Iowa Old Press

Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
January 4, 1893

p 2
Wedding Anniversary
On Thursday last a number of relatives and friends with well-filled baskets gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Gibbins, it being the fifth anniversary of their marriage. After a few hours spent in pleasant chatting dinner was served after which the worthy couple were brought into the parlor and with a few well chosen remarks Mr. Geo. Gould presented them with a very fine rocking chair. The party then wished their host and hostess many happy years of prosperity and departed declaring that Will's rheumatism would probably be extended. - "One of 'Em"

Married - At Central Christian church, Des Moines, Iowa, Tuesday, Dec. 27, 1892, by Dr. H. O. Breeden, J. W. Jackson of Schaller, Iowa, to Miss Ella Groom, of Prairie City, Iowa.

Society in Schaller was considerably surprised to learn of the above occurrence which united the destinies of our popular principal and those of a most estimable Jasper county lady. Mr. Jackson has been principal of our public schools for two years, and has won the esteem and good will of all the people. The bride is Miss Ella Groom of Prairie City, and is a young lady of many excellent qualities and will receive a most cordial welcome to Schaller. Mrs. Jackson will take a place in the schools as an assistant. The growth of the schools has made this step necessary and the board have long contemplated a move of this kind, but have left the selection to Prof. Jackson, who we can assure, has made no mistake as we verily believe Jasper county produces some of the best girls in Iowa. We are ruled by one of 'em.

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-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Herman Jan. 3, 1893, a boy.
-A little boy put in an appearance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fowles on New Years day.
-Mr. and Mrs. Willard Alpaugh received a bright little girl Monday morning from the Orphan's House at Davenport, which it is their purpose to adopt.

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The sad news came last week to Mrs. P. W. Lashier that her brother, whose home was in Illinois, had died while in California, whither he had gone with hopes of regaining his health by a change of climate. He was the last one of her three brothers, and the news, coming as it does, casts a gloom over the home, when the season of the year betokens joy and gladness.

Last evening, Jan. 3, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Leland, occurred the marriage of Mr. D. O. New and Miss Lillie Burleigh, Rev. A. D. Finch officiating. Both parties have been residents of Schaller for many years, and are well and favorably known. A host of friends will unite with us in wishing them the best there is in their new relation.

A pleasant little company gathered at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Dunkelberg Saturday evening to commemorate the first anniversary of the wedding of the Doctor and his wife.

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Administrator's Notice - Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern: That on the 13 day of December, 1892, the undersigned was appointed by the District Court of Sac county, Iowa, Administrator of the estate of Edward Horsfield, deceased, late of said county. All persons indebted to said estate will make payment to the undersigned, and those having claims against the same will present them, legally authenticated, to the said Court for allowance.
Emily A. Horsfield, Administrator
Dated Dec. 13, 1892.

[unknown pgs or columns]
--Sheriff ALLEN was in town on official business yesterday.
--At the election of Sunday school officers, held Monday evening at the M.E. church the ones chosen were: Ora BROWN, Sec.
--Mr. C. E. MILL returned to his home at Columbus, Neb., Monday, his brother, E.J. MILL accompanied him. They go by way of Correctionville and Cherokee.
--W.E. MILL returned home from Correctionville Saturday noon, where he had been during the week assisting in the care of his son, Art MILL, who is quite low with lung fever.
--G.A.R.-Wm. D. Price post, No. 392, meets at 7:30 p.m. on second Saturday of each month in Masonite hall. E. MILL, Com.

[transcribed by V.M., Aug 2004 & A.N., November 2011]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
January 11, 1893

Arthur MILL, son of W.E., of Schaller, died at the home of his brother in Correctionville on Saturday morning.

[transcribed by V.M., Aug 2004]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
January 18, 1893

p 2 col 2
-A bright little girl is reported at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mos. Alderson since Saturday, Jan. 14.
-Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weegar desire to thank the friends who so kindly remembered them in the hour of affliction.

Mr. Wm. Merkley, of Canada, and Messrs. Isaac, Levi and M.M. Merkley of this place, and C.R. Merkley of Storm Lake, accompanied by their sisters, Mrs. Catherine Schell and Mrs. Maggie Seek, started last Friday evening for Alamakee county, to assist in the settlement of their father’s estate, which amounts to about $15,000. F.J. Brown and C.A. Irwin of Storm have been retained as attorneys in the case.

Last week Tuesday was the tenth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Kimball Armstrong, and the day was appropriately celebrated by these good people and a few relatives. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Platt Armstrong, father and mother, Alden Armstrong and family, from Lake View, and Del. Thayer and family from Rock Valley and Mr. and Mrs. Sam'l Monroe, father and mother of Mrs. Armstrong, together with their family. A very pleasant time was enjoyed and Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong were recipients of a number of useful and elegant presents that will serve as mementos of the happy occasion.

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DIED -- Arthur E. Mill, at the residence of W.R. Mill, in Correctionville, of pneumonia, Saturday, January 7, 1893, aged 18 years, 11 months and 28 days.

Mr. Mill was born in Pierce county, Wisconsin, and at an early age removed with his parents to Minnesota, and a few years later to Iowa, near Schaller, where he continued to reside until about five years ago, when he went to Correctionville, and since that time has made it home when not employed elsewhere. He early learned the printer’s trade, and for some months prior to his death had been working on the Mail at Moville. Some three weeks ago his brother received a telegram saying that he had been taken with pneumonia the night before and was seriously ill. Mr. Mill dispatched for him to come up on the evening train if able. He did so and was taken to his brother’s home where everything was done for his relief that medical skill and the most watchful care could accomplish. But all to no purpose, the disease had fastened itself upon him so firmly that no human agency could have any effect, and he passed away Saturday morning as stated above.

Mr. Mill was a young man of exemplary habits, amiable and obliging in disposition, and quickly won the respect and esteem of those with whom he associated. Just entering upon manhood, with bright prospects, his death is peculiarly sad and calls forth the warmest sympathy of the entire community for those who are left with a broken family circle.

Last Wednesday was the 80th birthday of Mr. C. C. Angier, and his neighbors made the occasion one to be pleasantly remembered by him. Aside from a heavily laden dinner table prepared for the guests in his honor, he was presented with a gold-headed cane. The event was gotten up as a surprise and it was a success. - Storm Lake Tribune.

Mr. Angier is the father of our townsman S. W. Angier, who arrived there on his way home from Rock Valley a little while after the party dispersed.
--TARDY ROLL: Fred Brown
--Through the generosity of Mr. Peter MILL The Herald finds its way into the home of Mr. And Mrs. Geo. W. LAYTON at Tripp, So. Dak.
--Mr. Wm. MERKLEY, of Canada, and Messes. Isaac, Levi and M.M. MERKLEY of this place, and C.R. MERKLEY of Storm Lake, accompanied by their sisters, Mrs. Catherine SCHELL and Mrs. Maggie SEEK, started last Friday evening for Alamakee county, to assist in the settlement of their father's estate, which amounts to about $15,000. F.J. BROWN and C.A. IRWIN of Storm have been retained as attorneys in the case.

[transcribed by V.M., Aug 2004 & A.N., November 2011]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
January 25, 1893

p 4 col 1
Word was received on Monday morning by Mr. J. F. Butler that his son Walter, at Fulton, Ill., had died on Sunday. He left on the noon train for that place to be at the funeral.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]

Iowa Old Press
Sac County