Iowa Old Press

Council Bluffs Nonpareil
Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie co., Iowa
Sunday, January 9, 1944

Group Holds “Session” at Benscoter Home
Miss Jean Benscoter entertained at a “Jam session” at her home Thursday evening, when guests enjoyed an evening of singing and dancing to the accompaniment of “Tiny” Thompson at the piano.

Guests at the session were Mrs. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Benscoter, Misses Anna Mae Thompson, Dorothy Smith, Virginia Holly and Betty Johnson, D. L. Walters, Bill Larsen and Jack Sellars.

Lt. and Mrs. Petrus to Be Honored While Here
Lt. and Mrs. J. Bernard Petrus, Jr., are expected here on Monday from Phoenix, Ariz., where Lt. Petrus was commissioned and received his wings in the army air corps at Williams Field on Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Petrus, sr., are planning a family dinner party Monday to honor their son and his wife, who are making their first visit here since their marriage at Santa Ana, Calif., in June.

Dr. and Mrs. C. Carson Bransby will be hosts at a family dinner on Tuesday night when their daughter and son-in-law will be the honor guests.

[transcribed by L.D., November 2014]

The Council Bluffs Nonpareil, Council Bluffs, Iowa, Wednesday, January 13, 1944, Page 7


E. S. Newton, recruiter in charge of the local naval recruiting station, announced Thursday the enlistment of one local man in the navy SRU, one in the regular navy, and four youths in the naval reserve.

George Hugh Cravens, 215 North Eighth street, has been enlisted in the SRU with the rating of boatswain mate 2/c (sailmaker) and is awaiting call to active duty.

The youths enlisted in the regular navy is Gerald Edward Peterson, son of Harry Peterson, Apartment A, 2801 Avenue A.

Those enlisted in the naval reserve include, Richard Wayne Howlette, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Howlette, 15 Oak street, Glenn Amos Cain, son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett B. Cain, Route 4; Ronald Clayton Moss, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe F. Moss, 2903 Sixth avenue; and Dan Edward Franks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Franks, Route 2.

[Transcribed by SRB, Jan. 2013]

The Council Bluffs Nonpareil, Council Bluffs, Iowa, Sunday, January16, 1944

Four Mothers Are Given Gold Stars 

Four navy mothers of Council Bluffs were awarded gold stars in honor of their sons who died in action at a special ceremony of the Bert Eugene McKeenan Navy Mothers Club of America Wednesday.

Those awarded gold stars were: Mrs. Mae McKeeman, 511 Stutsman street, in honor of Bert Eugene McKeeman; Mrs. Florence Edmundson, 1707 North Broadway, in honor of Bill Edmundson; Mrs. Flora Field, 1204 North Twenty-ninth street, in honor of John Field; and Mrs. Myrtle Ellsworth, 2120 Avenue B, in honor of Dale Ellsworth.

The presentations were made by Mrs. C. P. Kildahl, national commander, of Omaha.

[transcribed by LZ, Oct 2020]


Iowa Old Press
Pottawattamie County