Iowa Old Press

Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
August 2, 1893

p 4 col 3
The Work of Relief
Mrs. C. O. Porter who has been deeply interested in aiding the cyclone sufferers, hands us the following statement of what she has done:
On July 12, collected for the cyclone suffers, clothing, bedding, dishes, cutlery and furniture, which were given in abundance by the ladies and business men of Schaller and vicinity. Those who paid cash were as follows:
Henry Hahne, $5.00
Mrs. Ivens, $1.50
Mrs. Joseph King, Sr., $2.00
Mrs. Henry Petit, 75 cents
Mrs. Goodman, 25 cents
F. G. Butler, 50 cents
Amounting to $10.00, which was equally divided among the sufferers. The ladies of the Christian church donated one new comfort and three sheets, also $6.05 in cash.
On July 25 the churches of Schaller united and gave an ice cream supper for the benefit of the sufferers which amounted to $12.74, and as they sent it to me for distribution I have done so according to my very best judgment, as follows:
J. M. Whitman, $10.00
T. J. Wall, $10.00
Edwin Wall, $10.00
J. Youngstrom, $10.00
Mrs. C. Totman, $9.04.
The donations were all thankfully received, and words fail to express their gratitude to the people for so kindly assisting them in this their time of need.

Dr. Dunkelberg and Wm. Hahne are each feeling considerably elated over the fact that to each was born a bright little baby, to the former a boy on Tuesday and to the latter a little girl on Saturday.

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We take the following notice from the Alexandria (Ont.) Glengarrian, which will be of interest to some of our readers:
An interesting and happy event took place last Tuesday evening at the residence of Dr. D. McIntosh being the marriage of Mr. John Gentry to Miss Maggie Cameron, daughter of the late Hugh Cameron. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. John McLeod, pastor of the Presbyterian church, in the presence of the immediate friends and relatives of the contracting parties. Many beautiful and valuable wedding presents were received by the bride. The happy couple left by the evening train for Schaller, Iowa, where they will make their home. At the station, which was crowded by friends who were on hand to give them a send off Mr. and Mrs. Gentry were greeted with showers of rice. Being both popular and highly respected by our citizens, the newly wedded pair have the best wishes of all for a happy and prosperous future.

[transcribed by A.N., January 2012]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
August 10, 1893

Rev. Brown and family are somewhat isolated from the general public, having quarantine restrictions placed over them on account of scarlet fever, which at present is attacking Master Guy. There will be regular services at the church next Sunday as usual. Rev. Cannon, of Galva, supplying the pulpit.

Mrs. Wm. Brown spent a week or more very pleasantly visiting at the home of her parents at Sac City. Will drove over Saturday evening and spent Sunday and Monday with them, and all returned home Monday evening.

H.B. Allen announces himself in The Herald this week as a candidate for renomination to the office of sheriff. Mr. Allen has filled the office in an acceptable manner for two terms, and has all the qualifications to carry on the work for another two years. His place is one that is hard to fill, as he is surely going to offend some. We believe Mr. Allen has done his duty conscientiously, and would continue upon that line if favored by the people.

p 4 col 3
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Markley, Wednesday, Aug. 9, a boy.

[transcribed by V.M., Aug 2004 & A.N., January 2012]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
August 17, 1893

Mr. and Mrs. F.M. McLaughlin left last evening for a trip up north. Mrs. McLaughlin and the children stopping at Sheldon. F.M. will extend his trip on up into the Dakotas.

p 4 col 3
Mrs. Eliza Sweringen [Swearingen?] died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Higgins, in Cook township, last Sunday afternoon. The funeral services were held at the M. E. church on Monday, conducted by the pastor from the Early church.

[transcribed by V.M., Aug 2004 & A.N., January 2012]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
August 24, 1893

p 4 col 4
Notice of Final Settlement
In the District Court of Iowa, in and for Sac County:
Notice is hereby given that on or before the 8th day of September, 1893, there will be filed in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Sac county, Iowa, the final report of H. E. Rowe, executor of the last will and testament of Gardner Rowe, deceased. That said report will be presented to the court for examination and approved on the second day of the September, 1893, term of court, to be begun and holden on the 18th day of September, 1893, at the court house in Sac City, Iowa. If said report is found correct the administrator will be discharged and his bond exonerated.
H. E. Rowe, Executor

[transcribed by A.N., January 2012]


Schaller Herald
Schaller, Sac co. Iowa
August 31, 1893

p 4 col 2
A young child of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Cave living south of town was buried here yesterday.

p 4 col 4
T. H. Broderick, more familiarly known as "Brod", died at his home in Carroll at 3:30 yesterday afternoon. He was one of the most popular and well known conductors on this line. He has been on this branch since the beginning and for the past eight years has been on the passenger run. His many friends will join with The Herald in sending a word of sympathy to the bereaved family. His death was caused from kidney troubles.

Married - At the home of the bride's parents in Cook township, Tuesday, August 29, 1893, Mr. Jos. Hahne to Miss Anna Peterson, Rev. Mcquarrie officiating. These young folks are well known to most of our readers, who will join with us in offering congratulations and best wishes. They immediately went to housekeeping on the farm west of town.

[transcribed by A.N., January 2012]

Iowa Old Press
Sac County