Iowa Old Press

Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie co., Iowa
April 2, 1914

The Death of Pat Maher. Citizen of Imogene Had Lived There Many Years
Imogene, Iowa, April 1, 1914.--In the death of Patrick Maher this community lost one of its earliest settlers. He had a large circle of relatives and acquaintances and was held in the highest esteen as a citizen and friend. Although Mr. Maher has been in poor health for several years, his recent illness was very brief. He was down town Tuesday but took seriously ill that night and passed away at 5:30 Friday morning. He was born in Kilkenny county, Ireland, April 8, 1855 , and came to America, when but a mere land of 14. His first residence was in Jackson county, Iowa. Thirty-five years ago this spring, Mr. Maher came to this vicinity and lived on his farm three and one-half miles north of here until three years ago when the family moved to Imogene. He leaves a widow, one son, Jerry Maher, three daughters, Mrs. Michael Martin, Mary and Anna Maher; a brother Thomas Maher, and many relatives and friends. Mr. Maher was of a sunny disposition and the high regard in which he was held was evidenced by the large number who came to the funeral service.
Funeral services were held Sunday morning in St. Patrick's church, conducted by the Rev. Father Hayes.
Those from out of the city who attended the services were Mr. and Mrs. Mat Lynch, Orient; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Doyle, South Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doyle and family, Omaha, and Patrick Kilmartin and son of Malvern.

[submitted by W.F., May 2004]

Iowa Old Press
Pottawattamie County