Iowa Old Press

The Des Moines Tribune, Saturday, March 4, 1944

Des Moines Flier Missing  

First Lieut. Donald MacDonald navigator in the army air forces has been missing in action since Feb. 12, according to word received recently by his wife, who lives at 1143 Eighteenth st.  In his last letter, which was sent from India, Lieutenant MacDonald wrote that he was going out on a bombing mission.

He had received a shrapnel wound in the left leg sometime in January, his wife stated.  But she believed he had fully recovered from that as he was discharged from the hospital the last of January.  Lieutenant MacDonald holds the purple heart award.

Enlisting shortly before Pearl Harbor, he received his wings and commission in December, 1942, at Hondo, Tex., and was sent overseas last September.

Lieutenant MacDonald, son of Mrs. Anna Burns MacDonald, 1048 Harding Road, came to Des Moines from Boston, Mass., in 1937.  He was employed several years by Allied Mutual Casualty Co.  He has two daughters, Shirley and Sue, who live at home.

Cosgrove, 26, Dies in Italy.

First Sergt. Thomas F. Cosgrove, 26, was killed in action Jan. 30 in Italy, the War Department informed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Cosgrove, 809 Fremont st., Friday.  On Thursday they had received a telegram that he was missing in action.

Sergeant Cosgrove had been wounded twice before and held the purple heart reward.  He was graduated from the high school at Hiteman, Ia, in 1934, and from Albia junior college in 1936.  He then came to Des Moines where he attended the American Institute of Business for a year and a half.

Leaving for Camp Claiborne, La., with the Iowa National Guard in February of 1941, he went overseas in April of 1942 and was stationed in Ireland, Scotland, North Africa and Italy.

Survivors, besides his parents, are two sisters, Mary Joe Cosgrove, who enlisted in the WAVES Saturday, and Mrs. W. D. Lindmark, of Des Moines, and a brother, Thomas, Moline, Ill.

[transcribed by L.Z., Jan 2020]

Des Moines Tribune
Des Moines, Polk co. Iowa
Thursday, March 9, 1944


George A. Maine, technician, fourth grade, was wounded Jan. 2, in action in Italy, and has been awarded the purple heart medal, according to word received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Maine, 3807 Fifth ave. Maine wrote that he was injured in the right leg.

Miss Sarah Dawson, yeoman, third class, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dawson, 1211 Twenty-first st., has been selected as an officer candidate in the WAVES. She left the first of week for indoctrination at the naval training school at Northampton, Mass. Yeoman Dawson has been stationed at the midshipman’s school at Chicago, Ill. Her mother is president of the Des Moines WAVES Mothers club.

Lieut. William F. Pinegar, son of Mrs. Eliza Pinegar, 815 E. Fifteenth st., has arrived at Perrin Field, Tex., as a basic flying instructor. Receiving his wings and commission at Altus, Okla., a month ago, Lieutenant Pinegar was in transition training at Liberal, Kan., before his transfer to Perrin Field.

Pvt. (f.c.) Bill R. Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd A. Walker, 2837 High st., is spending a 10-day delayed orders visit with his parents. He is being transferred from gunner’s school at Kingman, Ariz., to Salt Lake City, Utah.

Pvt. Joe Shield, of 832 Filmore st, has been graduated from the communications department of the armored school at Fort Knox, Ky.

Robert H. Hagen, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hagen, 1516 Twenty-fifth st., has been promoted from petty officer, first class to an ensign in the navy. Ensign Hagen has been on duty in the office of head of naval operations at Washington D.C., after having served four years aboard the flagship Tennessee and several months in the navy enlistment office at Los Angeles, Cal.

Two brothers also recently received promotions, Edward Hagen, navy pilot, has been promoted to a lieutenant. Pacific naval bomber squadron base, James Hagen, stationed at St. Louis, Mo., was given a sergeant’s rating.

Pvt. Ward Leete is spending a furlough in Des Moines after four months of active combat duty on Bougainville. Private Leete was wounded by machine gun fire in the left arm Dec. 17. He holds the purple heart award. After completing his furlough with his mother, Mrs. Kathryn Shawhan, 1206 Gratis ave., he will report to Schick General hospital at Clinton, Ia.

Max C. Martin, seaman, first class, husband of Mrs.. Nora E. Martin, 1411 Seventeenth st., has been graduated from the aviation machinists’ school at Norman, Okla..

Sergt. Merle J. Damman has returned to Camp Phillips, Kan., after a 10-day furlough with his wife, Mrs. Naomi Damman, 3010 E. Seventh st.

Joseph W. Bonner, seaman, second class, has returned to Farragut, Idaho, after visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arley R. Bonner, 2912 Indianapolis ave.

William D. Harbert, a graduate of Lincoln high school, recently won his navy wings and was commissioned an ensign at Pensacola, Fla. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Harbert, live in Norwalk, Ia. Ensign Harbert attended Capitol City Commercial college before he entered the service.

Pvt. (f.c.) Marion Spiller, son of Rev. and Mrs. E.. L. Spiller, 4018 E. Forty-fifth st., now is stationed in a rest camp after seeing action in the Marshall islands engagement.

Maj. Leonard A. Perdue, formerly with the 5th army engineers in Italy, has been transferred to Africa to take charge of the Natousa floating bridge school, he has informed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Coe A. Perdue, 713 School st. Major Perdue has just recovered from pneumonia, the letter said.

Pvt. (f.c.) John D. Sater, of Seymour Johnson Field, N. C., is visiting his wife and son at 116 E. Watrous ave., and parents Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sater, 118 E. Watrous ave.

John Lloyd, seaman, second class, has returned to Farragut, Idaho, after visiting his wife, Frances, and two children at 247 Dunham ave..

William J. Locke, seaman, first class, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Locke, 403 S. W. Kirkwood ave., was graduated recently from the aviation ordnance school at Norman, Okla.

Rollin K. Allsup, technician, fifth grade, has arrived safely in England, according to word received by friends in Des Moines. His wife, Geneva, lives in Waterloo, Ia.

[transcribed by L.Z., December 2017]

Iowa Old Press
Polk County