a girl.

[transcribed by A.N., December 2011]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
July 19, 1893

p. 4 col 1
We unintentionally omitted to mention the fact last week that one of the brightest and prettiest little girls born, came to the house of Mr. and Mrs. Will Brown July 6.

p. 4 col 2
Twenty-Nine to Thirty-Four
The above is the result of yesterday's special election to determine whether or no we would bond the town for $4300 to put in a system of water works.

The vote was very light - only sixty-six being cast, and thirty-four of those being against the proposition, twenty-nine for it, and three who did not care how it went. Either the people had no interest in the question, and no thought of the morrow, or were entirely ignorant of the election. It does seem that when there is a question before the people which is so important and which so much concerns them individually and collectively, more of an interest should be taken. There should have been 200 or more votes polled yesterday and then if the majority were against the proposition we could then say it was the voice of the people, but the result of yesterday's election was nothing more or less than the voice of two or three.

Well, as the minority have set down on the water works question, something should still be done for fire protection. There is too much at risk to let the matter drop. If we expect men to come here and locate we must have some inducements to offer in the way of protection from fire if we expect them to put up buildings. As it is we are no better off than we were this time last year, and we will be no better off next year unless something is done. It might be well for the council to supply each business place with a large squirt gun and a bucket for use in case of fire, pending further action on the question of fire protection.

p. 4 col 3
Word was received here the other day that a boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Bickel, who are now living at Waterloo.

[transcribed by A.N., December 2011]

Iowa Old Press
Sac County