Iowa Old Press

Weekly Council Bluffs Bugle
Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie co., Iowa
Wednesday, June 15, 1859

S. B. Kirkland, of Saint John P. O., Harrison County, Iowa, has just shown us a parcel of quartz gold and gold quartz which he states he found about twenty miles in the mountains on the head waters of Vasquers Fork, directly west of this place. He has $1.70 which he says he panned from a single pan of dirt and rotten quartz rock. Where he found this lead it has a width of from six inches to two feet and the depth is unknown. The quartz is very rotten and the piece shown us literally glitter ad sparkles with particles of gold.-News.

Almost A Fire
On Sabbath evening last, one of those frightful accidents so often resulting from the use of Camphene, came near destroying one of the best brick blocks in this city (the Metropolitan block,) including a drug store, dry good’s store, U. S. Receiver’s office, and City Council Chamber, together with the County Treasurer and Recorder’s Office and other tenements adjoining.

The accident occurred in a room occupied as a Daguerrean Gallery, in the second story of the building, from filling a lamp with Camphene fluid, which, igniting by contact of the leakage with a burning match, exploded with the report of a small canon, and instantly the interior of the room was in a blaze; the flames seizing upon the cotton drapery about the chemicals and the dry frame which supported it, extended to the ceiling before a move could be made to extinguish them. Fortunately, assistance was promptly at the spot, and the imminent danger was averted, without further damage than that to the Daguerrean’s apartus.

This is another pregnant warning, among the thousands on record, against the use of an article which is more dangerous than gun powder. When will people learn wisdom? Or, must we wait for some more calamitous experience in the loss of life and property, for such prohibitory measures as the public safety require?

Poor Babbitt
Col. Babbitt, the editor-in-chief of the Council Bluffs Bugle, is very anxious to receive the nomination of the Democratic State Convention for Lieutenant Governor. This, however, is not at all surprising, for he is ALWAYS fishing for office, whenever there is one to be filled; but then connected with his wire pulling to secure the nomination of the approaching Democratic Convention, we happen to know something that is too good to be lost. A few days since, the Col. addressed a letter to a prominent Democrat in this city, who is a delegate to the State Convention, informing him of the very important fact that he wished to be nominated for Lieutenant Governor, and asking his support. But oh! cruel disappointment! His Democratic friend informed him that he could not support any man who had interested himself in inducing men to leave their homes and go off to the plains to suffer from the notorious Pike’s Peak humbug, of which the Bugle is one of the principle tools.-Served him right.-Winterset Madisonian.

We copy the above for the purpose of showing how desperate our political opponents are getting. Pike’s Peak, we suppose, is one of the issues that our Black Republican opponents rely upon for success. We have published and still continue to publish the news from the Peak as we find it in the Newspapers, and as we get it from reliable sources. If this be a political sin, we must plead guilty and come down; but we would ask if we as an editor of a paper are not expected to give the news from Pike’s Peak as well as from other points? If Pike’s Peak is a humbug (which we believe it is not) whose fault is it? Not ours. We published such letters and only such as we knew to be Genuine, and from men whose character, while residents here in Iowa, for truth and veracity was never questioned. Are we to be blamed for publishing their letters? – Does the editor of the Madisonian assume that we are? Does he hold himself responsible for the truth of every item of news that appears in his paper? We think he does not, and his futile and foolish attempt to create a little capital out of the above manufactured falsehood, we think will not be long in recoiling upon the head of its author.

In conclusion we will say that the man cannot be found in Iowa, who will say, and speak the truth, that we orally or by written communication, requested him to vote for us for Lieut. Governor. Nor has any man from Madison county, or any other county, informed us that he could not support us for the cause alleged above, or for any other cause.

The whole of the above statement from the Madisonian is without any foundation, and to call the author of it a LIAR, would be treating him with more respect than his standing in community entitles him to receive.

[transcribed by L.D., November 2014]

Iowa Old Press
Pottawattamie County