Iowa Old Press

Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie Co., Iowa
July 19, 1933

Lotus Lake in Full Bloom in River Bottoms on Iowa Side Near Nebraska City
Shenandoah, July 19.--A "lotus lake" in the Missouri river bottoms on the Iowa side near Nebraska City is in full bloom. The magnificent flowers of creamy white are from ten inches to a foot across, while the olive green leaves are twenty inches to a foot in diameter. The flowers are all above the water as they do not float like water lilies. Before the old Waubonsie lake was drained it was one of the largest lotus beds in America, 700 acres of lotus, one of the most beautiful of America's wild flowers. Artists and lovers of wild flowers would climb the high bluffs by the lake and sit for hours enraptured by the beauty before them. If one wants to see the lotus in full bloom, the trip must not be too early in the morning or too late in the afternoon as the flowers close for the night like the water lily. It is supposed that the flowers were transplanted by the early Indians, who used the seed pods for rattles for the papoose. The roots taste like the sweet potato.

[transcribed by W.F., February 2008]

Iowa Old Press
Pottawattamie County